
deskshell -- syntax and control constructs of the Deskshell command language


Deskshell is a command language that allows you to manipulate most aspects of the Desktop. The Deskshell script language is used to specify the actions to be performed in a trigger_action, drop_in_action, initial_actions, final_actions, or menu_item rule or within an object script. For more information on rules, rule files, and objects, see the Graphical Environment Guide.

Deskshell commands and scripts can define actions to be taken when:

Deskshell offers a flexible range of control structures and a wide selection of commands. Deskshell provides the same basic functionality as the UNIX® Bourne shell language.

Although regular UNIX commands and shell scripts can be used instead of Deskshell commands, Deskshell is recommended for the following reasons:

For information on Deskshell commands, see the deskcommands(XC) manual page.

Deskshell syntax

Deskshell syntax is very similar to Bourne shell language. Deskshell is a command interpreter, not a macro interpreter. This distinction, along with Deskshell's simpler syntax, eliminates some of the more awkward elements of Bourne shell syntax.

For example, Deskshell avoids the four different types of quoting and the need for exponentially growing numbers of backslashes that are sometimes necessary in Bourne shell language. The discussion on Deskshell syntax describes how to use strings, variables, and operators in Deskshell.

Deskshell strings

An unquoted string is interpreted to be a sequence of characters. The following characters have global meanings in Deskshell and are therefore restricted.

An unquoted string cannot contain or begin with the following characters:

space, tab, or newline


( )

{ }

less than

greater than






An unquoted string cannot begin with the following characters:


The following characters are reserved for later wildcard processing:


open bracket

close bracket

question mark

Quoting in Deskshell

Unlike Bourne shell language, which includes four different kinds of quoting, Deskshell achieves the same functionality using only one kind of quoting: single quotes. Text within single quotes is uninterpreted by Deskshell. Quoting is only necessary to allow the special Deskshell characters to be treated literally.

After a piece of text has been interpreted by Deskshell, it is never interpreted again. For example, the values of variables are never interpreted and so can safely hold places.

NOTE: To include a single quote in quoted text, the single quote should be repeated.
   echo 'Can''t delete file.'

Values in Deskshell

All values are represented in Deskshell as strings, which are converted into numbers or Boolean values when required in specific contexts. Because all Deskshell variables are strings, Deskshell does not require variable ``typing''.

When strings are converted to numbers, the first non-digit is taken as the end of the number and remaining characters are ignored. Strings starting with a minus sign ``-'' have an undefined value.

When numbers or strings are converted to Boolean values, zero is taken as true and non-zero values are false. A list of numbers or strings is true if every element is zero and false if any element is non-zero.

Numbers are converted to strings in conventional decimal representation.

The preceding principles are illustrated by the following examples:

String Number Boolean
val 0 true
12X24 12 false
(val 2 3) (0 2 3) false

 |String    | Number  | Boolean |
 |val       | 0       | true    |
 |12X24     | 12      | false   |
 |(val 2 3) | (0 2 3) | false   |

Deskshell variables

Each Deskshell variable can have a list of strings as its value (Bourne shell supports only one string per variable).

A list is represented by enclosing a sequence of strings in parentheses, for example:

(mon tues wed thur fri sat sun)

is a list of seven strings.

NOTE: ( ) is an empty list with no elements.

Environment variables

When Deskshell starts, the value of each environment variables is copied into a Deskshell variable of the same name. For example, the $PATH environment variable is copied into the Deskshell path variable. The path variable is a list of strings with a space-separated string for each path element. All other variables are set to contain no strings.

Special variables

The following special variables are provided in Deskshell and therefore reserved:

Variable Value
static_arg the static object in canonical (unambiguous) form
dynamic_args a list of the dynamic objects in canonical form
* the elements of dynamic_args
s_desktop, d_desktop the name of the open desktops that the static and dynamic arguments are on, if any
s_position, d_position the position of the static or dynamic argument, or V if there is more than one argument
s_obj_type, d_obj_types the object types of the static and dynamic arguments, respectively
trigger the trigger name
desktop_name the name of the desktop

 |Variable                | Value                                       |
 |static_arg              | the static object in canonical              |
 |                        | (unambiguous) form                          |
 |dynamic_args            | a list of the dynamic objects in canonical  |
 |                        | form                                        |
 |*                       | the elements of dynamic_args                |
 |s_desktop, d_desktop    | the name of the open desktops that the      |
 |                        | static and dynamic arguments are on, if any |
 |s_position, d_position  | the position of the static or dynamic       |
 |                        | argument, or V if there is more than one    |
 |                        | argument                                    |
 |s_obj_type, d_obj_types | the object types of the static and dynamic  |
 |                        | arguments, respectively                     |
 |trigger                 | the trigger name                            |
 |desktop_name            | the name of the desktop                     |
For a full description of these variables, see ``Deskshell variable descriptions''.

Variable names

Variable names can consist of any sequence of letters, digits, and underscores; but they cannot start with a digit. You should not define variables that are the same as environment variables or one of the special Deskshell variables.

Variables are assigned with the equals (=) operator. For example,

days=(mon tues wed thur fri sat sun)

sets days to the list of seven strings.

Variable substitutions

The value of a variable can be substituted into a Deskshell script with:


and the number of strings in a variable with:


A subset of the value can be generated by placing appropriate subscripts in parentheses after the name. For example, the assignment:

days=(mon tues wed thur fri sat sun)

and the command:

echo $#days

will produce ``7'', while the command:

echo $days(3 1 3)

will produce:

``wed mon wed''

as will:

echo $days(3 0 1 8 3)

Function arguments

The special name * holds the list of arguments to the current function. For convenience, the forms $1, $2 ..., can be used as abbreviations for $*(1), the first argument; $*(2), the second argument, ...

Deskshell operators and script delimiters

The following table lists the operators and script delimiters provided in Deskshell:

Operator/Delimiter Description
= assignment
<, >, and >> redirection
<< here-document
`(backquote) substitution
^(circumflex) catenation
| pipeline
%//, # comment
&&, ||, &, and ; sequencing

 |Operator/Delimiter | Description                      |
 |=                  | assignment                       |
 |<, >, and >>       | redirection                      |
 |<<                 | here-document                    |
 |`(backquote)       | substitution                     |
 |^(circumflex)      | catenation                       |
 ||                  | pipeline                         |
 |%//, #             | comment                          |
 |&&, ||, &, and ;   | sequencing                       |
These operators and delimiters are explained in more detail in the following sections. For a full description of each, see ``Deskshell operator and script delimiter descriptions''.

Assignments =

The assignment operator (=) assigns a list value to a variable. For example,

foo=(1 1 2 3 5)

assigns the list (1 1 2 3 5) to the variable foo.

Redirections <, >, and >>

A redirection causes a file descriptor to be redirected to a different file. The following options are available:

The file is opened on descriptor 0 for reading only; it must already exist.

The file is opened on descriptor 1 for writing and is truncated; it is created if necessary and will be overwritten if it exists.

The file is opened on descriptor 1 for append only; it is created if necessary and will not be overwritten if it exists.

The following variants are available for each redirection; in each case < can be replaced by > or >>.

Variant Description
<filename Read from filename
<[number] filename Read from filename on descriptor number
<[new = number] Make new a duplicate of number
<[number =] Close descriptor number

 |Variant            | Description                             |
 |<filename          | Read from filename                      |
 |<[number] filename | Read from filename on descriptor number |
 |<[new = number]    | Make new a duplicate of number          |
 |<[number =]        | Close descriptor number                 |

Here-documents <<

The expression: <<name or <<[number] name causes text to be read from the script until name is found on a line of its own; the text is written to a temporary file, and then rewound and opened for reading on the specified descriptor number.

Substitutions `

Many Deskshell and UNIX commands perform an action and print a result. You can trap the output of such a command, and use it in a Deskshell script with the backquote ```'' operator.

For example,

size= `{ls -s $1}

assigns the string representing the size and name of the file in the variable $1 to the variable size.

NOTE: The use of the curly braces causes another process to be run.

Certain Deskshell commands generate text output. These may be used directly, without requiring a separate process. For example,

var=`(basename $list)

which sets var to a list of the basenames of the files in $list without requiring another process to be run.

Command substitution can be nested to any depth.

NOTE: No final backquote (`) is needed to end the substitution.

Catenations ^

Two words or lists can be catenated or joined together using the circumflex (^) character. Lists can only be catenated if they both contain the same number of elements, or if one of them only contains one element or is empty, as illustrated in the following examples:

a b a^b
w x wx
w (x y z) (wx wy wz)
(w x y) (a b c) (wa xb yc)
(w x y) ( ) (w x y)
(w x y) (a b) illegal

 |a       | b       | a^b        |
 |w       | x       | wx         |
 |w       | (x y z) | (wx wy wz) |
 |(w x y) | (a b c) | (wa xb yc) |
 |(w x y) | ( )     | (w x y)    |
 |(w x y) | (a b)   | illegal    |
Several catenations can be included in one expression, as in:

s.^(in proc out)^.main.^(c h s)

which evaluates to:

( s.proc.main.h s.out.main.s)

Deskshell allows circumflexes to be omitted in a few common cases. For example, the strict form


can be written as



Pipelines |

A pipeline consists either of a single command or several commands separated by pipe descriptors. A pipe descriptor consists of one of the following character sequences:

|[number1 = number2]

If number2 is omitted, it is equivalent to specifying zero. If both number1 and number2 and brackets are omitted, it is equivalent to specifying |[1=0]. White space can safely be inserted around the descriptor.

If there is only one command, it is executed directly by Deskshell. If there is more than one, then one child thread is created for each command. These are connected by pipes, one per pipe descriptor; none of the pipelines is executed by the original thread. number1 is the file descriptor to be connected to the writing end of the pipeline, and number2 is to be connected to the reading end of the pipe.

When a pipeline is executed, Deskshell waits for all the children to terminate. The individual statuses are converted to strings, and these are all stored in the status variable, in the same order as the commands in the pipeline. For example, the pipeline:

true | false

generates the status (0 1).

Comments %//, #

The ``%//'' delimiter defines comments in rules clauses and ``#'' defines comments in Deskshell scripts.

If a comment character occurs at what would be the start of an unquoted string, then the comment character, and all characters up to (but excluding) the next newline, are ignored. A comment character within an unquoted string is treated like any other character.

Scripts and sequences &&, ||, & , and ;

A script is made up of one or more sequences, separated by the delimiters ampersand (&) and semi-colon (;). A sequence is made up of one or more pipelines, separated by the delimiters double ampersand (&&) and double bar (||). Each of these delimiters can be surrounded by white space.

A sequence is executed by conditionally executing each pipeline in turn. The first pipeline in the sequence is always executed. Every other pipeline is executed if the preceding delimiter is ``&&'' and the status is true, or if the preceding delimiter is ``||'' and the status is false. A pipeline can be executed even if the previous one is not.

The status of a sequence is that of the last pipeline executed.

A script is executed by each of its constituent sequences. If the command sequence is terminated by ``&'', then it is executed in a child thread with fd 0 set to /dev/null, and its returned status is ignored. In the parent thread, the name of the child thread is placed in the variable last_background_action; the parent does not wait for the child to terminate. If the sequence is terminated by a semicolon, it is executed in this thread.

Deskshell control constructs

Deskshell offers most of the control flow structures and commands provided by the Bourne shell. Deskshell provides the following control constructs:

executes a script depending on the value of the variable

terminates a thread

executes a script for each value of a variable in a specified list

defines a function

executes a script if a condition is true

returns from a function

executes a script until a condition is true

executes a script while a condition is true
For a more detailed description of each construct, see ``Deskshell script control construct descriptions''.

Deskshell function definitions

The command function assigns a function name to a script. The function command has the following syntax:

function name {script}

It assigns name to the script.

This assignment can be canceled with:

function name;

The script is not evaluated at this point, although it will be parsed and any syntax errors detected.

Deskshell status variable

When a Deskshell command is executed, it generates a numerical status between 0 and 1023.

When a command is executed and generates a status, that status is converted to a string and stored in the variable status. When a pipeline is executed, the individual statuses are collected, and the strings all stored in the variable status, in the same order as the commands in the pipeline.

For more information on the status variable, see ``status''. For information on the returned statuses for specific commands, see the deskcommands(XC) manual page.

NOTE: Certain built-in Deskshell commands and the function command do not return a status.

Deskshell variable descriptions

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the Deskshell variables:

* (variable)

The list of arguments to a function or action.


The variable * is set in the following situations:

Situation Result
within a function, or script executed by source the list of arguments to the function call, or source command
within a thread created by an actions_of or menu_actions_of command the dynamic arguments; identical to dynamic_args
for the duration of the script executed by a do_actions_of or do_menu_actions_of command the dynamic arguments; identical to dynamic_args

 |Situation                | Result                 |
 |within a function, or    | the list of arguments  |
 |script executed by       | to the function call,  |
 |source                   | or source command      |
 |within a thread created  | the dynamic arguments; |
 |by an actions_of or      | identical to           |
 |menu_actions_of command  | dynamic_args           |
 |for the duration of the  | the dynamic arguments; |
 |script executed by a     | identical to           |
 |do_actions_of or         | dynamic_args           |
 |do_menu_actions_of       |                        |
 |command                  |                        |

The variable * is used implicitly in a for construct.
   for i in *

is equivalent to:

   for i


The name of the open desktop containing the dropped icon.


The variable is set for threads run as a result of trigger actions and menu actions to give the desktop that the first dynamic argument, $dynamic_args(1), resides in.


The following example defines a Putback icon which puts icons dropped from a desktop back onto it:
      Putback /F

trigger_action: d* { put_back $dynamic_args -d $d_desktop } } }


The nominal position of the first dynamic object.


This variable is set in threads run as the result of a trigger action to give the position in the window of the first dynamic argument. See desktop_layout for details of how the position is specified.


The following rule displays the value of d_position when an icon is dropped onto MyIcon:
      MyIcon /F
        trigger_action: drop
          for_info $d_position

See also:


The list of icons dropped for an action.


The variable dynamic_args is set in the following situations:

Situation: What it is set to:
in a menu action thread the list of currently selected icons
in a static trigger action thread the list of currently selected icons
in a drag action thread the list of dragged icons
in a thread created by a menu_actions_of or actions_of command a list of the icons passed to the command

 |Situation:                | What it is set to:   |
 |in a menu action thread   | the list of          |
 |                          | currently selected   |
 |                          | icons                |
 |in a static trigger       | the list of          |
 |action thread             | currently selected   |
 |                          | icons                |
 |in a drag action thread   | the list of dragged  |
 |                          | icons                |
 |in a thread created by a  | a list of the icons  |
 |menu_actions_of or        | passed to the        |
 |actions_of command        | command              |


The following icon_rules clause defines an icon that displays a dialog box listing the names of icons dropped onto it:
      * /F
        trigger_action: d*
          if == $#dynamic_args 1
            for_info $dynamic_args 'was dropped on this icon'
            for_info $dynamic_args 'were dropped on this icon'

See also:


Set to the name entered by the user when prompted to rename a file.


The variable is set by the rename, make_new_file, duplicate, duplicate_link, and duplicate_symlink commands.


The following example provides a New File (secure) menu command which creates a new file, and then changes its access permissions using the UNIX chmod command:
   menu_item: New File (secure) _s__
     make_new_file $static_arg
     chmod 400 $entered_name


Specifies the character at which strings should be split.


The variable ifs affects strings split into lists by the split command and by `{...} substitutions. If ifs is unset, i.e., $#ifs is ``0'', strings are split on the three white space characters; i.e., space, tab, and newline.

The variable ifs affects the split command as follows:


The following function, time, returns the current system time in the variable $timeofday:
   function time
     ifs=' ' { datelist=`{ date } }

The variable $datelist is set to a list such that, for example, on one system:


See also:


The name of a background thread.




When a script runs a command in the background, with the & delimiter, the name of the thread is available in the variable last_background_action.


The following example:
   for_info 'Hello' &
   sleep 10
   kill $last_background_action

will display an information dialog box, and then kill it by sending the default sigint signal, even if the user does not close it.

See also:


Specifies the separators to be used when joining strings together.


The variable ofs contains a list of four separators, which have the following functions:

separator to be inserted between strings. Defaults to a single space if ofs has no elements.

prefix placed in front of result

suffix placed after result

result if list is empty

The variable ofs is used in the following circumstances:


The following example illustrates the result of executing:
   ofs=('//' '[' ']' '***')
   echo `(join $value)

for different values of $value:

Value Result
( ) ***
(Jan) [Jan]
(Jan Feb) [Jan//Feb]
(Jan Feb Mar) [Jan//Feb//Mar]

 |Value         | Result                            |
 |( )           | ***                               |
 |(Jan)         | [Jan]                             |
 |(Jan Feb)     | [Jan//Feb]                        |
 |(Jan Feb Mar) | [Jan//Feb//Mar]                   |
The appropriate element of ofs can be set to ``\n'' to use newline as the separator, prefix, or suffix.

See also:


The name of the open desktop the static argument is on, if any.


This variable is set at the start of a new thread generated by the actions_of Deskshell command, or for the duration of a script executed by the do_actions_of Deskshell command.

The value is set to the -s argument of the command or, if none is specified, to the empty list.


The following example defines a Which Desktop icon, which displays the full pathname of the desktop on which it is activated:
      which_desktop /F
         title=Which Desktop;
         trigger_action: activate
            for_info You are on desktop $s_desktop

See also:


The position of the static argument.


This variable is set at the start of a new thread generated by the actions_of Deskshell command, or for the duration of the script invoked by the do_actions_of Deskshell command.

The value is the argument provided to the -S flag of the command, if one exists, or the string V otherwise.


The following example is from the trigger_action: drop of a *.dt rule. When an icon is dragged across a desktop, s_position is the position where the mouse button is released, i.e. the destination of a drag and drop:
   get_out -a $s_position -l $dynamic_args -d $static_arg

See also:


The static argument in canonical form.


This variable is set at the start of a new thread generated by the actions_of and menu_actions_of Deskshell commands, and for the duration of the script executed by do_actions_of and do_menu_actions_of Deskshell commands.


The following rule is for an executable file called xprog. When the icon is clicked on, it will run xprog (which will be $static_arg) no matter where xprog is, or how many of them there are. This therefore always runs the correct xprog rather than an xprog in the $PATH somewhere:
      xprog /FX
         trigger_action: activate

See also:


The status of the previous command.


When a command is executed, it generates a numerical status between 0 and 1023. (Note that certain built-in Deskshell commands do not return a status.)

When a command is executed and generates a status, that status is converted to a string and stored in the variable status. When a pipeline is executed, the individual statuses are collected and the strings are all stored in the variable status, in the same order as the commands in the pipeline.

The value of status is used implicitly by the following control constructs and operators:

The following sections list the values of status that can be returned by commands.
Some commands set status to a count of the number of operations of the command that failed, or MANY if the number of failures is greater than 255. External commands generate a status of 0 to 255, or 256 to 511 if terminated by a signal.


The following example displays the status of a copy_desktop Deskshell command:
   copy_desktop -d $desktop $file
   case $status
   0   : for_info 'Desktop' $desktop 'saved in' $file ;;
   1   : for_info $desktop 'is not open' ;;
   255 : for_info 'Can''t save' $desktop 'in' $file;;
   *   : for_info 'Unknown error saving' $desktop 'in' $file ;;


The name of the executing thread, and its parents.




The element thread_name(1) contains the name of the current thread, thread_name(2) its parent thread, and so on.


To set the variables THIS and DAD to contain the thread names of the current thread and the parent thread for manipulating later:


Set to the trigger name after an action command.


The following rule displays the mouse button used to activate a Wizard icon:
     wizard /FWM
       trigger_action: s*
         if == $trigger 'activate'
           for_info 'You double-clicked with mouse button 1 on me.'
           for_info 'You double-clicked with another mouse button on me.'


The name of this invocation of the Desktop.


This variable is set at start-up to the name of the Desktop invocation. This name is intended to be unique amongst all invocations of the Desktop on a given machine or display, and is used by the tellxdt3 program to indicate which Desktop invocation is to be accessed.


The following example sends the for_info Deskshell command to the desktop named in the :Xdesktop_name variable.
   tellxdt3 -name $:Xdesktop_name for_info 'Read this message'

See also:

Deskshell operator and script delimiter descriptions

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the Deskshell operators and script delimiters:


Negates the status of a command. A Deskshell operator.


! command


When the command completes, the value of status will be changed as follows:

the list (0)

the list (1)


The following example uses the UNIX grep command to search the password file for a username:
   if ! grep $name /etc/passwd
     for_info 'There is no account for' $name '.'


Defines a substitution. A Deskshell operator.

The following substitutions can be included:

include the file filename

include UNIX environment variable variable
In addition, the following special sequences can be substituted in picture and title clauses in icon_rules clauses:

the basename of the file

the class of the file, given as six characters in standard order

the absolute pathname of the directory holding the file

As %B0, but with the last dot and any characters following removed

the absolute pathname of the file

the relative pathname of the file, except when a title clause is being expanded within a directory window, when it is the same as ``%B0''


For example, the file /fred/jim/data.tmp will be substituted as follows:

Sequence Substitution
%B0 data.tmp
%C0 FXWM (for example)
%D0 /fred/jim
%E0 data
%P0 /fred/jim/data.tmp
%R0 jim/data.tmp (if /fred is home)

 |Sequence | Substitution                             |
 |%B0      | data.tmp                                 |
 |%C0      | FXWM (for example)                       |
 |%D0      | /fred/jim                                |
 |%E0      | data                                     |
 |%P0      | /fred/jim/data.tmp                       |
 |%R0      | jim/data.tmp (if /fred is home)          |


Reads from a file. A Deskshell operator.


< filename


< [numberfilename


the filename to read from

an optional descriptor number. The following are examples:

standard input (the default)

standard output

standard error


The following special constructs can also be used:

< [new=number]

makes new a duplicate of number, and:

< [number=]

closes descriptor number.


The following example will mail the user claudio the contents of textfile:
   mail claudio < textfile

See also:


Assigns a value to a variable. A Deskshell operator.




a Deskshell variable. If it begins with a ``:'', it is taken to be a global variable; otherwise it is a local variable.

a list value


In the following examples:

assigns the string ``99'' to the local variable count.

   fib=(1 1 2 3 5)
assigns the list ``(1 1 2 3 5)'' to the local variable fib.

assigns the list ``('hot')'' to the global variable :temperature.

See also:


Writes to a file. A Deskshell operator.


> filename


> [numberfilename


the filename to write to

an optional descriptor number. The following are examples:

standard input

standard output (the default)

standard error


The following special constructs can also be used:

> [new=number]

make new a duplicate of number, and

> [number=]

closes descriptor number.


The following example puts the output of the who command into a file called Users.Log:
   who > Users.Log

See also:


Appends to a file. A Deskshell operator.


>> filename


>> [numberfilename


the filename to append to

an optional descriptor number. The following are examples:

standard input

standard output (the default)

standard error


The following special constructs can also be used:

>> [new=number]

makes new a duplicate of number, and

>> [number=]

closes descriptor number.


The following example appends the output of the who command to the file Users.Log:
   who >> Users.Log

See also:


Includes a special character. A Deskshell operator.




The following special codes can be specified within scripts, outside quoted strings:

newline character

tab character

character with octal code nnn (up to 3 digits)

character with hex code nn (any number of digits)


The following example displays an information dialog box containing two lines of text:
   for_info 'Current directory:'^\n^`pwd


Concatenates lists. A Deskshell operator.




Lists can only be concatenated if they both contain the same number of elements, or if one of them only contains one element or is empty, as illustrated by the following examples:

a b a^b
w x wx
w (x y z) (wx wy wz)
(w x y) (a b c) (wa xb yc)
(w x y) ( ) (w x y)
(w x y) (a b) illegal

 |a       | b       | a^b        |
 |w       | x       | wx         |
 |w       | (x y z) | (wx wy wz) |
 |(w x y) | (a b c) | (wa xb yc) |
 |(w x y) | ( )     | (w x y)    |
 |(w x y) | (a b)   | illegal    |

Several concatenations can be included in one expression, as in:
   s.^(in  proc  out)^.main.^(c  h  s)

which evaluates to:

   (  s.proc.main.h  s.out.main.s)

Deskshell performs an implicit concatenation where the syntax is unambiguous. For example, the strict form $file^.c can be written as $file.c instead.


The following script provides:
   Edit: fred

as the title of a shell window:

   shell -n 'Edit: '^`(basename $name) $EDITOR $name

` (backquote)

Returns the result of executing a command. A Deskshell operator.

Syntax -- command substitution



a general script, which can include external commands


The script is executed, and its output is then split at the characters specified in the first string in the variable ifs. If ifs is an empty list, the output is split at white space. The resulting list is substituted into the script.


The following script displays the number of words entered in a string:
   for_info You entered `{gti Enter a string | wc -w} words

Syntax -- list substitution



a built-in Desktop command or function


The command is executed and its output is substituted directly into the script. If the command does not return text the result is an empty list. The result of a function is specified by the return command, or is an empty list if there is no return command. If the command does not have any arguments, the brackets can be omitted. For example, `pwd is equivalent to `(pwd).

The following built-in commands return text, and so can be useful in this construction:

absreadlink basename
canonical dirname
extension fileclass
followlink get_attribute
get_resource gti
join list count
list intersect list sort
list subtract list uniq
merge pwd
query all_triggers query contents
query main_desktop query open_desktops
query open_directories query open_treeviews
query thread_info query picture
query pixmap query selections
query size query threads
query title query visibility
readlink relativepath
sequence split
tolower toupper
unextended variables

 absreadlink              basename
 canonical                dirname
 extension                fileclass
 followlink               get_attribute
 get_resource             gti
 join                     list count
 list intersect           list sort
 list subtract            list uniq
 merge                    pwd
 query all_triggers       query contents
 query main_desktop       query open_desktops
 query open_directories   query open_treeviews
 query thread_info        query picture
 query pixmap             query selections
 query size               query threads
 query title              query visibility
 readlink                 relativepath
 sequence                 split
 tolower                  toupper
 unextended               variables


This example sets var to a list of the basenames of the files in $list:
   var=`(basename $list)

match (~)

Tests whether a string matches other strings. This operator can be abbreviated to ``~'' (tilde). A Deskshell operator.


match test target . . .


string to be matched

one or more strings to be matched against


The match succeeds if test matches any of the target strings, and fails if no string matches. The target strings can contain wildcards.

The test and target strings can come from variables, or other constructs. However, wildcards in targets have to be stated explicitly.


The command sets the value of status as follows:

YES (0)
if at least one string matches

NO (1)


To test that $x begins with ``a'':
   match $x a*

To see if $x is the name of an existing file beginning with ``a'':

   match $x $a

Note that the following commands:

   x=((test a1) a2)
   match $x b*

are equivalent to:

   match test a1 a2 b*

and result in the string ``'test''' being tested against ``'a1''', ``'a2''', and ``'b*'''.


Defines a comment to the end of the line in a Deskshell script. A Deskshell script delimiter.


# comment


The # character can be used within scripts to comment out everything up to the end of the line. It can be used anywhere a script delimiter, such as ``;'' or ``&'', would be valid. Elsewhere, # is treated like any other character.


In the following example:
   number=`(gti 'Enter # of files') # Get file count

only the section ``Get file count'' is treated as a comment.

Note, however, that:

   number-`(gti Enter # of files)

is an incomplete command, equivalent to:

   number=`(gti Enter

See also:


Defines a comment line in a rule clause. A Deskshell script delimiter.


%// comment


The %// comment prefix can be used anywhere in rule files, but not in object trigger files.


In the following example, the text after the %// will be taken as a comment:
   for_info 'Use %// for comments'

In this case you would need to use:

   for_info 'Use %%// for comments'

See also:


Runs a command in the background. A Deskshell script delimiter.


command &


the command to be executed in the background


The command is run in a separate thread, which is a child of the current thread. In the parent thread, the name of the child thread is available in the variable last_background_action. The command does not wait for the child thread to terminate.

A script of several commands can be run in the background by using { } brackets, as in:

   } &

or by defining a function and then executing the function in the background:

   function myfun

myfun &


The following example runs a script in the background to update open directories continuously:
      while true
         sleep 30
   } &

See also:


Runs a second command if a first command returns a true status. A Deskshell script delimiter.


commandif && commandthen


the command

the command to be run if commandif returns ``true''


This delimiter is equivalent to:

if commandif then commandthen fi


The following example displays a message if $A and $B are equal:
   == $A $B && for_info 'They are the same'

See also:


Terminates a command. A Deskshell script delimiter.


command ;


The command is executed in the same thread. The ``;'' may be omitted at the end of a line.


The script:
   for file
      get_out $file

could be written on one line:

   for file; do get_out $file; done

See also:

{ ... }

Group commands together. A Deskshell script delimiter.


{ commands }


Braces can be used to override the priority of the ``&&'' and ``||'' script delimiters, as illustrated in the following example:
   if -eq $x 1 || -eq $y 2 && -eq $z 3
     for_info '$z is 3 and also $x is 1 and $y is 2'
   if -eq $x 1 || { -eq $y 2 && -eq $z 3 }
     for_info 'Either $x is 1 or $y is 2 and also $z is 3'

See also:


Pipes the output of one command to the input of another. A Deskshell script delimiter.


commandout | commandin


the command from which output is taken

the command to which output is passed


A child thread is created for each command, and these are connected by pipes, one pipe per descriptor. The original thread stays blocked until all the children have terminated. For each pipe you can specify the input and output file descriptors using the syntax:

commandout |[outputcommandin


commandout |[output=inputcommandin

where output is the output file descriptor (which defaults to ``1'', standard output), and input is the input file descriptor (which defaults to ``0'', standard input).


The individual statuses are converted to strings, and these are all stored in the variable status, in the same order as the commands in the pipeline. For example, the pipeline:
   true | false

generates the status ``(0 1)''.


The following example counts the number of words in a directory listing by piping the output of the UNIX ls command through the wc command:
   ls | wc -l


Runs a second command if a first command returns a false status. A Deskshell script delimiter.


commandif || commandelse


the command

the command to be run if commandif returns false


This delimiter is equivalent to:

if commandif else commandelse fi

The order of priority is:

Highest { }  
  if for case
  && ||  
Lowest & ;  

 Highest   {    }
           if   for   case
           &&   ||
 Lowest    &    ;
The following table illustrates how these priorities work for a range of examples:

This example: Is equivalent to:
a && b || c if if a then b fi else c fi
a && b ; c { a && b } ; c
a && {b || c} if a then if b else c fi fi

 |This example: | Is equivalent to:                     |
 |a && b || c   | if if a then b fi else c fi           |
 |a && b ; c    | { a && b } ; c                        |
 |a && {b || c} | if a then if b else c fi fi           |


The following example displays a message if $A and $B are not equal:
   == $A $B || for_info 'They are not equal'

See also:

Deskshell script control construct descriptions

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the Deskshell script control constructs:


Executes alternative commands depending on the value of a variable.


case test

   [ target  . . .  : script ;; ]  . . .


a test string

the target string

the script to be executed if test matches any of the target strings


The test string is compared with each of the target strings until a match is found. If a match is found, the corresponding script is executed.

The target strings can contain any of the following:

the string

one character

zero or more character

any character in string
If test is a command, it is evaluated to form a list of strings, and after wildcard expansion, these are concatenated together using the delimiters supplied in ofs to give the test string.


The following example sets button to a textual string depending on the numerical value of b:

case $b 1:button='first' ;; 2:button='second' ;; 3:button='third' ;; *:button='unknown' ;; esac

In the above example, the quotes are optional.

The following example identifies a string $c:


case $c *day : value='day of week' ;; [0123456789] : value='number' ;; [*?] : value='wildcard * or ?' ;; * : value='not recognized' ;; esac

See also:


Terminates a thread.


exit [status . . .]


value to be assigned to the variable status when the thread terminates


Terminates a thread. System and window threads will not exit, but will suspend, unless the window has been closed or the Desktop is exiting.

Note that if exit is performed within a function called by a script, then both the function and the script are exited immediately.


If there are any arguments, status is set to the arguments.


The exit command can be used to exit prematurely from a script, as in:
   trigger_action: drop
      if != $#dynamic_args 1
         for_info 'Please drop one icon'

which only executes script if one icon has been dropped.


Executes a script for each value in a list.


for name [in arguments]


variable name

a list of values. If omitted, defaults to $*.

script which is executed once for each value in the list


The arguments are converted to a list of strings; wildcard expansion is performed on the list. The script is then executed once for each string in the arguments list, with the variable name set to that string for that iteration. The value of name is undefined after the for statement completes.

The argument list is stored before the first iteration of the loop, so changes to the list or the loop variable have no effect.


The status is the status of the script the last time it was executed.


The following script compresses all the files dropped onto a Compress icon:
      compress /F
         trigger_action: drop
            for file
               compress $file

Similarly, to compress all files in a particular directory:

   cd $directory_to_compress
   for file in *
      compress $file

The following example:

   x=(a b c)
   for i in $x
      x=(d $y)

will set y to ``'**a**b**c''' and x to ``(d '**a**b**c')''.

See also:


Defines a function.


function name { script }


the function name

the commands to be executed


Functions can be used to avoid repeating the same commands in a rule file. The script is not evaluated when a function definition is executed, though it will be parsed and syntax errors detected.

A function is called with the syntax:

name [argument . . .]

where the arguments are passed to the function in the variable ``*''.

The function definition can be canceled with:

function name { }


The following function returns a string identifying the kind of window an action originated in:
   function what_window
      if match `(fileclass $1) D*

See also:


Executes a script if a condition is true.


if scripttest
[then scripttrue]
[else scriptfalse]


a script evaluated for ``true'' or ``false'' status

the script executed if scripttest is true

the script executed if scripttest is false


An elif can be included to provide further tests:

if scripttest1
then scripttrue
elif scripttest2
then scripttrue
else scriptfalse

The scripts following if or elif are executed in order until one completes with a true status. The script following the corresponding then, if any, is executed. If no scripts complete with a true status, the script following else, if any, is executed.


The status is that of the last script executed.


The following function returns a string identifying the kind of window an action originated in.
   function what_window


Returns from a function.


return [argument . . .]


The currently executing function, if any, is exited as if control had reached its end. If there are no functions currently executing, then the effect is the same as the exit command.

The result is the specified argument strings.


The following function multiplies two numbers together. If the number of arguments is not equal to 2, the return will cause the function to return back to where it was called from:
   function multiply
     if -ne $#* 2
     answer=`{expr $1 '*' $2}

A function can return a result. For example:

   function strip_first
     return $*(`(sequence 2 $#*))
   A=(this is a list)
   B=`(strip_first $A)

sets B to the list:

   (is a list)

See also:


Executes a script until a condition is true.


until script1
do script2


the script in which status is tested

the script to be executed


First script1 is executed. If the status is ``false'', script2 is executed and script1 is re-executed. If the status is ``true'', the until statement is completed.


The variable status is true on exit normally, but could be false if the loop was exited by a break command.


The following script will loop until the user clicks Yes to the question ``Are you finished yet?''. The until loop will keep looping until the variable ans is set to ``Finished'':
   until == $ans Finished
      if yni 'Are you finished yet?'
      then ans='Finished'

See also:


Executes a script while a condition is true.


while script1
do script2



script to be executed


First script1 is executed. If the status is ``true'' after it completes, then script2 is executed and script1 is re-executed. If the status is ``false'', the while statement is completed.


The variable status is normally false on exit, but could be true if the loop was exited by a break.


The following script will loop until the user clicks Yes to the question ``Are you finished yet?''. The while loop will keep looping until the variable ans is set to ``Finished'':
   while == $ans Busy
      if yni 'Are you finished yet?'
      then ans='Finished'

See also:

Deskshell test descriptions

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the Deskshell tests:


Tests whether two strings are not equal.


!= string1 string2


The command sets the value of status as follows:

YES (0)
the strings are not equal

NO (1)
the strings are equal


The following example tests whether the strings $A and $B are not the same:
   != $A $B

See also:


Tests two integers to generate a status.


-predicate number1 number2


the predicate; see table below

number1, number2
the integers to test


The predicate can be any of the following:

test whether number1 is equal to number2

test whether number1 is not equal to number2

test whether number1 is less than number2

test whether number1 is less than or equal to number2

test whether number1 is greater than number2

test whether number1 is greater than or equal to number2


The command sets the value of status as follows:

YES (0)
the predicate is true

NO (1)
the predicate is false


The following example tests whether the number $A is equal to the number $B:
   -eq $A $B
The tests are purely numeric, involving only integers. Any character not in the range ``0'' to ``9'' terminates that number, so:
   -eq 1 1
   -eq 1 01
   -eq 1A 01.5
   -eq 0 Fred

are all true. In the last case there is no numeric part, so the second argument is treated as zero.

See also:


Tests whether a pathname has a specified class.


-class object class


the object to be tested

a sequence of characters specifying the class


The command sets the value of status as follows:

YES (0)
the object has specified class

NO (1)
the object does not have specified class


The following example does not allow directories to be dropped onto the SomeFile icon:
   SomeFile /F
      trigger_action: drop
         if -class $dynamic_args D
           for_info 'Directories may not be dropped on this icon.'

See also:


Tests whether two variables have the same contents.


-same name1 name2


first variable to be tested

second variable to be tested


The command sets the value of status as follows:

YES (0)
the variables have the same contents

NO (1)
the variables do not have the same contents


The following table illustrates the difference between -eq, which compares two numbers, ``=='', which compares two strings (and expects only two arguments), and -same, which compares the contents of two variables.

The results assume the following assignments:

   A=(cat)  B=(cat dog)  C=(cat dog)  D=5  E=6

Example Value of status
-eq $D $E NO(1)
-eq 10 10 YES(0)
-eq $A $B illegal
== $A 'cat' YES(0)
== $A $B(1) YES(0)
== $A $B illegal
-same A B NO(1)
-same B C YES(0)
-same $A $B  

 |Example     | Value of status                     |
 |-eq $D $E   | NO(1)                               |
 |-eq 10 10   | YES(0)                              |
 |-eq $A $B   | illegal                             |
 |== $A 'cat' | YES(0)                              |
 |== $A $B(1) | YES(0)                              |
 |== $A $B    | illegal                             |
 |-same A B   | NO(1)                               |
 |-same B C   | YES(0)                              |
 |-same $A $B |                                     |


Tests whether two strings are equal.


== string1 string2


first string to be tested

second string to be tested


The command sets the value of status as follows:

YES (0)
the strings are equal

NO (1)
the strings are not equal


The following example tests whether the string $A is the same as string $B:
   == $A $B

See also:



See also

deskcommands(XC), tellxdt3(XC), xdt3(XC)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005