
tcp -- Internet Transmission Control Protocol


Programmer's interface:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include  <sys/socket.h>
#include  <netinet/in.h>

s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); s = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

#include <paths.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <netinet/ip_var.h>

#include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <netinet/in_pcb.h> #include <netinet/tcp_timer.h>

#include <netinet/tcp_var.h>

fd = open(_PATH_TCP, flags); fd = open(_PATH_TCPIPV6, flags);


The TCP protocol provides reliable, flow-controlled, two-way transmission of data. It is a byte-stream protocol used to support the SOCK_STREAM abstraction. TCP uses the standard Internet address formats and, in addition, provides a per-host collection of ``port addresses''. Thus, each address is composed of an Internet address specifying the host, with a specific TCP port on the host identifying the peer entity.

Sockets using the TCP protocol are either ``active'' or ``passive''. Active sockets initiate connections to passive sockets. By default TCP sockets are created active; to create a passive socket the listen(SSC) system call must be used after binding the socket with the bind(SSC) system call. Only passive sockets may use the accept(SSC) call to accept incoming connections. Only active sockets may use the connect(SSC) call to initiate connections.

Passive sockets may ``underspecify'' their location to match incoming connection requests from multiple networks. This technique, called ``wildcard addressing'', allows a single server to provide service to clients on multiple networks. To create a socket that listens on all IPv4 networks, the Internet address INADDR_ANY must be bound. To create a socket that listens on all IPv6 networks (including those which have IPv4-mapped addresses), the Internet address in6addr_any must be bound. The TCP port may still be specified at this time; if the port is not specified the system will assign one. Once a connection has been established, the socket's address is fixed by the peer entity's location. The address assigned the socket is the address associated with the network interface through which packets are being transmitted and received. Normally this address corresponds to the peer entity's network.

TCP supports several socket options which are set with setsockopt and tested with getsockopt (see getsockopt(SSC)).

Under most circumstances, TCP sends data when it is presented; when outstanding data has not yet been acknowledged, it gathers small amounts of output to be sent in a single packet once an acknowledgment is received. For a small number of clients, such as window systems that send a stream of mouse events which receive no replies, this packetization may cause significant delays. Therefore, TCP provides a boolean option, TCP_NODELAY (from <netinet/tcp.h>, to defeat this algorithm. The option level for the setsockopt call is IPPROTO_TCP.

It is possible to retrieve or change the value being used for the maximum segment size of an active connection with the TCP_MAXSEG option. TCP_MAXSEG cannot be set to a value larger than TCP has already determined; it can only be made smaller.

The TCP_KEEPIDLE option can be used to control the start interval for TCP keep-alive messages. Normally, when enabled via SO_KEEPALIVE, keep-alives do not start until the connection has been idle for 2 hours. This option can be used to alter this interval. The option value should be specified in seconds. The minimum is restricted to 10 seconds. Setting TCP_KEEPIDLE to 0 restores the keep-alive start interval to the default value.

Normally TCP will send a keep-alive every 75 seconds once the connection has been idle for the KEEPIDLE period. Keep-alives may be sent more frequently by using the TCP_KEEPINTVL option to specify the interval in seconds. The minimum is restricted to 1 second. Setting TCP_KEEPINTVL to 0 restores the keep-alive interval to the default value.

Normally TCP will send 8 keep-alives prior to giving up. This number may be altered by using the TCP_NKEEP option to specify the desired number of keep-alives. The minimum value is constrained to be 1. Setting TCP_NKEEP to 0 restores the keep-alive interval to the default value.

Normally TCP will try to retransmit for 511 seconds before dropping a connection. This value can be changed using the TCP_MAXRXT option. Setting TCP_MAXRXT to a value between 180 and 2^32-2 causes TCP to wait that number of seconds before giving up. Setting TCP_MAXRXT to 0 restores the retransmission interval to the default value. Setting the retransmission interval to 2^32-1 (0xffffffff) causes TCP to retransmit forever. The retransmission period cannot be set to less than three minutes (180 seconds).

Note that many of the default values may be changed by the system administrator using inconfig(ADMN). getsockopt(SSC) or t_optmgmt(NET) may be used to determine the current system default values.

Options at the IP network level may be used with TCP; see ip(ADMP) and ipv6(ADMP). Incoming connection requests that are source-routed are noted, and the reverse source route is used in responding.

TCP is also available as a TLI connection-oriented protocol via the special file /dev/inet/tcp. Interpreted TCP options are supported via the TLI options mechanism (see t_optmgmt(NET)).

TCP provides a facility, one-packet mode, that attempts to improve performance over Ethernet interfaces that cannot handle back-to-back packets. One-packet mode may be set by ifconfig(ADMN) for such an interface. On a connection that uses an interface for which one-packet mode has been set, TCP attempts to prevent the remote machine from sending back-to-back packets by setting the window size for the connection to the maximum segment size for the interface.

Certain TCP implementations have an internal limit on packet size that is less than or equal to half the advertised maximum segment size. When connected to such a machine, setting the window size to the maximum segment size would still allow the sender to send two packets at a time. To prevent this, a ``small packet size'' and a ``small packet threshold'' may be specified when setting one-packet mode. If, on a connection over an interface with one-packet mode enabled, TCP receives a number of consecutive packets of the small packet size equal to the small packet threshold, the window size is set to the small packet size.

A TCP endpoint can also be obtained by opening the TCP driver directly. Networking statistics can be gathered by issuing ioctl directives to the driver. The following ioctl commands, defined in <netinet/ip_var.h> and <netinet/tcp_var.h>, are supported by the TCP driver:

to set the inpcb associated with the end-point as a management inpcb (to distinguish it from others, when network statistics are gathered) and link it in the list of management inpcbs.

to extract TCP statistics and other related information. The following structure is passed as an argument to the I_STR ioctl to extract the desired information:
struct tcp_stuff {
	struct tcpstat tcp_stat;
	int    tcp_rto_algorithm;
	int    tcp_max_rto;
	int    tcp_min_rto;
	int    tcp_max_conn;
	int    tcp_urgbehavior;	

to fetch the entire TCP connection table. It is a transparent ioctl since the size of the TCP connection table is not fixed. This ioctl is also used to fetch the size of the table before extracting it. In order to extract the entire table, enough space needs to be allocated to store the table. So extracting the table involves two steps: First, invoke the ioctl STIOCGTCB with gi_size set to 0. This returns the size of the table. Second, allocate sufficient memory (found in step 1) and issue the ioctl again with gi_size set to the value returned in the step above (or any value greater than 0). The TCP driver will copy the TCP connection table to the user allocated area. tcb_entry is the format of the entries extracted by the ioctl. Structures gi_arg and tcb_entry are as defined below:
struct gi_arg {
	caddr_t  gi_where; /* user addr. */
	unsigned gi_size;  /* table size */

struct tcb_entry { struct inpcb in_pcb; struct tcpcb tcp_pcb; };

deletes a TCP connection. This ioctl takes the following argument:
typedef struct _tcpconn {
	struct	in_addr local_ip_addr;
	u_short	local_port;
	struct	in_addr rmt_ip_addr;
	u_short	rmt_port;
} TcpConn_t;
The local and remote addresses and ports serve to uniquely identify an active TCP connection. Only root may use this ioctl.

is used to retrieve TCP debugging information. This is an I_STR ioctl that is intended to be used in two passes. This ioctl operates on a tcp_dbg_hdr structure, which has the following definition:
struct tcp_dbg_hdr {
   caddr_t tcp_where; /* where to copy-out result */
   u_int tcp_size;	/* size of buffer */
   u_int tcp_debx;	/* current slot in debug ring */
   u_int tcp_ndebug; /* number of debug records */
First issue the ioctl with tcp_where pointing to the address of the structure and tcp_size set to the size of the structure. TCP will fill in the number of debugging entries in the tcp_ndebug field. This information can be used to allocate a buffer large enough to hold the debugging information. The buffer size is calculated as:
sizeof(struct tcp_dbg_hdr) +
sizeof(struct tcp_debug) * tcp_ndebug
Issuing the ioctl again with tcp_where set to the start of the buffer and tcp_size set to the size as computed above will return a buffer consisting of the tcp_dbg_hdr structure followed by tcp_ndebug tcp_debug structures. The tcp_debx field will be set to the current offset into the buffer.


A socket operation may fail with one of the following errors returned:

when trying to establish a connection on a socket which already has one

when the system runs out of memory for an internal data structure

when the system runs out of STREAMS resources

when a connection was dropped due to excessive retransmissions

when the remote peer forces the connection to be closed

when the remote peer actively refuses connection establishment (usually because no process is listening to the port)

when an attempt is made to create a socket with a port which has already been allocated

when an attempt is made to create a socket with a network address for which no network interface exists
An ioctl operation may fail with the errno set to one of the following:

when a non-root user attempts to delete a TCP connection

when no argument or a NULL argument is passed to the driver, or when the command in the copyresp structure is not valid, or when the ioc_count is not TRANSPARENT for a transparent ioctl

when the associated file descriptor is no longer open/valid


if(ADMP), getsockopt(SSC), ifconfig(ADMN), inconfig(ADMN), inet(ADMP), ip(ADMP), Master(DSP), socket(SSC), streamio(HW), t_optmgmt(NET)

``Transmission Control Protocol (\*(tC) parameters'' on the inconfig(ADMN) manual page

RFC 1337

RFC 793, RFC 1122

© 2007 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved
OpenServer 6 and UnixWare (SVR5) HDK - 05 June 2007