SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 new features and notes

Development System

The SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Development System is a major upgrade over the previous SCO OpenServer Release 5 Development System. The SCO OpenServer Development System is a separately licensed product that is installed after the operating system.

Development kit highlights include:

The SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Development System is very similar to the UnixWare/OpenServer Development System (UDK) that has been available for SCO OpenServer Release 5 in the past. It has the same tools, the same compilers, and generally the same capabilities.

The major difference between the UDK and the SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Development System is that the Release 6 tools operate in two different ``modes'', OSR5 mode and UDK/SVR5 mode. These modes are based on the two application-binary interfaces (ABIs) present on SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

The UDK mode is the default and must be used if:

The OSR5 mode must be used if:

In OSR5 mode, the Release 6.0.0 Development System generates code that is compatible with the Release 5 Development System. In addition, the SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 Development System cc and CC compiler commands have been extended to support the following Release 5 Development System compile options: -a, -J, all -K suboptions, -Xk (to some degree), and the /etc/default/cc mechanism for storing system-wide default options. See the manual pages for details.

There may be incompatibilities in compiling existing C++ source written for the Release 5 Development System, due to the age of that C++ dialect. Also, existing Release 5 C++ binary objects (.o and .a files) are not compatible with those compiled by the Release 6.0.0 Development System C++ compiler. Thus, any C++ applications being modified need to be recompiled from scratch with the Release 6.0.0 Development System.

Every effort has been made to ensure that existing binary applications built for SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7 run without modification on SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0.

The compilers and development tools in /usr/ccs/bin (/usr/bin) now default to the SVR5 ABI. The development system tools can be directed to use either ABI through the use of the -K [udk | osr] option; udk is the default. The osr option creates binaries for the SCO OpenServer Release 5 (OSR5) ABI. Use -Kosr if you intend to execute your program on previous releases of SCO OpenServer.

As shown in the following table, the default locations for development system commands, header files, and runtime libraries now contain the SVR5 (udk) versions. The OSR5 ABI tools, header files, and libraries have been moved to the locations shown below.

Development System commands: /osr5/usr/ccs/bin
Header files: /osr5/usr/include /usr/include
Runtime: /osr5/usr/lib /usr/lib

The man(C) command and DocView now return the SVR5-compliant manual pages by default for most development system commands (Section CP), and Section S and SSC library routines. The development system topics in the online documentation now describe the SVR5 ABI.

The SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 development kit contains the following development system software:

See also:

SCO OpenServer Development System notes

Qt licensing for developers

The KDE suite of programs requires the Qt application development framework from Trolltech AS as an integral part of its build and runtime environment. The version of Qt supplied with the KDE3 package in SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 is licensed under terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2. This license allows building and running open source programs such as KDE. However, this license does not allow development of commercial Qt based applications. Commercial licenses for developing Qt based applications on SCO OpenServer can be obtained by contacting Trolltech AS -- see


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© 2007 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 05 June 2007