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Info Catalog (dir) Top ( Introduction
 This file documents version 4.1.5 of GNU `sed', a stream editor.
    Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software
 Foundation, Inc.
    This document is released under the terms of the GNU Free
 Documentation License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 either version 1.1, or (at your option) any later version.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Free Documentation
 License along with GNU `sed'; see the file `COPYING.DOC'.  If not,
 write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
    There are no Cover Texts and no Invariant Sections; this text, along
 with its equivalent in the printed manual, constitutes the Title Page.


* Introduction               Introduction
* Invoking sed               Invocation
* sed Programs               `sed' programs
* Examples                   Some sample scripts
* Limitations                Limitations and (non-)limitations of GNU `sed'
* Other Resources            Other resources for learning about `sed'
* Reporting Bugs             Reporting bugs
* Extended regexps           `egrep'-style regular expressions
* Concept Index              A menu with all the topics in this manual.
* Command and Option Index   A menu with all `sed' commands and
                                command-line options.
 --- The detailed node listing ---
 sed Programs:
* Execution Cycle                 How `sed' works
* Addresses                       Selecting lines with `sed'
* Regular Expressions             Overview of regular expression syntax
* Common Commands                 Often used commands
* The "s" Command                 `sed''s Swiss Army Knife
* Other Commands                  Less frequently used commands
* Programming Commands            Commands for `sed' gurus
* Extended Commands               Commands specific of GNU `sed'
* Escapes                         Specifying special characters
* Centering lines
* Increment a number
* Rename files to lower case
* Print bash environment
* Reverse chars of lines
* tac                             Reverse lines of files
* cat -n                          Numbering lines
* cat -b                          Numbering non-blank lines
* wc -c                           Counting chars
* wc -w                           Counting words
* wc -l                           Counting lines
* head                            Printing the first lines
* tail                            Printing the last lines
* uniq                            Make duplicate lines unique
* uniq -d                         Print duplicated lines of input
* uniq -u                         Remove all duplicated lines
* cat -s                          Squeezing blank lines
Info Catalog (dir) Top ( Introduction
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