Using the NFS automounter

Writing a master map

Each line in a master map has the syntax:

   mount-point map [mount-options]
where mount-point is the full pathname of a directory on which resources will be mounted; map is the name of the map that lists the resources to be mounted and their locations; and mount-options is a comma-separated list of options that regulates the mounting of the entries mentioned in the map (unless the map entries list other options).

The options that can be specified for mount-options are the same options that can be specified with the mount command, except for fg and bg. See the mount(NADM) manual page for information.

The mount-point can be any mount point you have created for a remote mount.

If the master map has an entry that references a direct map, mount-point should be /-. This tells the automounter to mount the entries in a direct map on the mount point(s) specified in that map (the location field in a direct map contains a full pathname).

See ``Example: master map'' for the contents of a sample master map.

Example: master map

A sample master map is as follows:

   #Mount-point   Map               Mount-options
   /usr/reports   /etc/reportmap    -rw,intr,secure
   /usr/man       /etc/libmap       -ro
   /-             /etc/   -ro,intr
The second entry (third line) tells the automounter to look in the indirect map /etc/libmap and to mount everything listed there on /usr/man on the local system. This entry also tells the automounter to mount resources on /usr/man read-only; however, if the indirect map /etc/libmap indicates that a resource should be mounted read-write, it will be mounted read-write because it overrides the master map options.
Next topic: Writing a direct map
Previous topic: Following automounter map conventions

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 01 June 2005