
mkdev -- call scripts to add peripheral devices


/etc/mkdev apc
/etc/mkdev cdrom
/etc/mkdev cf
/etc/mkdev dcu
/etc/mkdev dda
/etc/mkdev dos
/etc/mkdev dtfs
/etc/mkdev fd
/etc/mkdev flopti
/etc/mkdev fs [ device file ]
/etc/mkdev hd
/etc/mkdev high-sierra
/etc/mkdev hpnp
/etc/mkdev hpps
/etc/mkdev htfs
/etc/mkdev ida
/etc/mkdev ipfilter
/etc/mkdev juke
/etc/mkdev lp
/etc/mkdev ls120
/etc/mkdev mmdf
/etc/mkdev modem
/etc/mkdev mouse
/etc/mkdev mpio
/etc/mkdev mysql
/etc/mkdev parallel
/etc/mkdev pgsql
/etc/mkdev pm
/etc/mkdev ptty
/etc/mkdev rlp
/etc/mkdev rstmp
/etc/mkdev samba
/etc/mkdev serial
/etc/mkdev shl
/etc/mkdev snmp
/etc/mkdev streams
/etc/mkdev tape
/etc/mkdev tcp (obsolete)
/etc/mkdev vpixld
/etc/mkdev xenix


mkdev creates the device file(s) associated with a peripheral device and may perform other system configuration. Based on the argument supplied, the mkdev command calls a script found in the directory /usr/lib/mkdev. (There may be scripts found in this directory that are specific to a given application or software package that are not documented here.) If no arguments are listed, mkdev prints a usage message.

mkdev apc
add or remove support for American Power Corporation uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs).

The installation process adds the script S99apcssd to the /etc/rc2.d directory. This script starts the UPS serial port monitoring daemon ssd (/usr/lib/apc/ssd) when the system goes to multiuser mode.

When prompted, enter the full pathname of the modem control device (for example, /dev/tty1A or /dev/tty2A) and the expected battery life (default is 300 seconds). This information is written to the file /usr/lib/apc/ssd.ini which ssd reads when it starts.

For the correct cable, contact your UPS manufacturer. The cable required to use this UPS monitoring product on an American Power Conversion UPS is APC part number 940-0023A. For further information on APC UPSs, call 800-890-4APC (US and Canada) or 401-789-5735 (international).

mkdev cdrom
Displays an informational message. In SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0, mass storage devices are automatically configured when the system is booted.

mkdev dcu
runs the Device Configuration Utility (DCU) to configure system-wide hardware parameters.

mkdev dos
Displays an informational message. DOS FAT 16 mountable filesystems are supported by default in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev cf
configure the sendmail(ADMN) mailer program.

mkdev dda
Displays an informational message. SCO® VP/ix® Direct Access is not supported in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev dtfs
Displays an informational message. The DTFS filesystem is not supported in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev fd
create filesystem floppy disks (see fd(HW)), and bootable, rootable media.

Several floppies can be created during a single mkdev fd session, but mkdev does not display a prompt to remove the first floppy and insert the next one. Insert the next floppy when mkdev prompts ``Would you like to format the floppy first? (y/n).''

mkdev flopti
Displays an informational message. In SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0, mass storage devices are automatically configured when the system is booted.

mkdev fs
performs the system maintenance tasks required to add a new filesystem to the system after the device is configured using mkdev hd. Use of this command is not recommended; use the SCOAdmin Filesystem Manager instead. mkdev fs creates the mountpoint and lost+found directory, and reserves slots in the lost+found directory, (if either already exist, they are used unmodified) and modifies /etc/checklist, /etc/default/filesys and /etc/default to check using fsck(ADM) and mount the filesystem using mount(ADM) or mnt(C) as appropriate.

mkdev hd
add a hard disk to the system by configuring the disk using devattr(ADM), divvy(ADM), and fdisk(ADM) to create standard filesystem partitions and divisions. See also disk(HW), usb(HW) hd(HW). Also see ``Known Problems'', below.

mkdev high-sierra
Displays an informational message. CD-ROM filesystems are supported by default.

mkdev hpnp
add HP Network Printer support software and runs the HP Network Printer configuration script (see hpnpcfg(ADM)).

mkdev hpps
Displays an informational message. The High Performance Pipe System (HPPS) is obsolete and is no longer supported.

mkdev htfs
Displays an informational message. HTFS filesystem support is configured by default.

mkdev ida
Displays an informational message. Mass storage devices are automatically configured when the system is booted.

mkdev ipfilter
configure IP Filter file suitable for use in a firewall environment. (see ipf(ADMP) for more details).

mkdev juke
Displays an informational message. Mass storage devices are automatically configured when the system is booted.

mkdev layers
Displays an informational message. AT&T tty5620 Terminal Layers are obsolete and no longer supported.

mkdev lp
add or modify a printer configuration; invokes the SCOadmin Printer Manager.

mkdev ls120
Displays an informational message. Mass storage devices are automatically configured when the system is booted.

mkdev mmdf
alter the MMDF configuration; invokes the SCOadmin MMDF Configuration Manager.

mkdev modem
invokes the SCOadmin Modem Manager.

mkdev mouse
initialize necessary devices and configures the system to use any supported mouse; see mouse(HW) and mouseadmin(ADM).

mkdev mpio
enables and disables the Multi-Path I/O (MPIO) support in the kernel for disk devices. MPIO allows multiple Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) to be connected to the same bus and multi-ported devices, providing the ability to balance the I/O load across several devices, as well as providing a failover capability for high-availability applications. Once enabled, the MPIO driver attempts to use all paths and load-balance I/O across all controllers. Use the sdipath command to list paths and control which paths are active. See sdipath(ADM) for more information.

mkdev mysql
configure MySQL for use.

mkdev parallel
displays an informational message. Parallel ports are configured automatically in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev pgsql
configure PostgreSQL for use.

mkdev pm
displays an informational message. Advanced Power Management is not supported in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev ptty
1024 pseudo ttys (512 regular, 512 SCO) are configured automatically. This command displays the following menu which allows you to display and change the current pseudo tty configuration:
    Pseudo ttys Configuration Program

    1. Add regular Pseudo ttys
    2. Remove regular Pseudo ttys
    3. Add SCO Pseudo ttys
    4. Remove SCO Pseudo ttys
    5. Number of Pseudo ttys configured

    Select an option or enter q to quit:

mkdev rlp
configure remote printing using the lpd protocol.

mkdev rstmp
configure the EMC Symmetrix Disk Restamp Driver for EMC Symmetrix RAID storage systems. Should be configured only when an EMC Symmetrix RAID storage device is attached to the system. There are no tunables or external APIs for this driver.

mkdev samba
Activate and configure Samba for use.

Note that after running mkdev samba, run the Samba Swat utility to perform additional configuration.

mkdev serial
Create device files for use with serial cards (see serial(HW)).

The device files for the first and second ports already exist. Additional device files must be created for the ports added when expansion cards are added to the system.

mkdev shl
Displays an informational message. AT&T. Shell Layers are not supported in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev snmp
initialize SNMP configuration.

mkdev streams
Displays an informational message. STREAMS support is configured by default in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev tape
Displays an informational message. In SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0, mass storage devices are automatically configured when the system is booted.

mkdev tcp
obsolete command: use netconfig(ADM) instead.

mkdev vpixld
Displays an informational message. SCO VP/ix Line Discipline is not supported in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

mkdev xenix
Displays an informational message. XENIX filesystems are not supported in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

The mkdev scripts prompt for any necessary information.


location of scripts invoked by mkdev

Known Problems

It is possible for mkdev hd to display information for disks that have been physically disconnected from the system. This typically happens when a disk that was not configured is disconnected; or, when a configured disk is intentionally erased (e.g., using the dd command) and then disconnected. mkdev hd may still display information for the disconnected disk. The sdiconfig -l command may also show duplicate disk entries for existing disks. Note that existing disks and any duplicate entries for existing disks perform correctly no matter which entries you choose; the duplicate and non-existent entries are the only problem. The workaround is as follows:

  1. Run the following command repeatedly until it fails:
       # resmgr -r -m vtoc

  2. Enter the following commands:
       # /etc/conf/bin/idconfupdate -f
       # reboot
After the system reboots, mkdev hd and sdiconfig will report the disk configuration correctly.

See also

devattr(ADM), divvy(ADM), dparam(ADM), fd(HW), fdisk(ADM), filesys(F), format(C), hd(HW), jukebox(HW), lp(HW), mkfs(ADM), mknod(C), mount(ADM), mscsi(F), pipe(ADM), rc2(ADM), scsi(HW), serial(HW), Sflp(HW), usemouse(C), tape(HW), usb(HW)

Standards conformance

mkdev is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The SCO OpenServer Group, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005