(automk14.info.gz) configure
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5 Scanning `configure.in'
Automake scans the package's `configure.in' to determine certain
information about the package. Some `autoconf' macros are required and
some variables must be defined in `configure.in'. Automake will also
use information from `configure.in' to further tailor its output.
Automake also supplies some Autoconf macros to make the maintenance
easier. These macros can automatically be put into your `aclocal.m4'
using the `aclocal' program.
* Requirements Configuration requirements
* Optional Other things Automake recognizes
* Invoking aclocal Auto-generating aclocal.m4
* Macros Autoconf macros supplied with Automake
* Extending aclocal Writing your own aclocal macros
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(automk14.info.gz) Invoking Automake
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(automk14.info.gz) Top level
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