Panorama (xdt3) Desktop resources

Resources for controlling Desktop appearance and behavior

The following resources control the default appearance and behavior of the Desktop, and to a certain degree, desktop windows:

Desktop resources

Name Class Value type Default
desktop.menubar Desktop.Menubar menu rule DesktopMenuBar
exitConfirmEnabled ExitConfirmEnabled true/false true
exitEnabled ExitEnabled true/false true
exitOnClose ExitOnClose string main
iconGrid.aisleWidth IconGrid.AisleWidth pixels 4
iconGrid.xOffset IconGrid.XOffset pixels 2
Maindt.geometry Desktop.Geometry [widthxheight][±xoff±yoff] unspecified
isRoot IsRoot true/false true
isRoot.borderColor IsRoot.BorderColor color white
isRoot.borderWidth IsRoot.BorderWidth pixels 4
isRoot.focusToggle IsRoot.FocusToggle key sequence Shift Alt<Key>F2

NOTE: The Desktop is an XmPrimitive widget called base. It has an ancestor that is an XmForm widget called desktop. These elements may be included in resource specifications to change the bitmap patterns and colors of individual portions of the Desktop.

The resources listed in ``Desktop resources'' are described in more detail below:

desktop.menubar (Class: Desktop.Menubar)
This resource specifies the menu rule, located in the system rule file, that defines the contents of the Desktop menu bar. The default value is ``DesktopMenuBar.'' See ``Configuring Panorama (xdt3) Desktop menus'' for more information on menu rules and Desktop menu bars.

exitConfirmEnabled (Class: ExitConfirmEnabled)
This resource specifies whether or not you are prompted to confirm an exit from the Desktop. A ``true'' value, which is also the default value, prompts you to confirm the exit. If the exitEnabled resource is set to ``false,'' this resource is ignored. This resource is also ignored if the isRoot resource is set to ``true.''

exitEnabled (Class: ExitEnabled)
This resource specifies whether or not you can log out from the Desktop. The default value for this resource is ``true.'' This resource is ignored if the isRoot resource is set to ``true.''

exitOnClose (Class: ExitOnClose)
This resource specifies some controls over conditions under which you can exit the Desktop. The following values can be used:

The default value for this resource is ``main.''

iconGrid.aisleWidth (Class: IconGrid.AisleWidth)
This resource specifies the number of pixels that exists between xdt3 icons when they are laid out in grid positions. The default value is 4 pixels.

iconGrid.xOffset (Class: IconGrid.XOffset)
This resource specifies the width, in pixels, of the left hand margin when laying out xdt3 icons in grid positions. The default value is 2 pixels.

Maindt.geometry (Class: Maindt.Geometry)
You can use the Maindt.geometry resource to determine the size and location of the Desktop. You can also assign this resource with the name of a different desktop window, to specify its size and location. For example, to resize a desktop window called spreadsheet.dt, you would specify the spreadsheetdt.Geometry resource.

This resource takes the value [widthxheight][±xoff±yoff], where width and height represent the size of the window in pixels and ±xoff and ±yoff represent the x and y coordinates of the window.

isRoot (Class: IsRoot)
This resource specifies whether or not the Desktop occupies the Root window. If this resource is set to ``true,'' the Desktop is expanded to cover the entire Root window. If this resource is set to ``false,'' the Desktop is displayed in a window.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you change this behavior using the Desktop Preferences Editor instead of modifying this resource. See ``Using the Preferences Editor''.

isRoot.borderColor (Class: IsRoot.BorderColor)
This resource specifies the color of the border that is displayed around the Desktop. The default value is ``white.''

isRoot.borderWidth (Class: IsRoot.BorderWidth)
This resource specifies the thickness, in pixels, of the border that is displayed around the Desktop. The default value is 4 pixels.

isRoot.focusToggle (Class: IsRoot.FocusToggle)
This resource specifies the key combination that enables the Desktop to grab the keyboard focus. The default value is ``<Shift><Alt><F2>,'' which is specified as ``Shift Alt<Key>F2''.

If the isRoot resource is set to ``true,'' you must assign a key to toggle the keyboard focus, otherwise you cannot use the xdt3 menu accelerators or answer prompts on the Desktop.

Next topic: Resources for controlling directory appearance and behavior
Previous topic: Icon label resources

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005