OSA reference

Operation definition table (ODT)

An operation definition table (ODT) defines how each operation is applied to an instance of the object class.

Operation definition table

get user_get attribute
add user_add attribute
remove user_remove attribute
replace user_set attribute
replaceWithDefault user_set attribute
create user_create object
delete user_delete object
action user_action object
filter user_filter attribute

column 1: operation
a keyword name for an operation. Can be one of: get, replace, replaceWithDefault, add, remove, create, delete, action, filter, list. (create, delete, and action can only be used with object type, and filter with attribute type - see column 3).

column 2: procedure
name of (Tcl) or pointer to (C/C++) a function. More than one operation can share a called procedure.

column 3: target
can be: object or attribute. Identifies what is to be acted upon by the procedure: if ``object'', the procedure will be called once, and all attributes specified on the command line must be processed; if ``attribute'', the procedure will be called once per attribute per object on the command line (this allows each attribute to be handled individually). Operations performed on object must change the object without errors or leave it unchanged; operations on attributes will be done regardless of the success of preceding or following calls.
In the example, both the operations replace and replaceWithDefault apply the function user_set to an attribute.

For more information, see ``Example Operation Definition Tables (ODT)''.

Next topic: Group definition table (GDT)
Previous topic: Attribute definition table (ADT)

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005