( Server system variables

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 5.2.3 Server System Variables


* Dynamic System Variables    Dynamic System Variables
 The server maintains many system variables that indicate how it is
 configured.  All of them have default values. They can be set at server
 startup using options on the command line or in option files. Most of
 them can be set at runtime using the `SET' statement.
 Beginning with MySQL 4.0.3, the `mysqld' server maintains two kinds of
 variables.  Global variables affect the overall operation of the server.
 Session variables affect its operation for individual client
 When the server starts, it initializes all global variables to their
 default values. These defaults can be changed by options specified in
 option files or on the command line.  After the server starts, those
 global variables that are dynamic can be changed by connecting to the
 server and issuing a `SET GLOBAL VAR_NAME' statement. To change a
 global variable, you must have the `SUPER' privilege.
 The server also maintains a set of session variables for each client
 that connects. The client's session variables are initialized at connect
 time using the current values of the corresponding global variables. For
 those session variables that are dynamic, the client can change them by
 issuing a `SET SESSION VAR_NAME' statement. Setting a session variable
 requires no special privilege, but a client can change only its own
 session variables, not those of any other client.
 A change to a global variable is visible to any client that accesses
 that global variable. However, it affects the corresponding session
 variable that is initialized from the global variable only for clients
 that connect after the change.  It does not affect the session variable
 for any client that is currently connected (not even that of the client
 that issues the `SET GLOBAL' statement).
 When setting a variable using a startup option, variable values can be
 given with a suffix of `K', `M', or `G' to indicate kilobytes,
 megabytes, or gigabytes, respectively. For example, the following
 command starts the server with a key buffer size of 16 megabytes:
      mysqld --key_buffer_size=16M
 Before MySQL 4.0, use this syntax instead:
      mysqld --set-variable=key_buffer_size=16M
 The lettercase of suffix letters does not matter; `16M' and `16m' are
 At runtime, use the `SET' statement to set system variables. In this
 context, suffix letters cannot be used, but the value can take the form
 of an expression:
      mysql> SET sort_buffer_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
 To specify explicitly whether to set the global or session variable,
 use the `GLOBAL' or `SESSION' options:
      mysql> SET GLOBAL sort_buffer_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
      mysql> SET SESSION sort_buffer_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
 Without either option, the statement sets the session variable.
 The variables that can be set at runtime are listed in  Dynamic
 System Variables.
 If you want to restrict the maximum value to which a system variable can
 be set with the `SET' statement, you can specify this maximum by using
 an option of the form `--maximum-VAR_NAME' at server startup. For
 example, to prevent the value of `query_cache_size' from being
 increased to more than 32MB at runtime, use the option
 `--maximum-query_cache_size=32M'. This feature is available as of MySQL
 You can view system variables and their values by using the `SHOW
 VARIABLES' statement.  See  System Variables for more
      mysql> SHOW VARIABLES;
      | Variable_name                   | Value                        |
      | back_log                        | 50                           |
      | basedir                         | /usr/local/mysql             |
      | bdb_cache_size                  | 8388572                      |
      | bdb_home                        | /usr/local/mysql             |
      | bdb_log_buffer_size             | 32768                        |
      | bdb_logdir                      |                              |
      | bdb_max_lock                    | 10000                        |
      | bdb_shared_data                 | OFF                          |
      | bdb_tmpdir                      | /tmp/                        |
      | bdb_version                     | Sleepycat Software: ...      |
      | binlog_cache_size               | 32768                        |
      | bulk_insert_buffer_size         | 8388608                      |
      | character_set                   | latin1                       |
      | character_sets                  | latin1 big5 czech euc_kr     |
      | concurrent_insert               | ON                           |
      | connect_timeout                 | 5                            |
      | convert_character_set           |                              |
      | datadir                         | /usr/local/mysql/data/       |
      | default_week_format             | 0                            |
      | delay_key_write                 | ON                           |
      | delayed_insert_limit            | 100                          |
      | delayed_insert_timeout          | 300                          |
      | delayed_queue_size              | 1000                         |
      | flush                           | OFF                          |
      | flush_time                      | 0                            |
      | ft_boolean_syntax               | + -><()~*:""&|               |
      | ft_max_word_len                 | 84                           |
      | ft_min_word_len                 | 4                            |
      | ft_query_expansion_limit        | 20                           |
      | ft_stopword_file                | (built-in)                   |
      | have_bdb                        | YES                          |
      | have_innodb                     | YES                          |
      | have_isam                       | YES                          |
      | have_openssl                    | YES                          |
      | have_query_cache                | YES                          |
      | have_raid                       | NO                           |
      | have_symlink                    | DISABLED                     |
      | init_file                       |                              |
      | innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 1048576                      |
      | innodb_buffer_pool_size         | 8388608                      |
      | innodb_data_file_path           | ibdata1:10M:autoextend       |
      | innodb_data_home_dir            |                              |
      | innodb_fast_shutdown            | ON                           |
      | innodb_file_io_threads          | 4                            |
      | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  | 1                            |
      | innodb_flush_method             |                              |
      | innodb_force_recovery           | 0                            |
      | innodb_lock_wait_timeout        | 50                           |
      | innodb_log_arch_dir             |                              |
      | innodb_log_archive              | OFF                          |
      | innodb_log_buffer_size          | 1048576                      |
      | innodb_log_file_size            | 5242880                      |
      | innodb_log_files_in_group       | 2                            |
      | innodb_log_group_home_dir       | ./                           |
      | innodb_mirrored_log_groups      | 1                            |
      | innodb_thread_concurrency       | 8                            |
      | interactive_timeout             | 28800                        |
      | join_buffer_size                | 131072                       |
      | key_buffer_size                 | 16773120                     |
      | key_cache_age_threshold         | 300                          |
      | key_cache_block_size            | 1024                         |
      | key_cache_division_limit        | 100                          |
      | language                        | /usr/local/mysql/share/...   |
      | large_files_support             | ON                           |
      | local_infile                    | ON                           |
      | locked_in_memory                | OFF                          |
      | log                             | OFF                          |
      | log_bin                         | OFF                          |
      | log_slave_updates               | OFF                          |
      | log_slow_queries                | OFF                          |
      | log_update                      | OFF                          |
      | log_warnings                    | 1                            |
      | long_query_time                 | 10                           |
      | low_priority_updates            | OFF                          |
      | lower_case_table_names          | 0                            |
      | max_allowed_packet              | 1047552                      |
      | max_binlog_cache_size           | 4294967295                   |
      | max_binlog_size                 | 1073741824                   |
      | max_connect_errors              | 10                           |
      | max_connections                 | 100                          |
      | max_delayed_threads             | 20                           |
      | max_error_count                 | 64                           |
      | max_heap_table_size             | 16777216                     |
      | max_join_size                   | 4294967295                   |
      | max_relay_log_size              | 0                            |
      | max_sort_length                 | 1024                         |
      | max_tmp_tables                  | 32                           |
      | max_user_connections            | 0                            |
      | max_write_lock_count            | 4294967295                   |
      | myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size | 268435456                    |
      | myisam_max_sort_file_size       | 2147483647                   |
      | myisam_recover_options          | force                        |
      | myisam_repair_threads           | 1                            |
      | myisam_sort_buffer_size         | 8388608                      |
      | net_buffer_length               | 16384                        |
      | net_read_timeout                | 30                           |
      | net_retry_count                 | 10                           |
      | net_write_timeout               | 60                           |
      | open_files_limit                | 1024                         |
      | pid_file                        | /usr/local/mysql/    |
      | port                            | 3306                         |
      | protocol_version                | 10                           |
      | query_cache_limit               | 1048576                      |
      | query_cache_size                | 0                            |
      | query_cache_type                | ON                           |
      | read_buffer_size                | 131072                       |
      | read_rnd_buffer_size            | 262144                       |
      | rpl_recovery_rank               | 0                            |
      | server_id                       | 0                            |
      | skip_external_locking           | ON                           |
      | skip_networking                 | OFF                          |
      | skip_show_database              | OFF                          |
      | slave_net_timeout               | 3600                         |
      | slow_launch_time                | 2                            |
      | socket                          | /tmp/mysql.sock              |
      | sort_buffer_size                | 2097116                      |
      | sql_mode                        |                              |
      | table_cache                     | 64                           |
      | table_type                      | MYISAM                       |
      | thread_cache_size               | 3                            |
      | thread_stack                    | 131072                       |
      | timezone                        | EEST                         |
      | tmp_table_size                  | 33554432                     |
      | tmpdir                          | /tmp/:/mnt/hd2/tmp/          |
      | tx_isolation                    | READ-COMMITTED               |
      | version                         | 4.0.4-beta                   |
      | wait_timeout                    | 28800                        |
 Most system variables are described here.  Variables with no version
 indicated have been present since at least MySQL 3.22.  `InnoDB' system
 variables are listed at  `InnoDB' start InnoDB start.
 Values for buffer sizes, lengths, and stack sizes are given in bytes
 unless otherwise specified.
 Information on tuning these variables can be found in  Server
      This is `ON' if `mysqld' was started with `--ansi'.   ANSI
      mode.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.6 and removed in
      3.23.41.  See the description for `sql_mode'.
      The number of outstanding connection requests MySQL can have. This
      comes into play when the main MySQL thread gets very many
      connection requests in a very short time. It then takes some time
      (although very little) for the main thread to check the connection
      and start a new thread. The `back_log' value indicates how many
      requests can be stacked during this short time before MySQL
      momentarily stops answering new requests. You need to increase
      this only if you expect a large number of connections in a short
      period of time.
      In other words, this value is the size of the listen queue for
      incoming TCP/IP connections.  Your operating system has its own
      limit on the size of this queue.  The manual page for the Unix
      `listen()' system call should have more details.  Check your OS
      documentation for the maximum value for this variable.  Attempting
      to set `back_log' higher than your operating system limit will be
      The MySQL installation base directory. This variable can be set
      with the `--basedir' option.
      The size of the buffer that is allocated for caching indexes and
      rows for `BDB' tables.  If you don't use `BDB' tables, you should
      start `mysqld' with `--skip-bdb' to not waste memory for this
      cache.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.14.
      The base directory for `BDB' tables.  This should be assigned the
      same value as the `datadir' variable.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 3.23.14.
      The size of the buffer that is allocated for caching indexes and
      rows for `BDB' tables.  If you don't use `BDB' tables, you should
      set this to 0 or start `mysqld' with `--skip-bdb' to not waste
      memory for this cache.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.31.
      The directory where the `BDB' storage engine writes its log files.
      This variable can be set with the `--bdb-logdir' option.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.14.
      The maximum number of locks you can have active on a `BDB' table
      (10,000 by default). You should increase this if errors such as the
      following occur when you perform long transactions or when
      `mysqld' has to examine many rows to calculate a query:
           bdb: Lock table is out of available locks
           Got error 12 from ...
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.29.
      This is `ON' if you are using `--bdb-shared-data'.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 3.23.29.
      The value of the `--bdb-tmpdir' option.  This variable was added
      in MySQL 3.23.14.
      See the description for `version_bdb'.
      The size of the cache to hold the SQL statements for the binary
      log during a transaction.  A binary log cache is allocated for
      each client if the server supports any transactional storage
      engines and, starting from MySQL 4.1.2, if the server has binary
      log enabled (`--log-bin' option). If you often use big,
      multiple-statement transactions, you can increase this to get more
      performance.  The `Binlog_cache_use' and `Binlog_cache_disk_use'
      status variables can be useful for tuning the size of this
      variable.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.29.   Binary
      `MyISAM' uses a special tree-like cache to make bulk inserts
      faster for `INSERT ... SELECT', `INSERT ... VALUES (...), (...),
      ...', and `LOAD DATA INFILE'. This variable limits the size of the
      cache tree in bytes per thread. Setting it to 0 disables this
      optimization.  * This cache is used only when adding data to
      a non-empty table.  The default value is 8MB.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.0.3.  This variable previously was named
      The default character set.  This variable was added in MySQL
      3.23.3, then removed in MySQL 4.1.1 and replaced by the various
      `character_set_XXX' variables.
      The character set for statements that arrive from the client.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The character set used for literals that do not have a character
      set introducer and for number-to-string conversion.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The character set used by the default database.  The server sets
      this variable whenever the default database changes.  If there is
      no default database, the variable has the same value as
      `character_set_server'.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The character set used for returning query results to the client.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The server default character set.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 4.1.1.
      The character set used by the server for storing identifiers.  The
      value is always `utf8'.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The supported character sets.  This variable was added in MySQL
      3.23.15 and removed in MySQL 4.1.1.  (Use `SHOW CHARACTER SET' for
      a list of character sets.)
      The directory where character sets are installed.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 4.1.2.
      The collation of the connection character set.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The collation used by the default database.  The server sets this
      variable whenever the default database changes.  If there is no
      default database, the variable has the same value as
      `collation_server'.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The server default collation.  This variable was added in MySQL
      If `ON' (the default), MySQL allows `INSERT' and `SELECT'
      statements to run concurrently for `MyISAM' tables that have no
      free blocks in the middle.  You can turn this option off by
      starting `mysqld' with `--safe' or `--skip-new'.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 3.23.7.
      The number of seconds the `mysqld' server waits for a connect
      packet before responding with `Bad handshake'.
      The current character set mapping that was set by `SET CHARACTER
      SET'.  This variable was removed in MySQL 4.1.
      The MySQL data directory. This variable can be set with the
      `--datadir' option.
      The default mode value to use for the `WEEK()' function.  This
      variable is available as of MySQL 4.0.14.
      This option applies only to `MyISAM' tables. It can have one of the
      following values to affect handling of the `DELAY_KEY_WRITE' table
      option that can be used in `CREATE TABLE' statements.
      `OFF'   `DELAYED_KEY_WRITE' is ignored.
      `ON'    MySQL honors the `DELAY_KEY_WRITE' option for
              `CREATE TABLE'. This is the default value.
      `ALL'   All new opened tables are treated as if they were
              created with the `DELAY_KEY_WRITE' option enabled.
      If `DELAY_KEY_WRITE' is enabled, this means that the key buffer for
      tables with this option are not flushed on every index update, but
      only when a table is closed.  This will speed up writes on keys a
      lot, but if you use this feature, you should add automatic
      checking of all `MyISAM' tables by starting the server with the
      `--myisam-recover' option (for example,
      `--myisam-recover=BACKUP,FORCE').  See  Server options and
       MyISAM start.
      Note that `--external-locking' doesn't offer any protection against
      index corruption for tables that use delayed key writes.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.8.
      After inserting `delayed_insert_limit' delayed rows, the `INSERT
      DELAYED' handler thread checks whether there are any `SELECT'
      statements pending. If so, it allows them to execute before
      continuing to insert delayed rows.
      How long an `INSERT DELAYED' handler thread should wait for
      `INSERT' statements before terminating.
      This is a per-table limit on the number of rows to queue when
      handling `INSERT DELAYED' statements.  If the queue becomes full,
      any client that issues an `INSERT DELAYED' statement will wait
      until there is room in the queue again.
      The number of days for automatic binary log removal.  The default
      is 0, which means "no automatic removal". Possible removals happen
      at startup and at binary log rotation.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 4.1.0.
      This is `ON' if you have started `mysqld' with the `--flush'
      option.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.22.9.
      If this is set to a non-zero value, all tables will be closed every
      `flush_time' seconds to free up resources and sync unflushed data
      to disk.  We recommend this option only on Windows 9x or Me, or on
      systems with minimal resources available.  This variable was added
      in MySQL 3.22.18.
      The list of operators supported by boolean full-text searches
      performed using `IN BOOLEAN MODE'.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 4.0.1.   Fulltext Boolean.
      The default variable value is `'+ -><()~*:""&|''. The rules for
      changing the value are as follows:
         * Operator function is determined by position within the string.
         * The replacement value must be 14 characters.
         * Each character must be an ASCII non-alphanumeric character.
         * Either the first or second character must be a space.
         * No duplicates are allowed except the phrase quoting operators
           in positions 11 and 12. These two characters are not required
           to be the same, but they are the only two that may be.
         * Positions 10, 13, and 14 (which by default are set to `:',
           `&', and `|') are reserved for future extensions.
      The maximum length of the word to be included in a `FULLTEXT'
      index.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.0.
      * `FULLTEXT' indexes must be rebuilt after changing this
      variable.  Use `REPAIR TABLE TBL_NAME QUICK'.
      The minimum length of the word to be included in a `FULLTEXT'
      index.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.0.
      * `FULLTEXT' indexes must be rebuilt after changing this
      variable.  Use `REPAIR TABLE TBL_NAME QUICK'.
      The number of top matches to use for full-text searches performed
      using `WITH QUERY EXPANSION'.  This variable was added in MySQL
      The file from which to read the list of stopwords for full-text
      searches.  All the words from the file are used; comments are
      _not_ honored.  By default, a built-in list of stopwords is used
      (as defined in the `myisam/ft_static.c' file).  Setting this
      variable to the empty string (`''') disables stopword filtering.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.10.
      * `FULLTEXT' indexes must be rebuilt after changing this
      variable.  Use `REPAIR TABLE TBL_NAME QUICK'.
      The maximum allowed result length for the `GROUP_CONCAT()'
      function.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.0.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports `ARCHIVE' tables, `NO' if not.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 4.1.3.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports `BDB' tables. `DISABLED' if
      `--skip-bdb' is used.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.30.
      Whether the `zlib' compression library is available to the server.
      If not, the `COMPRESS()' and `UNCOMPRESS()' functions cannot be
      used.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      Whether the `crypt()' system call is available to the server.  If
      not, the `CRYPT()' function cannot be used.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.0.10.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports `ARCHIVE' tables, `NO' if not.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 4.1.4.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports `EXAMPLE' tables, `NO' if not.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 4.1.4.
      Whether the server supports spatial data types.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.1.3.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports `InnoDB' tables. `DISABLED' if
      `--skip-innodb' is used.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.37.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports `ISAM' tables. `DISABLED' if
      `--skip-isam' is used.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.30.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports `NDB Cluster' tables.  `DISABLED' if
      `--skip-ndbcluster' is used.  This variable was added in MySQL
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports SSL (encryption) of the client/server
      protocol.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.43.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports the query cache.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.0.2.
      `YES' if `mysqld' supports the `RAID' option.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 3.23.30.
      Whether `RTREE' indexes are available. (These are used for spatial
      indexed in `MyISAM' tables.)  This variable was added in MySQL
      Whether symbolic link support is enabled. This is required on Unix
      for support of the `DATA DIRECTORY' and `INDEX DIRECTORY' table
      options.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.0.
      A string to be executed by the server for each client that
      connects.  The string consists of one or more SQL statements. To
      specify multiple statements, separate them by semicolon characters.
      For example, each client begins by default with autocommit mode
      enabled.  There is no global server variable to specify that
      autocommit should be disabled by default, but `init_connect' can
      be used to achieve the same effect:
           SET GLOBAL init_connect='SET AUTOCOMMIT=0';
      This variable can also be set on the command line or in an option
      file.  To set the variable as just shown using an option file,
      include these lines:
           init_connect='SET AUTOCOMMIT=0'
      Note that the content of `init_connect' is not executed for users
      having the `SUPER' privilege; this is in case that content has
      been wrongly set (contains a wrong query, for example with a
      syntax error), thus making all connections fail. Not executing it
      for `SUPER' users enables those to open a connection and fix
      `init_connect'.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.2.
      The name of the file specified with the `--init-file' option when
      you start the server.  This is a file containing SQL statements
      that you want the server to execute when it starts.  Each
      statement must be on a single line and should not include comments.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.2.
      This variable is similar to `init_connect', but is a string to be
      executed by a slave server each time the SQL thread starts.  The
      format of the string is the same as for the `init_connect'
      variable.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.2.
      The `InnoDB' system variables are listed at  `InnoDB' start
      InnoDB start.
      The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an
      interactive connection before closing it.  An interactive client
      is defined as a client that uses the `CLIENT_INTERACTIVE' option to
      `mysql_real_connect()'.  See also `wait_timeout'.
      The size of the buffer that is used for full joins (joins that do
      not use indexes).  Normally the best way to get fast joins is to
      add indexes.  Increase the value of `join_buffer_size' to get a
      faster full join when adding indexes is not possible.  One join
      buffer is allocated for each full join between two tables. For a
      complex join between several tables for which indexes are not
      used, multiple join buffers might be necessary.
      Index blocks for `MyISAM' and `ISAM' tables are buffered and are
      shared by all threads.  `key_buffer_size' is the size of the buffer
      used for index blocks.  The key buffer is also known as the key
      The maximum allowable setting for `key_buffer_size' is 4GB. The
      effective maximum size might be less, depending on your available
      physical RAM and per-process RAM limits imposed by your operating
      system or hardware platform.
      Increase the value to get better index handling (for all reads and
      multiple writes) to as much as you can afford. Using a value that
      is 25% of total memory on a machine that mainly runs MySQL is
      quite common.  However, if you make the value too large (for
      example, more than 50% of your total memory) your system might
      start to page and become extremely slow.  MySQL relies on the
      operating system to perform filesystem caching for data reads, so
      you must leave some room for the filesystem cache.
      For even more speed when writing many rows at the same time, use
      You can check the performance of the key buffer by issuing a `SHOW
      STATUS' statement and examining the `Key_read_requests',
      `Key_reads', `Key_write_requests', and `Key_writes' status
      variables.   `SHOW' SHOW.
      The `Key_reads/Key_read_requests' ratio should normally be less
      than 0.01.  The `Key_writes/Key_write_requests' ratio is usually
      near 1 if you are using mostly updates and deletes, but might be
      much smaller if you tend to do updates that affect many rows at
      the same time or if you are using the `DELAY_KEY_WRITE' table
      The fraction of the key buffer in use can be determined using
      `key_buffer_size' in conjunction with the `Key_blocks_unused'
      status variable and the buffer block size.  From MySQL 4.1.1 on,
      the buffer block size is available from the `key_cache_block_size'
      server variable. The fraction of the buffer in use is:
           1 - ((Key_blocks_unused * key_cache_block_size) / key_buffer_size)
      This value is an approximation because some space in the key
      buffer may be allocated internally for administrative structures.
      Before MySQL 4.1.1, key cache blocks are 1024 bytes, and before
      MySQL 4.1.2, `Key_blocks_unused' is unavailable.  The
      `Key_blocks_used' variable can be used as follows to determine the
      fraction of the key buffer in use:
           (Key_blocks_used * 1024) / key_buffer_size
      However, `Key_blocks_used' indicates the maximum number of blocks
      that have ever been in use at once, so this formula does not
      necessary represent the current fraction of the buffer that is in
       `MyISAM' key cache MyISAM key cache.
      This value controls the demotion of buffers from the hot sub-chain
      of a key cache to the warm sub-chain.  Lower values cause demotion
      to happen more quickly.  The minimum value is 100.  The default
      value is 300.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.  
      `MyISAM' key cache MyISAM key cache.
      The size in bytes of blocks in the key cache.  The default value
      is 1024.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.   `MyISAM'
      key cache MyISAM key cache.
      The division point between the hot and warm sub-chains of the key
      cache buffer chain. The value is the percentage of the buffer
      chain to use for the warm sub-chain.  Allowable values range from
      1 to 100.  The default value is 100.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 4.1.1.   `MyISAM' key cache MyISAM key cache.
      The language used for error messages.
      Whether `mysqld' was compiled with options for large file support.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.28.
      Indicates whether large page support is enabled.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 5.0.3.
      The type of license the server has.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 4.0.19.
      Whether `LOCAL' is supported for `LOAD DATA INFILE' statements.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.3.
      Whether `mysqld' was locked in memory with `--memlock'.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.25.
      Whether logging of all queries to the general query log is enabled.
       Query log.
      Whether the binary log is enabled.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 3.23.14.   Binary log.
      The location of the error log.  This variable was added in MySQL
      Whether updates received by a slave server from a master server
      should be logged to the slave's own binary log. Binary logging
      must be enabled on the slave for this to have any effect.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.17.   Replication Options.
      Whether slow queries should be logged.  "Slow" is determined by
      the value of the `long_query_time' variable.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.0.2.   Slow query log.
      Whether the update log is enabled.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 3.22.18.  Note that the binary log is preferable to the
      update log, which is unavailable as of MySQL 5.0.   Update
      Whether to produce additional warning messages.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.0.3.  It is enabled by default as of MySQL 4.0.19
      and 4.1.2.  As of MySQL 4.0.21 and 4.1.3, aborted connections are
      not logged to the error log unless the value is greater than 1.
      If a query takes longer than this many seconds, the `Slow_queries'
      status variable is incremented. If you are using the
      `--log-slow-queries' option, the query is logged to the slow query
      log file. This value is measured in real time, not CPU time, so a
      query that is under the threshold on a lightly loaded system might
      be above the threshold on a heavily loaded one.   Slow query
      If set to `1', all `INSERT', `UPDATE', `DELETE', and `LOCK TABLE
      WRITE' statements wait until there is no pending `SELECT' or `LOCK
      TABLE READ' on the affected table.  This variable previously was
      named `sql_low_priority_updates'.  It was added in MySQL 3.22.5.
      This variable indicates whether the filesystem where the data
      directory is located has case insensitive filenames.  `ON' means
      filenames are case insensitive, `OFF' means they are case
      sensitive.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.19.
      If set to 1, table names are stored in lowercase on disk and table
      name comparisons are not case sensitive.  This variable was added
      in MySQL 3.23.6.  If set to 2 (new in 4.0.18), table names are
      stored as given but compared in lowercase.  From MySQL 4.0.2, this
      option also applies to database names.  From 4.1.1, it also
      applies to table aliases.   Name case sensitivity.
      You should _not_ set this variable to 0 if you are running MySQL
      on a system that does not have case-sensitive filenames (such as
      Windows or Mac OS X).  New in 4.0.18:  If this variable is not set
      at startup and the filesystem on which the data directory is
      located does not have case-sensitive filenames, MySQL
      automatically sets `lower_case_table_names' to 2.
      The maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate
      The packet message buffer is initialized to `net_buffer_length'
      bytes, but can grow up to `max_allowed_packet' bytes when needed.
      This value by default is small, to catch big (possibly wrong)
      You must increase this value if you are using big `BLOB' columns or
      long strings. It should be as big as the biggest `BLOB' you want to
      use.  The protocol limit for `max_allowed_packet' is 16MB before
      MySQL 4.0 and 1GB thereafter.
      If a multiple-statement transaction requires more than this amount
      of memory, you will get the error `Multi-statement transaction
      required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage'.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.29.
      If a write to the binary log exceeds the given value, rotate the
      binary logs.  You cannot set this variable to more than 1GB or to
      less than 4096 bytes.  (The minimum before MYSQL 4.0.14 is 1024
      bytes.) The default value is 1GB.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 3.23.33.
      Note if you are using transactions: A transaction is written in
      one chunk to the binary log, hence it is never split between
      several binary logs.  Therefore, if you have big transactions, you
      might see binary logs bigger than `max_binlog_size'.
      If `max_relay_log_size' is 0, the value of `max_binlog_size'
      applies to relay logs as well. `max_relay_log_size' was added in
      MySQL 4.0.14.
      If there are more than this number of interrupted connections from
      a host, that host is blocked from further connections.  You can
      unblock blocked hosts with the `FLUSH HOSTS' statement.
      The number of simultaneous client connections allowed. Increasing
      this value increases the number of file descriptors that `mysqld'
      requires.  See  Table cache for comments on file descriptor
      limits.  Also see  Too many connections.
      Don't start more than this number of threads to handle `INSERT
      DELAYED' statements.  If you try to insert data into a new table
      after all `INSERT DELAYED' threads are in use, the row will be
      inserted as if the `DELAYED' attribute wasn't specified. If you
      set this to 0, MySQL never creates a thread to handle `DELAYED'
      rows; in effect, this disables `DELAYED' entirely.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 3.23.0.
      The maximum number of error, warning, and note messages to be
      stored for display by `SHOW ERRORS' or `SHOW WARNINGS'.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 4.1.0.
      This variable sets the maximum size to which `MEMORY' (`HEAP')
      tables are allowed to grow.  The value of the variable is used to
      calculate `MEMORY' table `MAX_ROWS' values.  Setting this variable
      has no effect on any existing `MEMORY' table, unless the table is
      re-created with a statement such as `CREATE TABLE' or `TRUNCATE
      TABLE', or altered with `ALTER TABLE'.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 3.23.0.
      This variable is a synonym for `max_delayed_threads'.  It was
      added in MySQL 4.0.19.
      Don't allow `SELECT' statements that probably will need to examine
      more than `max_join_size' row combinations or are likely to do more
      than `max_join_size' disk seeks.  By setting this value, you can
      catch `SELECT' statements where keys are not used properly and
      that would probably take a long time.  Set it if your users tend
      to perform joins that lack a `WHERE' clause, that take a long
      time, or that return millions of rows.
      Setting this variable to a value other than `DEFAULT' resets the
      `SQL_BIG_SELECTS' value to `0'.  If you set the `SQL_BIG_SELECTS'
      value again, the `max_join_size' variable is ignored.
      If a query result is in the query cache, no result size check is
      performed, because the result has previously been computed and it
      does not burden the server to send it to the client.
      This variable previously was named `sql_max_join_size'.
      The cutoff on the size of index values that determines which
      `filesort' algorithm to use.   `ORDER BY' optimization ORDER
      BY optimization.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1
      If a write by a replication slave to its relay log exceeds the
      given value, rotate the relay log.  This variable enables you to
      put different size constraints on relay logs and binary logs.
      However, setting the variable to 0 makes MySQL use
      `max_binlog_size' for both binary logs and relay logs.  You must
      set `max_relay_log_size' to between 4096 bytes and 1GB
      (inclusive), or to 0. The default value is 0.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.0.14.   Replication Implementation Details.
      Limit the assumed maximum number of seeks when looking up rows
      based on a key.  The MySQL optimizer will assume that no more than
      this number of key seeks will be required when searching for
      matching rows in a table by scanning a key, regardless of the
      actual cardinality of the key ( SHOW INDEX). By setting
      this to a low value (100?), you can force MySQL to prefer keys
      instead of table scans.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.14.
      The number of bytes to use when sorting `BLOB' or `TEXT' values.
      Only the first `max_sort_length' bytes of each value are used; the
      rest are ignored.
      The maximum number of temporary tables a client can keep open at
      the same time.  (This option doesn't yet do anything.)
      The maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed to any
      given MySQL account.  A value of 0 means "no limit."  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.34.
      Before MySQL 5.0.3, this variable has only a global form.
      Beginning with MySQL 5.0.3, it also has a read-only session form.
      The session variable has the same value as the global variable
      unless the current account has a non-zero `MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS'
      resource limit. In that case, the session value reflects the
      account limit.
      After this many write locks, allow some read locks to run in
      between.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.7.
      Specifies the maximum number of ranges to send to a storage engine
      during range selects.  The default value is 256. Sending multiple
      ranges to an engine is a feature that can improve the performance
      of certain selects dramatically, particularly for `NDBCLUSTER'.
      This engine needs to send the range requests to all nodes, and
      sending many of those requests at once reduces the communication
      costs significantly.  This variable was added in MySQL 5.0.3.
      The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by `CREATE TABLE' for
      `MyISAM' tables when no `MAX_ROWS' option is specified.  This
      variable cannot be less than 2 or larger than 8.  The default
      value is 4.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.2.  
      `myisam_data_pointer_size' Full table.
      If the temporary file used for fast `MyISAM' index creation would
      be larger than using the key cache by the amount specified here,
      prefer the key cache method.  This is mainly used to force long
      character keys in large tables to use the slower key cache method
      to create the index.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.37.
      * The value is given in megabytes before 4.0.3 and in bytes
      The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use
      while re-creating a `MyISAM' index (during `REPAIR TABLE', `ALTER
      TABLE', or `LOAD DATA INFILE').  If the file size would be bigger
      than this value, the index will be created using the key cache
      instead, which is slower.  This variable was added in MySQL
      3.23.37.  * The value is given in megabytes before 4.0.3 and
      in bytes thereafter.
      The value of the `--myisam-recover' option.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 3.23.36.
      If this value is greater than 1, `MyISAM' table indexes are
      created in parallel (each index in its own thread) during the
      `Repair by sorting' process.  The default value is 1.  *
      Multi-threaded repair is still _alpha_ quality code.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 4.0.13.
      The buffer that is allocated when sorting `MyISAM' indexes during a
      `REPAIR TABLE' or when creating indexes with `CREATE INDEX' or
      `ALTER TABLE'.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.16.
      On Windows, indicates whether the server supports connections over
      named pipes.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.50.
      The communication buffer is reset to this size between queries.
      This should not normally be changed, but if you have very little
      memory, you can set it to the expected length of SQL statements
      sent by clients.  If statements exceed this length, the buffer is
      automatically enlarged, up to `max_allowed_packet' bytes.
      The number of seconds to wait for more data from a connection
      before aborting the read.  When the server is reading from the
      client, `net_read_timeout' is the timeout value controlling when
      to abort.  When the server is writing to the client,
      `net_write_timeout' is the timeout value controlling when to abort.
      See also `slave_net_timeout'.  This variable was added in MySQL
      If a read on a communication port is interrupted, retry this many
      times before giving up.  This value should be set quite high on
      FreeBSD because internal interrupts are sent to all threads.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.7.
      The number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a
      connection before aborting the write.  See also `net_read_timeout'.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.20.
      This variable is used in MySQL 4.0 to turn on some 4.1 behaviors.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.12.
      Whether the server should use pre-4.1-style passwords for MySQL
      user accounts.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The number of files that the operating system allows `mysqld' to
      open.  This is the real value allowed by the system and might be
      different from the value you gave `mysqld' as a startup option.
      The value is 0 on systems where MySQL can't change the number of
      open files.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.20.
      Controls the heuristics applied during query optimization to prune
      less-promising partial plans from the optimizer search space. A
      value of 0 disables heuristics so that the optimizer performs an
      exhaustive search. A value of 1 causes the optimizer to prune
      plans based on the number of rows retrieved by intermediate plans.
      This variable was added in MySQL 5.0.1.
      The maximum depth of search performed by the query optimizer.
      Values larger than the number of relations in a query result in
      better query plans, but take longer to generate an execution plan
      for a query. Values smaller than the number of relations in a
      query return an execution plan quicker, but the resulting plan may
      be far from being optimal. If set to 0, the system automatically
      picks a reasonable value. If set to the maximum number of tables
      used in a query plus 2, the optimizer switches to the original
      algorithm used before MySQL 5.0.1 that performs an exhaustive
      search.  This variable was added in MySQL 5.0.1.
      The pathname of the process ID (PID) file. This variable can be set
      with the `--pid-file' option.  This variable was added in MySQL
      The port on which the server listens for TCP/IP connections.  This
      variable can be set with the `--port' option.
      The size of the buffer that is allocated when preloading indexes.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The version of the client/server protocol used by the MySQL server.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.18.
      The allocation size of memory blocks that are allocated for
      objects created during query parsing and execution. If you have
      problems with memory fragmentation, it might help to increase this
      a bit.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.16.
      Don't cache results that are bigger than this. The default value
      is 1MB.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.1.
      The minimum size for blocks allocated by the query cache.  The
      default value is 4KB. Tuning information for this variable is
      given in  Query Cache Configuration.  This variable is
      present from MySQL 4.1.
      The amount of memory allocated for caching query results.  The
      default value is 0, which disables the query cache.  Note that
      this amount of memory will be allocated even if `query_cache_type'
      is set to 0.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.1.
      Set query cache type. Setting the `GLOBAL' value sets the type for
      all clients that connect thereafter. Individual clients can set the
      `SESSION' value to affect their own use of the query cache.
      *Option*   *Description*
      `0' or     Don't cache or retrieve results.  Note that
      `OFF'      this will not deallocate the query cache
                 buffer. To do that, you should set
                 `query_cache_size' to 0.
      `1' or     Cache all query results except for those that
      `ON'       begin with `SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE'.
      `2' or     Cache results only for queries that begin with
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.3.
      Normally, when one client acquires a `WRITE' lock on a `MyISAM'
      table, other clients are not blocked from issuing queries for the
      table if the query results are present in the query cache. Setting
      this variable to 1 causes acquisition of a `WRITE' lock for a
      table to invalidate any queries in the query cache that refer to
      the table. This forces other clients that attempt to access the
      table to wait while the lock is in effect.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.0.19.
      The size of the persistent buffer used for query parsing and
      execution.  This buffer is not freed between queries.  If you are
      running complex queries, a larger `query_prealloc_size' value
      might be helpful in improving performance, because it can reduce
      the need for the server to perform memory allocation during query
      execution operations.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.16.
      The size of blocks that are allocated when doing range
      optimization.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.16.
      Each thread that does a sequential scan allocates a buffer of this
      size for each table it scans. If you do many sequential scans, you
      might want to increase this value.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 4.0.3.  Previously, it was named `record_buffer'.
      When the variable is set to `ON' for a replication slave server, it
      causes the slave to allow no updates except from slave threads or
      from users with the `SUPER' privilege.  This can be useful to
      ensure that a slave server accepts no updates from clients.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 4.0.14.
      Disables or enables automatic purging of relay logs as soon as
      they are not needed any more.  The default value is 1 (enabled).
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      When reading rows in sorted order after a sort, the rows are read
      through this buffer to avoid disk seeks.  Setting the variable to
      a large value can improve `ORDER BY' performance by a lot.
      However, this is a buffer allocated for each client, so you should
      not set the global variable to a large value. Instead, change the
      session variable only from within those clients that need to run
      large queries.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.3.
      Previously, it was named `record_rnd_buffer'.
      Don't show databases for which the user has no database or table
      privileges. This can improve security if you're concerned about
      people being able to see what databases other users have. See also
      This variable was removed in MySQL 4.0.5. Instead, use the `SHOW
      DATABASES' privilege to control access by MySQL accounts to
      database names.
      If the MySQL server has been started with the `--secure-auth'
      option, it blocks connections from all accounts that have
      passwords stored in the old (pre-4.1) format. In that case, the
      value of this variable is `ON', otherwise it is `OFF'.
      You should enable this option if you want to prevent all usage of
      passwords in old format (and hence insecure communication over the
      network).  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      Server startup will fail with an error if this option is enabled
      and the privilege tables are in pre-4.1 format.
      When used as a client-side option, the client refuses to connect
      to a server if the server requires a password in old format for
      the client account.
      The value of the `--server-id' option. It is used for master and
      slave replication servers.  This variable was added in MySQL
      Whether or not the server allows shared-memory connections.
      Currently, only Windows servers support this.  This variable was
      added in MySQL 4.1.1.
      Indicates whether or not the server allows shared-memory
      connections, and sets the identifier for the shared memory. This
      is useful when running multiple MYSQL instances on a single
      physical machine.  Currently, only Windows servers support this.
      This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.0.
      This is `OFF' if `mysqld' uses external locking.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 4.0.3.  Previously, it was named `skip_locking'.
      This is `ON' if the server allows only local (non-TCP/IP)
      connections.  On Unix, local connections use a Unix socket file.
      On Windows, local connections use a named pipe or shared memory.
      On NetWare, only TCP/IP connections are supported, so do not set
      this variable to `ON'.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.22.23.
      This prevents people from using the `SHOW DATABASES' statement if
      they don't have the `SHOW DATABASES' privilege. This can improve
      security if you're concerned about people being able to see what
      databases other users have. See also `safe_show_database'.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.4.  As of MySQL 4.0.2, its effect
      also depends on the `SHOW DATABASES' privilege: If the variable
      value is `ON', the `SHOW DATABASES' statement is allowed only to
      users who have the `SHOW DATABASES' privilege, and the statement
      displays all database names.  If the value is `OFF', `SHOW
      DATABASES' is allowed to all users, but displays each database
      name only if the user has the `SHOW DATABASES' privilege or some
      privilege for the database.
      Whether to use compression of the slave/master protocol if both the
      slave and the master support it.  This variable was added in MySQL
      The number of seconds to wait for more data from a master/slave
      connection before aborting the read.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 3.23.40.
      If creating a thread takes longer than this many seconds, the
      server increments the `Slow_launch_threads' status variable.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.15.
      On Unix, this is the Unix socket file used for local client
      connections.  On Windows, this is the name of the named pipe used
      for local client connections.
      Each thread that needs to do a sort allocates a buffer of this
      size. Increase this value for faster `ORDER BY' or `GROUP BY'
      operations.   Temporary files.
      The current server SQL mode.  This variable was added in MySQL
      3.23.41.  It can be set dynamically as of MySQL 4.1.1.  
      Server SQL mode.
      The number of events from the master that a slave server should
      skip.  It was added in MySQL 3.23.33.
      This variable is a synonym for `table_type'.  It was added in
      MySQL 4.1.2.
      If positive, the MySQL server will synchronize its binary log to
      disk (`fdatasync()') after every `sync_binlog''th write to this
      binary log. Note that there is one write to the binary log per
      statement if in autocommit mode, and otherwise one write per
      transaction. The default value is 0 which does no sync'ing to
      disk. A value of 1 is the safest choice, because in case of crash
      you will lose at most one statement/transaction from the binary
      log; but it is also the slowest choice (unless the disk has a
      battery-backed cache, which makes sync'ing very fast). This
      variable was added in MySQL 4.1.3.
      This was added as a command-line option in MySQL 4.0.18, and is
      also a settable global variable since MySQL 4.1.3. If set to 1,
      when a non-temporary table is created it will synchronize its
      `.frm' file to disk (`fdatasync()'); this is slower but safer in
      case of crash. Default is 1.
      The server system time zone. When the server begins executing, it
      inherits a time zone setting from the machine defaults, possibly
      modified by the environment of the account used for running the
      server or the startup script.  The value is used to set
      `system_time_zone'.  Typically the time zone is specified by the
      `TZ' environment variable. It also can be specified using the
      `--timezone' option of the `mysqld_safe' script.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 4.1.3.
      The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value
      increases the number of file descriptors that `mysqld' requires.
      You can check whether you need to increase the table cache by
      checking the `Opened_tables' status variable.   Server status
      variables.  If the value of `Opened_tables' is large and you
      don't do `FLUSH TABLES' a lot (which just forces all tables to be
      closed and reopened), then you should increase the value of the
      `table_cache' variable.
      For more information about the table cache, see  Table
      The default table type (storage engine).  To set the table type at
      server startup, use the `--default-table-type' option.  This
      variable was added in MySQL 3.23.0.   Server options.
      How many threads the server should cache for reuse.  When a client
      disconnects, the client's threads are put in the cache if there
      are fewer than `thread_cache_size' threads there.  Requests for
      threads are satisfied by reusing threads taken from the cache if
      possible, and only when the cache is empty is a new thread
      created.  This variable can be increased to improve performance if
      you have a lot of new connections. (Normally this doesn't give a
      notable performance improvement if you have a good thread
      implementation.)  By examining the difference between the
      status variables:: for details) you can see how efficient the
      thread cache is.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.16.
      On Solaris, `mysqld' calls `thr_setconcurrency()' with this value.
      This function allows applications to give the threads system a
      hint about the desired number of threads that should be run at the
      same time.  This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.7.
      The stack size for each thread.  Many of the limits detected by the
      `crash-me' test are dependent on this value. The default is large
      enough for normal operation.   MySQL Benchmarks.
      The current time zone. The initial value of this is `'SYSTEM''
      (use the value of `system_time_zone'), but can be specified
      explicitly at server startup time with the `--default-time-zone'
      option.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.1.3.
      The time zone for the server.  This is set from the `TZ'
      environment variable when `mysqld' is started.  The time zone also
      can be set by giving a `--timezone' argument to `mysqld_safe'.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.23.15. As of MySQL 4.1.3, it is
      obsolete and has been replaced by the `system_time_zone' variable.
       Timezone problems.
      If an in-memory temporary table exceeds this size, MySQL
      automatically converts it to an on-disk `MyISAM' table.  Increase
      the value of `tmp_table_size' if you do many advanced `GROUP BY'
      queries and you have lots of memory.
      The directory used for temporary files and temporary tables.
      Starting from MySQL 4.1, this variable can be set to a list of
      several paths that are used in round-robin fashion. Paths should
      be separated by colon characters (`:') on Unix and semicolon
      characters (`;') on Windows, NetWare, and OS/2.
      This feature can be used to spread the load between several
      physical disks.  If the MySQL server is acting as a replication
      slave, you should not set `tmpdir' to point to a directory on a
      memory-based filesystem or to a directory that is cleared when the
      server host restarts.  A replication slave needs some of its
      temporary files to survive a machine restart so that it can
      replicate temporary tables or `LOAD DATA INFILE' operations. If
      files in the temporary file directory are lost when the server
      restarts, replication will fail.
      This variable was added in MySQL 3.22.4.
      The allocation size of memory blocks that are allocated for
      storing queries that are part of a transaction to be stored in the
      binary log when doing a commit.  This variable was added in MySQL
      The size of the persistent buffer for `transaction_alloc_blocks'
      that is not freed between queries. By making this big enough to
      fit all queries in a common transaction, you can avoid a lot of
      `malloc()' calls.  This variable was added in MySQL 4.0.16.
      The default transaction isolation level.  This variable was added
      in MySQL 4.0.3.
      This variable controls whether updates can be made using a view
      that does not contain a primary key in the underlying table, if
      the update contains a `LIMIT' clause. (Such updates often are
      generated by GUI tools.)  An update is an `UPDATE' or `DELETE'
      statement.  Primary key here means a `PRIMARY KEY', or a `UNIQUE'
      index in which no column can contain `NULL'.
      The variable can have two values:
         * `1' or `YES': Issue a warning only (not an error message).
           This is the default value.
         * `0' or `NO': Prohibit the update.
      This variable was added in MySQL 5.0.2.
      The version number for the server.
      The `BDB' storage engine version.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 3.23.31 with the name `bdb_version' and renamed to
      `version_bdb' in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The `configure' script has a `--with-comment' option that allows a
      comment to be specified when building MySQL.  This variable
      contains the value of that comment.  This variable was added in
      MySQL 4.0.17.
      The type of machine MySQL was built on.  This variable was added
      in MySQL 4.1.1.
      The type of operating system MySQL was built on.  This variable
      was added in MySQL 4.0.19.
      The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a
      non-interactive connection before closing it.
      On thread startup, the session `wait_timeout' value is initialized
      from the global `wait_timeout' value or from the global
      `interactive_timeout' value, depending on the type of client (as
      defined by the `CLIENT_INTERACTIVE' connect option to
      `mysql_real_connect()'). See also `interactive_timeout'.
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