Connecting to other computers with UUCP

Common UUCP error messages

This section lists the error messages associated with UUCP. There are two types of error messages. ASSERT errors are recorded in the /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/errors file. STATUS errors are recorded in individual machine files found in the /usr/spool/uucp/.Status directory. Error messages are also stored in /usr/spool/uucp/.Log/uucico/sysname.

ASSERT error messages

When a process is aborted, ASSERT error messages are recorded in /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/errors. These messages include the filename, SCCS ID, line number, and text. In most cases, these errors are the result of filesystem problems. Use errno (when present) to investigate the problem. If errno is present in a message, it is shown as ``()'' in this list.

ASSERT error messages

Error message Description or action
CAN'T OPEN An open() or fopen() failed. Check for the presence of the file and incorrect permissions.
CAN'T WRITE A write(), fwrite(), fprint(), and so on failed. Check for the presence of the file and incorrect permissions.
CAN'T READ A read(), fgets(), and so on failed. Check for the presence of the file and incorrect permissions.
CAN'T CREATE A create() call failed. Check permissions.
CAN'T ALLOCATE A dynamic allocation failed.
CAN'T LOCK An attempt to make a LCK (lock) file failed. In some cases, this is a fatal error.
CAN'T STAT A stat() call failed. Check for the presence of the file and incorrect permissions.
CAN'T CHMOD A chmod() call failed. Check for the presence of the file and incorrect permissions.
CAN'T LINK A link() call failed. Check for the presence of the file and incorrect permissions.
CAN'T CHDIR A chdir() call failed. Check for the presence of the file and incorrect permissions.
CAN'T UNLINK An unlink() call failed.
WRONG ROLE This is an internal logic problem.

An attempt to move some bad C. or X. files to the /usr/spool/uucp/.Corrupt directory failed. The directory is probably missing or has wrong modes or owner.
CAN'T CLOSE A close() or fclose() call failed.
FILE EXISTS The creation of a C. or D. file is attempted, but the file exists. This occurs when there is a problem with the sequence file access. Usually indicates a software error.
No uucp server A TCP/IP call is attempted, but there is no server for UUCP.
BAD UID The uid cannot be found in the /etc/passwd file. The filesystem is in trouble, or the /etc/passwd file is inconsistent.
ULIMIT TOO SMALL The ulimit for the current user process is too small. File transfers may fail, so transfer is not attempted.
BAD LINE There is a bad line in the Devices file; there are not enough arguments on one or more lines.

There is something wrong with the Ethernet media.
SYSLST OVERFLOW An internal table in gename.c overflowed. A big or strange request was attempted.

Same as previous message.

fixline ioctl
An ioctl, which should never fail, failed. There is a system driver problem.
BAD SPEED A bad line speed appears in the Devices or Systems file (``Class'' field).

There is a bad line or option in the Permissions file.
PKCGET READ The remote machine probably hung up. No action need be taken.
PKXSTART The remote machine aborted in a non-recoverable way. This can generally be ignored.
SYSTAT OPEN FAIL There is a problem with the modes of /usr/lib/uucp/.Status, or there is a file with bad modes in the directory.
TOO MANY LOCKS There is an internal problem!
XMV ERROR There is a problem with some file or directory. It is probably the spool directory, because the modes of the destinations were supposed to be checked before this process was attempted.
CAN'T FORK An attempt to fork(S) and exec(S) failed. The current job should not be lost, but is attempted later (uuxqt). No action need be taken.

UUCP STATUS error messages

UUCP STATUS error messages are messages that are stored in the /usr/spool/uucp/.Status directory. This directory contains a separate file for each remote machine that your system attempts to communicate with. These individual machine files contain status information on the attempted communication, and whether it was successful or not. A list of the most common error messages that can appear in these files follows.

STATUS error messages

Error message Description or action
OK Self explanatory.
NO DEVICES AVAILABLE There is currently no device available for the call. Check to see that there is a valid device in the Devices file for the particular system. Check the Systems file for the device to be used to call the system.
WRONG TIME TO CALL A call was placed to the system at a time other than what is specified in the Systems file.
TALKING Self explanatory.
LOGIN FAILED The login for the given machine failed. It could be a wrong login or password, wrong number, a very slow machine, or failure in getting through the dialer-token script.
CONVERSATION FAILED The conversation failed after successful startup. This usually means that one side went down, the program aborted, or the line (link) was dropped.
DIAL FAILED The remote machine never answered. It could be a bad dialer or the wrong phone number.

The machine called us with a login or machine name that does not agree with the Permissions file. This could be an attempt to masquerade!
DEVICE LOCKED The calling device to be used is currently locked and in use by another process.
ASSERT ERROR An ASSERT error occurred. Check the /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/errors file for the error message and refer to ``Common UUCP error messages''.
SYSTEM NOT IN Systems The system is not in the Systems file.
CAN'T ACCESS DEVICE The device tried does not exist or the modes are wrong. Check the appropriate entries in the Systems and Devices files.
DEVICE FAILED The opening of the device failed.

The called machine is reporting a different name than expected.
CALLBACK REQUIRED The called machine requires that it calls your system.

The remote site has a lock file for your system. They could be trying to call your machine. If they have an older version of UUCP, the process that was talking to your machine may have failed leaving the lock file. If they have the new version of UUCP and they are not communicating with your system, then the process that has a lock file is hung. This can also be caused by incorrect permissions in the /usr/spool/uucp path on the remote system, or cleared uucico SUID bit.

The remote machine does not have the node name of your system in its Systems file.

The login used by your system to log in does not agree with what the remote machine was expecting. Check the Permissions file on the remote system.

The remote machine rejected the communication with your system for an unknown reason. The remote machine may not be running a standard version of UUCP.
STARTUP FAILED Login succeeded, but initial handshake failed. Check communication parameters: data word size, parity, stop bits, and so on.
CALLER SCRIPT FAILED This is usually the same as DIAL FAILED. However, if it occurs often, suspect the caller script in the Dialers file. Use uutry to check.

Next topic: Checking UUCP files and permissions settings
Previous topic: DEVICE LOCKED

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