Interprocess communication

Example program

``shmctl system call example'' is a menu-driven program. It allows all possible combinations of using the shmctl system call to be exercised.

From studying this program, you can observe the method of passing arguments and receiving return values. The user-written program requirements are pointed out.

This program begins (lines 5-9) by including the required header files as specified by the shmctl(S) manual page. Note that in this program errno is declared as an external variable, and therefore, the sys/errno.h header file does not have to be included.

Variable and structure names have been chosen to be as close as possible to those in the synopsis for the system call. Their declarations are self explanatory. These names make the program more readable and are perfectly valid since they are local to the program.

The variables declared for this program and what they are used for are as follows:

used to store the IPC_SET value for the user identification

used to store the IPC_SET value for the group identification

used to store the IPC_SET value for the operation permissions

used to store the return integer value from the system call

used to store and pass the shared memory segment identifier to the system call

used to store the code for the desired control command so that subsequent processing can be performed on it

used to determine which member for the IPC_SET control command is to be changed

used to receive the specified shared memory segment identifier's data structure when an IPC_STAT control command is performed

a pointer passed to the system call which locates the data structure in the user memory area where the IPC_STAT control command is to place its return values or where the IPC_SET command gets the values to set.

Note that the shmid_ds data structure in this program (line 16) uses the data structure of the same name located in the sys/shm.h header file as a template for its declaration.

The next important thing to observe is that although the buf pointer is declared to be a pointer to a data structure of the shmid_ds type, it must also be initialized to contain the address of the user memory area data structure (line 17).

Now that all of the required declarations have been explained for this program, this is how it works.

First, the program prompts for a valid shared memory segment identifier which is stored in the shmid variable (lines 18-20). This is required for every shmctl system call.

Then, the code for the desired control command must be entered (lines 21-29); it is stored in the command variable. The code is tested to determine the control command for subsequent processing.

If the IPC_STAT control command is selected (code 1), the system call is performed (lines 39, 40) and the status information returned is printed out (lines 41-71). Note that if the system call is unsuccessful (line 139), the status information of the last successful call is printed out. In addition, an error message is displayed and the errno variable is printed out (lines 141). If the system call is successful, a message indicates this along with the shared memory segment identifier used (lines 143-147).

If the IPC_SET control command is selected (code 2), the first thing done is to get the current status information for the shared memory identifier specified (lines 88-90). This is necessary because this example program provides for changing only one member at a time, and the system call changes all of them. Also, if an invalid value happened to be stored in the user memory area for one of these members, it would cause repetitive failures for this control command until corrected. The next thing the program does is to prompt for a code corresponding to the member to be changed (lines 91-96). This code is stored in the choice variable (line 97). Now, depending upon the member picked, the program prompts for the new value (lines 98-120). The value is placed in the appropriate member in the user memory area data structure, and the system call is made (lines 121-128). Depending upon success or failure, the program returns the same messages as for IPC_STAT above.

If the IPC_RMID control command (code 3) is selected, the system call is performed (lines 125-128), and the shmid along with its associated message queue and data structure are removed from the SCO OpenServer operating system. Note that the buf pointer is ignored in performing this control command and its value can be zero or NULL. Depending upon the success or failure, the program returns the same messages as for the other control commands.

If the SHM_LOCK control command (code 4) is selected, the system call is performed (lines 130,131). Depending upon the success or failure, the program returns the same messages as for the other control commands.

If the SHM_UNLOCK control command (code 5) is selected, the system call is performed (lines 133-135). Depending upon the success or failure, the program returns the same messages as for the other control commands.

The example program for the shmctl system call follows. We suggest that you name the source program file shmctl.c and the executable file shmctl.

  1    /*This is a program to illustrate
  2     *the shared memory control, shmctl(),
  3     *system call capabilities.
  4     */

5 /*Include necessary header files.*/ 6 #include <stdio.h> 7 #include <sys/types.h> 8 #include <sys/ipc.h> 9 #include <sys/shm.h>

10 /*Start of main C language program*/ 11 main() 12 { 13 extern int errno; 14 int uid, gid, mode; 15 int rtrn, shmid, command, choice; 16 struct shmid_ds shmid_ds, *buf; 17 buf = & shmid_ds;

18 /*Get the shmid, and command.*/ 19 printf("Enter the shmid = "); 20 scanf("%d", &shmid); 21 printf("\nEnter the number for\n"); 22 printf("the desired command:\n");

23 printf("IPC_STAT = 1\n"); 24 printf("IPC_SET = 2\n"); 25 printf("IPC_RMID = 3\n"); 26 printf("SHM_LOCK = 4\n"); 27 printf("SHM_UNLOCK = 5\n"); 28 printf("Entry = "); 29 scanf("%d", &command);

30 /*Check the values.*/ 31 printf ("\nshmid =%d, command = %d\n", 32 shmid, command);

33 switch (command) 34 { 35 case 1: /*Use shmctl() to get 36 the data structure for 37 shmid in the shmid_ds area pointed 38 to by buf and then print it out.*/ 39 rtrn = shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, 40 buf); 41 printf ("\nThe USER ID = %d\n", 42 buf->shm_perm.uid); 43 printf ("The GROUP ID = %d\n", 44 buf->shm_perm.gid); 45 printf ("The creator's ID = %d\n", 46 buf->shm_perm.cuid); 47 printf ("The creator's group ID = %d\n", 48 buf->shm_perm.cgid); 49 printf ("The operation permissions = 0%o\n", 50 buf->shm_perm.mode); 51 printf ("The slot usage sequence\n"); 52 printf ("number = 0%x\n", 53 buf->shm_perm.seq); 54 printf ("The key= 0%x\n", 55 buf->shm_perm.key); 56 printf ("The segment size = %d\n", 57 buf->shm_segsz); 58 printf ("The pid of last shmop = %d\n", 59 buf->shm_lpid); 60 printf ("The pid of creator = %d\n", 61 buf->shm_cpid); 62 printf ("The current # attached = %d\n", 63 buf->shm_nattch); 64 printf("The last shmat time = %ld\n", 65 buf->shm_atime); 66 printf("The last shmdt time = %ld\n", 67 buf->shm_dtime); 68 printf("The last change time = %ld\n", 69 buf->shm_ctime); 70 break;

/* Lines 71 - 85 deleted */

86 case 2: /*Select and change the desired 87 member(s) of the data structure.*/

88 /*Get the original data for this shmid 89 data structure first.*/ 90 rtrn = shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, buf);

91 printf("\nEnter the number for the\n"); 92 printf("member to be changed:\n"); 93 printf("shm_perm.uid = 1\n"); 94 printf("shm_perm.gid = 2\n"); 95 printf("shm_perm.mode = 3\n"); 96 printf("Entry = "); 97 scanf("%d", &choice);

98 switch(choice){ 99 case 1: 100 printf("\nEnter USER ID = "); 101 scanf ("%d", &uid); 102 buf->shm_perm.uid = uid; 103 printf("\nUSER ID = %d\n", 104 buf->shm_perm.uid); 105 break;

106 case 2: 107 printf("\nEnter GROUP ID = "); 108 scanf("%d", &gid); 109 buf->shm_perm.gid = gid; 110 printf("\nGROUP ID = %d\n", 111 buf->shm_perm.gid); 112 break;

113 case 3: 114 printf("\nEnter MODE in octal = "); 115 scanf("%o", &mode); 116 buf->shm_perm.mode = mode; 117 printf("\nMODE = 0%o\n", 118 buf->shm_perm.mode); 119 break; 120 } 121 /*Do the change.*/ 122 rtrn = shmctl(shmid, IPC_SET, 123 buf); 124 break;

125 case 3: /*Remove the shmid along with its 126 associated 127 data structure.*/ 128 rtrn = shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, (struct shmid_ds *) NULL); 129 break;

130 case 4: /*Lock the shared memory segment*/ 131 rtrn = shmctl(shmid, SHM_LOCK, (struct shmid_ds *) NULL); 132 break; 133 case 5: /*Unlock the shared memory 134 segment.*/ 135 rtrn = shmctl(shmid, SHM_UNLOCK, (struct shmid_ds *) NULL); 136 break; 137 } 138 /*Perform the following if the call is unsuccessful.*/ 139 if(rtrn == -1) 140 { 41 printf ("\nThe shmctl call failed, error number = %d\n", errno); 142 } 143 /*Return the shmid upon successful completion.*/ 144 else 145 printf ("\nShmctl was successful for shmid = %d\n", 146 shmid); 147 exit (0); 148 }

shmctl system call example

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005