Determining a user type
Three resources are checked to determine the user type
assigned to each user:
If none of these are set, then the user type ``SCO'' is used.
To assign a user a particular user type:
Edit the user's .Xdefaults-hostname file,
where hostname is the name of the machine on
which the client is running,
to include the resource:
XDesktop3.Rules*userType: UserType
Include the following line in the preferences
files for that user type:
irl 'XDesktop3.Rules*userType: UserType'
Remove the user's $HOME/.xdt_dir directory,
if it exists.
The userType resource is set
in the user's .Xdefaults-hostname
file to make the initial switch to the new user type.
After that, the setting is done as part of the
preferences file in the user type directory, and it does not
matter if the user removes the line from their personal
resource file.
Previous topic:
Creating a new user type
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005