Developing SCOadmin applications

About this topic
        How this topic is organized
        Related information

SCOadmin system administration architecture
        Purpose of the SCOadmin environment
        SCOadmin architectural overview
                SCO Visual Tcl
                The SCOadmin services library
                The SCOadmin framework
                SCOadmin development tools

Writing a SCOadmin manager
        Using the SCOadmin manager template
        Initializing the manager
                Top level error trap
                Local host name
                Managed host name
                Help book (hook file)
        Building the main form
                Dimensions, borders, and alignment
                Main window label and title
                Menu bar
                        Host menu
                        Object menu
                        View menu
                        Options menu
                        Help menu
                Other menus
                Tool bar
                Status bar and point help
                Main list
        Entering the main procedure
        Processing errors
        Using secondary dialogs
                Widget alignment
                Dialog boxes
        Navigating in character mode
        Using print controls
        Exiting the application
        Interfacing with object service agents (OSAs)
                Object call example
                Checking for errors
                Object definitions and attributes
                Object options
        Localizing your manager
        Productization and installation
                Create the SCOadmin manager (object) directory
                Register/add the manager to the SCOadmin hierarchy
                Registering OSAs and classes
                        OSA registration
                        Class registration
        Summary of standard functions
        About SCOadmin error handling
                Error management guidelines

Designing SCOadmin object service agents
        About object service agents
                Benefits of using an OSA
                SCOadmin object classes
                The OSA builder
        Example class
        Creating an OSA with the OSA builder
                Step 1: Create the new class
                Step 2: Define the class attributes
                About attributes
                Step 3: Define containment (relationships to other classes)
                Step 4: Grouping attributes
                Step 5: Define the execution procedures
                        About execution procedures
                Step 6: Implement the execution procedures
                Step 7: Create and register your OSA
                        Example: class registration
                        Example: OSA registration
        UUCP configuration execution procedures

Creating SCOadmin wizards
        The wizard framework
        Screen layout
                Data collection window
                Error dialogs
                Confirmation window
                Window traversal
                Help button
        Wizard specification file
                Wizard array description
                Page array description
                Warning array description
        Example wizard

Using the SCOadmin internationalization facility
        Understanding message catalogs
        Creating a module ID declaration file
                Module ID format
                Module ID file format
        Creating a message specification file (*.msg)
                Message ID naming
                Message file format
        Compiling a message file
        Compiling message catalogs into your application

OSA reference
        OSAs and the Server API
        Creating class definition tables
                Attribute definition table (ADT)
                Operation definition table (ODT)
                Group definition table (GDT)
                Subordinates definition table (SDT)
                Binding class definitions to the Server API
        Defining execution procedures
                Application procedures
                        Attribute operations
                        Object operations
                        Action operations
                Filter procedures
                List procedures
                Helper procedures
        BMIP request processor
                Advanced scoping
        Containment and scoping
        Return values
                Return Value Structures
                Error checking
                        During validation stage
                        During application stage
                Execution procedure data structures
                        Library functions
        Example tables and procedures
                Example Attribute Definition Tables (ADT)
                Example Operation Definition Tables (ODT)
                Example Group Definition Tables (GDT)
                Example Subordinates Definition Tables (SDT)
                Example Class Definition Tables (CDT)
                Example helper functions and procedures (C/C++)
                Example helper functions and procedures (Tcl)
                Example request processors

Creating context-sensitive help
        Dumping the widget sums
        Creating a help topic
        Creating the hook file
        Adding a help topic to the system
        Testing your help topic