XtAppSetFallbackResources - set fallback resources
void XtAppSetFallbackResources(XtAppContext app_context, String* speci-
Specifies the application context.
Specifies a NULL-terminated list of resource specifications
to pre-load the database, or NULL.
Each entry in specification_list points to a string in the format Xrm-
PutLineResource. following a call to XtAppSetFallbackResources, when a
resource database is being created for a particular screen and the
Intrinsics are not able to find or read an application-specific class
resource file and if specification_list is not NULL the resource speci-
fication in specification_list will be merged into the screen resource
database in place of the application-specific class resource file.
XtAppSetFallbackResources is not required to copy specification_list;
the caller must ensure that the contents of the list and the strings
addressed by the list remain valid until all displays are initialized
or until XtAppSetFallbackResources is called again. The value NULL for
specification_list removes any previous fallback resource specification
for the application context. The intended use for fallback resources
is to provide a minimal number of resources that will make the applica-
tion usable (or at least terminate with helpful diagnostic messages)
when some problem exists in finding and loading the application
defaults file.
X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
Xlib - C Language X Interface
X Version 11 libXt 1.0.5 XtAppSetFallbackResources(3)
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