( Multiple-server clients

Info Catalog ( Multiple Unix servers ( Multiple servers
 5.10.3 Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment
 When you want to connect with a client program to a MySQL server that is
 listening to different network interfaces than those compiled into your
 client, you can use one of the following methods:
    * Start the client with `--host=HOST_NAME --port=PORT_NUMBER' to
      connect via TCP/IP to a remote server, with `--host=
      --port=port_number' to connect via TCP/IP to a local server, or
      with `--host=localhost --socket=FILE_NAME' to connect to a local
      server via a Unix socket file or a Windows named pipe.
    * As of MySQL 4.1, start the client with `--protocol=tcp' to connect
      via TCP/IP, `--protocol=socket' to connect via a Unix socket file,
      `--protocol=pipe' to connect via a named pipe, or
      `--protocol=memory' to connect via shared memory.  For TCP/IP
      connections, you may also need to specify `--host' and `--port'
      options.  For the other types of connections, you may need to
      specify a `--socket' option to specify a Unix socket file or named
      pipe name, or a `--shared-memory-base-name' option to specify the
      shared memory name.  Shared memory connections are supported only
      on Windows.
    * On Unix, set the `MYSQL_UNIX_PORT' and `MYSQL_TCP_PORT'
      environment variables to point to the Unix socket file and TCP/IP
      port number before you start your clients.  If you normally use a
      specific socket file or port number, you can place commands to set
      these environment variables in your `.login' file so that they
      apply each time you log in.   Environment variables.
    * Specify the default Unix socket file and TCP/IP port number in the
      `[client]' group of an option file. For example, you can use
      `C:\my.cnf' on Windows, or the `.my.cnf' file in your home
      directory on Unix.   Option files.
    * In a C program, you can specify the socket file or port number
      arguments in the `mysql_real_connect()' call.  You can also have
      the program read option files by calling `mysql_options()'.  
      C API functions.
    * If you are using the Perl `DBD::mysql' module, you can read options
      from MySQL option files. For example:
           $dsn = "DBI:mysql:test;mysql_read_default_group=client;"
                   . "mysql_read_default_file=/usr/local/mysql/data/my.cnf";
           $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password);
      Other programming interfaces may provide similar capabilities for
      reading option files.
Info Catalog ( Multiple Unix servers ( Multiple servers
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