
curses.h -- definitions for screen handling and optimisation functions


#include <curses.h>



The <curses.h> header provides a declaration for COLOR_PAIRS, COLORS, COLS, curscr, LINES and stdscr.


The following constants are defined:

Function return value for end-of-file

Function return value for failure

Boolean false value

Function return value for success

Boolean true value

Wide-character function return value for end-of-file, as defined in wchar(M).

The following constant is defined if the implementation supports the indicated revision of the X/Open Curses specification:

X/Open Curses, Issue 4, Version 2, July 1996, (ISBN: 1-85912-171-3, C610)

Data Types

The following data types are defined through typedef:

An OR-ed set of attributes

Boolean data type

A character, attributes, and a color-pair

An opaque terminal representation

As described in <stddef.h>

As described in <wchar.h>

References a string of wide characters

An opaque window representation

These data types are described in more detail in ``Data Types''.

The inclusion of <curses.h> may make visible all symbols from the headers <stdio.h>, <term.h>, <termios.h> and <wchar.h>.

Attribute Bits

The following symbolic constants are used to manipulate objects of type attr_t:
   WA_ALTCHARSET  Alternate character set
   WA_BLINK       Blinking
   WA_BOLD        Extra bright or bold
   WA_DIM         Half bright
   WA_HORIZONTAL  Horizontal highlight
   WA_INVIS       Invisible
   WA_LEFT        Left highlight
   WA_LOW         Low highlight
   WA_PROTECT     Protected
   WA_REVERSE     Reverse video
   WA_RIGHT       Right highlight
   WA_STANDOUT    Best highlighting mode of the terminal
   WA_TOP         Top highlight
   WA_UNDERLINE   Underlining
   WA_VERTICAL    Vertical highlight
These attribute flags shall be distinct.

The following symbolic constants are used to manipulate attribute bits in objects of type chtype:

   A_ALTCHARSET   Alternate character set
   A_BLINK        Blinking
   A_BOLD         Extra bright or bold
   A_DIM          Half bright
   A_INVIS        Invisible
   A_PROTECT      Protected
   A_REVERSE      Reverse video
   A_STANDOUT     Best highlighting mode of the terminal
   A_UNDERLINE    Underlining
These attribute flags need not be distinct except when _XOPEN_CURSES is defined and the application sets _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED to 1.

The following symbolic constants can be used as bit-masks to extract the components of a chtype:

   A_ATTRIBUTES   Bit-mask to extract attributes
   A_CHARTEXT     Bit-mask to extract a character
   A_COLOR        Bit-mask to extract color-pair information

Line-drawing Constants

The <curses.h> header defines the symbolic constants shown in the leftmost two columns of the following table for use in drawing lines. The symbolic constants that begin with ACS_ are char constants. The symbolic constants that begin with WACS_ are cchar_t constants for use with the wide-character interfaces that take a pointer to a cchar_t.

In the POSIX locale, the characters shown in the POSIX Locale Default column are used when the terminal database does not specify a value using the acsc capability.

char Constant char_t Constant POSIX Locale Default Glyph Description
ACS_ULCORNER WACS_ULCORNER + upper left-hand corner
ACS_LLCORNER WACS_LLCORNER + lower left-hand corner
ACS_URCORNER WACS_URCORNER + upper right-hand corner
ACS_LRCORNER WACS_LRCORNER + lower right-hand corner
ACS_RTEE WACS_RTEE + right tee
ACS_BTEE WACS_BTEE + bottom tee
ACS_HLINE WACS_HLINE - horizontal line
ACS_VLINE WACS_VLINE | vertical line
ACS_S1 WACS_S1 - scan line 1
ACS_S9 WACS_S9 _ scan line 9
ACS_CKBOARD WACS_CKBOARD : checker board (stipple)
ACS_DEGREE WACS_DEGREE ' degree symbol
ACS_LARROW WACS_LARROW < arrow pointing left
ACS_RARROW WACS_RARROW > arrow pointing right
ACS_DARROW WACS_DARROW v arrow pointing down
ACS_UARROW WACS_UARROW ^ arrow pointing up
ACS_BOARD WACS_BOARD # board of squares
ACS_BLOCK WACS_BLOCK # solid square block

 |char Constant | char_t Constant | POSIX Locale Default |    Glyph Description    |
 |ACS_ULCORNER  | WACS_ULCORNER   |          +           | upper left-hand corner  |
 |ACS_LLCORNER  | WACS_LLCORNER   |          +           | lower left-hand corner  |
 |ACS_URCORNER  | WACS_URCORNER   |          +           | upper right-hand corner |
 |ACS_LRCORNER  | WACS_LRCORNER   |          +           | lower right-hand corner |
 |ACS_RTEE      | WACS_RTEE       |          +           | right tee               |
 |ACS_LTEE      | WACS_LTEE       |          +           | left tee                |
 |ACS_BTEE      | WACS_BTEE       |          +           | bottom tee              |
 |ACS_TTEE      | WACS_TTEE       |          +           | top tee                 |
 |ACS_HLINE     | WACS_HLINE      |          -           | horizontal line         |
 |ACS_VLINE     | WACS_VLINE      |          |           | vertical line           |
 |ACS_PLUS      | WACS_PLUS       |          +           | plus                    |
 |ACS_S1        | WACS_S1         |          -           | scan line 1             |
 |ACS_S9        | WACS_S9         +----------------------+ scan line 9             |
 |ACS_DIAMOND   | WACS_DIAMOND    |          +           | diamond                 |
 |ACS_CKBOARD   | WACS_CKBOARD    |          :           | checker board (stipple) |
 |ACS_DEGREE    | WACS_DEGREE     |          '           | degree symbol           |
 |ACS_PLMINUS   | WACS_PLMINUS    |          #           | plus/minus              |
 |ACS_BULLET    | WACS_BULLET     |          o           | bullet                  |
 |ACS_LARROW    | WACS_LARROW     |          <           | arrow pointing left     |
 |ACS_RARROW    | WACS_RARROW     |          >           | arrow pointing right    |
 |ACS_DARROW    | WACS_DARROW     |          v           | arrow pointing down     |
 |ACS_UARROW    | WACS_UARROW     |          ^           | arrow pointing up       |
 |ACS_BOARD     | WACS_BOARD      |          #           | board of squares        |
 |ACS_LANTERN   | WACS_LANTERN    |          #           | lantern symbol          |
 |ACS_BLOCK     | WACS_BLOCK      |          #           | solid square block      |

Color-related Macros

The following color-related macros are defined:

Coordinate-related Macros

The following coordinate-related macros are defined:

   void   getbegyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
   void   getmaxyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
   void   getparyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
   void   getyx(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);

Key Codes

The following symbolic constants representing function key values are defined:

Key code Description
KEY_CODE_YES used to indicate that a wchar_t variable contains a key code
KEY_BREAK Break key
KEY_DOWN Down arrow key
KEY_UP Up arrow key
KEY_LEFT Left arrow key
KEY_RIGHT Right arrow key
KEY_HOME Home key
KEY_F0 Function keys; space for 64 keys is reserved
KEY_F(n) For 0<=n<=63
KEY_DL Delete line
KEY_IL Insert line
KEY_DC Delete character
KEY_IC Insert char or enter insert mode
KEY_EIC Exit insert char mode
KEY_CLEAR Clear screen
KEY_EOS Clear to end of screen
KEY_EOL Clear to end of line
KEY_SF Scroll 1 line forward
KEY_SR Scroll 1 line backward (reverse)
KEY_NPAGE Next page
KEY_PPAGE Previous page
KEY_STAB Set tab
KEY_CTAB Clear tab
KEY_CATAB Clear all tabs
KEY_ENTER Enter or send
KEY_SRESET Soft (partial) reset
KEY_RESET Reset or hard reset
KEY_PRINT Print or copy
KEY_LL Home down or bottom
KEY_A1 Upper left of keypad
KEY_A3 Upper right of keypad
KEY_B2 Center of keypad
KEY_C1 Lower left of keypad
KEY_C3 Lower right of keypad

        |  Key code    |                 Description                  |
        |KEY_CODE_YES  | used to indicate that a wchar_t variable     |
        |              | contains a key code                          |
        |KEY_BREAK     | Break key                                    |
        |KEY_DOWN      | Down arrow key                               |
        |KEY_UP        | Up arrow key                                 |
        |KEY_LEFT      | Left arrow key                               |
        |KEY_RIGHT     | Right arrow key                              |
        |KEY_HOME      | Home key                                     |
        |KEY_BACKSPACE | Backspace                                    |
        |KEY_F0        | Function keys; space for 64 keys is reserved |
        |KEY_F(n)      | For 0<=n<=63                                 |
        |KEY_DL        | Delete line                                  |
        |KEY_IL        | Insert line                                  |
        |KEY_DC        | Delete character                             |
        |KEY_IC        | Insert char or enter insert mode             |
        |KEY_EIC       | Exit insert char mode                        |
        |KEY_CLEAR     | Clear screen                                 |
        |KEY_EOS       | Clear to end of screen                       |
        |KEY_EOL       | Clear to end of line                         |
        |KEY_SF        | Scroll 1 line forward                        |
        |KEY_SR        | Scroll 1 line backward (reverse)             |
        |KEY_NPAGE     | Next page                                    |
        |KEY_PPAGE     | Previous page                                |
        |KEY_STAB      | Set tab                                      |
        |KEY_CTAB      | Clear tab                                    |
        |KEY_CATAB     | Clear all tabs                               |
        |KEY_ENTER     | Enter or send                                |
        |KEY_SRESET    | Soft (partial) reset                         |
        |KEY_RESET     | Reset or hard reset                          |
        |KEY_PRINT     | Print or copy                                |
        |KEY_LL        | Home down or bottom                          |
        |KEY_A1        | Upper left of keypad                         |
        |KEY_A3        | Upper right of keypad                        |
        |KEY_B2        | Center of keypad                             |
        |KEY_C1        | Lower left of keypad                         |
        |KEY_C3        | Lower right of keypad                        |

The virtual keypad is a 3-by-3 keypad arranged as follows:

A1 UP A3

                            | A1  |  UP  |  A3   |
                            |LEFT |  B2  | RIGHT |
                            | C1  | DOWN |  C3   |

Each legend, such as A1, corresponds to a symbolic constant for a key code from the preceding table, such as KEY_A1.

The following symbolic constants representing function key values are also defined:

Key code Description
KEY_BTAB Back tab key
KEY_BEG Beginning key
KEY_CANCEL Cancel key
KEY_CLOSE Close key
KEY_COMMAND Cmd (command) key
KEY_COPY Copy key
KEY_CREATE Create key
KEY_END End key
KEY_EXIT Exit key
KEY_FIND Find key
KEY_HELP Help key
KEY_MARK Mark key
KEY_MESSAGE Message key
KEY_MOVE Move key
KEY_NEXT Next object key
KEY_OPEN Open key
KEY_OPTIONS Options key
KEY_PREVIOUS Previous object key
KEY_REDO Redo key
KEY_REFERENCE Reference key
KEY_REFRESH Refresh key
KEY_REPLACE Replace key
KEY_RESTART Restart key
KEY_RESUME Resume key
KEY_SAVE Save key
KEY_SBEG Shifted beginning key
KEY_SCANCEL Shifted cancel key
KEY_SCOMMAND Shifted command key
KEY_SCOPY Shifted copy key
KEY_SCREATE Shifted create key
KEY_SDC Shifted delete char key
KEY_SDL Shifted delete line key
KEY_SELECT Select key
KEY_SEND Shifted end key
KEY_SEOL Shifted clear line key
KEY_SEXIT Shifted exit key
KEY_SFIND Shifted find key
KEY_SHELP Shifted help key
KEY_SHOME Shifted home key
KEY_SIC Shifted input key
KEY_SLEFT Shifted left arrow key
KEY_SMESSAGE Shifted message key
KEY_SMOVE Shifted move key
KEY_SNEXT Shifted next key
KEY_SOPTIONS Shifted options key
KEY_SPREVIOUS Shifted prev key
KEY_SPRINT Shifted print key
KEY_SREDO Shifted redo key
KEY_SREPLACE Shifted replace key
KEY_SRIGHT Shifted right arrow
KEY_SRSUME Shifted resume key
KEY_SSAVE Shifted save key
KEY_SSUSPEND Shifted suspend key
KEY_SUNDO Shifted undo key
KEY_SUSPEND Suspend key
KEY_UNDO Undo key

                  |  Key code    |       Description       |
                  |KEY_BTAB      | Back tab key            |
                  |KEY_BEG       | Beginning key           |
                  |KEY_CANCEL    | Cancel key              |
                  |KEY_CLOSE     | Close key               |
                  |KEY_COMMAND   | Cmd (command) key       |
                  |KEY_COPY      | Copy key                |
                  |KEY_CREATE    | Create key              |
                  |KEY_END       | End key                 |
                  |KEY_EXIT      | Exit key                |
                  |KEY_FIND      | Find key                |
                  |KEY_HELP      | Help key                |
                  |KEY_MARK      | Mark key                |
                  |KEY_MESSAGE   | Message key             |
                  |KEY_MOVE      | Move key                |
                  |KEY_NEXT      | Next object key         |
                  |KEY_OPEN      | Open key                |
                  |KEY_OPTIONS   | Options key             |
                  |KEY_PREVIOUS  | Previous object key     |
                  |KEY_REDO      | Redo key                |
                  |KEY_REFERENCE | Reference key           |
                  |KEY_REFRESH   | Refresh key             |
                  |KEY_REPLACE   | Replace key             |
                  |KEY_RESTART   | Restart key             |
                  |KEY_RESUME    | Resume key              |
                  |KEY_SAVE      | Save key                |
                  |KEY_SBEG      | Shifted beginning key   |
                  |KEY_SCANCEL   | Shifted cancel key      |
                  |KEY_SCOMMAND  | Shifted command key     |
                  |KEY_SCOPY     | Shifted copy key        |
                  |KEY_SCREATE   | Shifted create key      |
                  |KEY_SDC       | Shifted delete char key |
                  |KEY_SDL       | Shifted delete line key |
                  |KEY_SELECT    | Select key              |
                  |KEY_SEND      | Shifted end key         |
                  |KEY_SEOL      | Shifted clear line key  |
                  |KEY_SEXIT     | Shifted exit key        |
                  |KEY_SFIND     | Shifted find key        |
                  |KEY_SHELP     | Shifted help key        |
                  |KEY_SHOME     | Shifted home key        |
                  |KEY_SIC       | Shifted input key       |
                  |KEY_SLEFT     | Shifted left arrow key  |
                  |KEY_SMESSAGE  | Shifted message key     |
                  |KEY_SMOVE     | Shifted move key        |
                  |KEY_SNEXT     | Shifted next key        |
                  |KEY_SOPTIONS  | Shifted options key     |
                  |KEY_SPREVIOUS | Shifted prev key        |
                  |KEY_SPRINT    | Shifted print key       |
                  |KEY_SREDO     | Shifted redo key        |
                  |KEY_SREPLACE  | Shifted replace key     |
                  |KEY_SRIGHT    | Shifted right arrow     |
                  |KEY_SRSUME    | Shifted resume key      |
                  |KEY_SSAVE     | Shifted save key        |
                  |KEY_SSUSPEND  | Shifted suspend key     |
                  |KEY_SUNDO     | Shifted undo key        |
                  |KEY_SUSPEND   | Suspend key             |
                  |KEY_UNDO      | Undo key                |

Function Prototypes

The following are declared as functions, and may also be defined as macros:

   int    addch(const chtype);
   int    addchnstr(const chtype *, int);
   int    addchstr(const chtype *);
   int    addnstr(const char *, int);
   int    addnwstr(const wchar_t *, int);
   int    addstr(const char *);
   int    add_wch(const cchar_t *);
   int    add_wchnstr(const cchar_t *, int);
   int    add_wchstr(const cchar_t *);
   int    addwstr(const wchar_t *);
   int    attroff(int);
   int    attron(int);
   int    attrset(int);
   int    attr_get(attr_t *, short *, void *);
   int    attr_off(attr_t, void *);
   int    attr_on(attr_t, void *);
   int    attr_set(attr_t, short, void *);
   int    baudrate(void);
   int    beep(void);
   int    bkgd(chtype);
   void   bkgdset(chtype);
   int    bkgrnd(const cchar_t *);
   void   bkgrndset(const cchar_t *);
   int    border(chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
   int    border_set(const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *,
                     const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *,
                     const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *);
   int    box(WINDOW *, chtype, chtype);
   int    box_set(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *);
   bool   can_change_color(void);
   int    cbreak(void);
   int    chgat(int, attr_t, short, const void *);
   int    clearok(WINDOW *, bool);
   int    clear(void);
   int    clrtobot(void);
   int    clrtoeol(void);
   int    color_content(short, short *, short *, short *);
   int    COLOR_PAIR(int);
   int    color_set(short,void *);
   int    copywin(const WINDOW *, WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int,
   int    curs_set(int);
   int    def_prog_mode(void);
   int    def_shell_mode(void);
   int    delay_output(int);
   int    delch(void);
   int    deleteln(void);
   void   delscreen(SCREEN *);
   int    delwin(WINDOW *);
   WINDOW *derwin(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
   int    doupdate(void);
   WINDOW *dupwin(WINDOW *);
   int    echo(void);
   int    echochar(const chtype);
   int    echo_wchar(const cchar_t *);
   int    endwin(void);
   char   erasechar(void);
   int    erase(void);
   int    erasewchar(wchar_t *);
   void   filter(void);
   int    flash(void);
   int    flushinp(void);
   chtype getbkgd(WINDOW *);
   int    getbkgrnd(cchar_t *);
   int    getcchar(const cchar_t *, wchar_t *, attr_t *, short *, void *);
   int    getch(void);
   int    getnstr(char *, int);
   int    getn_wstr(wint_t *, int);
   int    getstr(char *);
   int    get_wch(wint_t *);
   WINDOW *getwin(FILE *);
   int    get_wstr(wint_t *);
   int    halfdelay(int);
   bool   has_colors(void);
   bool   has_ic(void);
   bool   has_il(void);
   int    hline(chtype, int);
   int    hline_set(const cchar_t *, int);
   void   idcok(WINDOW *, bool);
   int    idlok(WINDOW *, bool);
   void   immedok(WINDOW *, bool);
   chtype inch(void);
   int    inchnstr(chtype *, int);
   int    inchstr(chtype *);
   WINDOW *initscr(void);
   int    init_color(short, short, short, short);
   int    init_pair(short, short, short);
   int    innstr(char *, int);
   int    innwstr(wchar_t *, int);
   int    insch(chtype);
   int    insdelln(int);
   int    insertln(void);
   int    insnstr(const char *, int);
   int    ins_nwstr(const wchar_t *, int);
   int    insstr(const char *);
   int    instr(char *);
   int    ins_wch(const cchar_t *);
   int    ins_wstr(const wchar_t *);
   int    intrflush(WINDOW *, bool);
   int    in_wch(cchar_t *);
   int    in_wchnstr(cchar_t *, int);
   int    in_wchstr(cchar_t *);
   int    inwstr(wchar_t *);
   bool   isendwin(void);
   bool   is_linetouched(WINDOW *, int);
   bool   is_wintouched(WINDOW *);
   char   *keyname(int);
   char   *key_name(wchar_t);
   int    keypad(WINDOW *, bool);
   char   killchar(void);
   int    killwchar(wchar_t *);
   int    leaveok(WINDOW *, bool);
   char   *longname(void);
   int    meta(WINDOW *, bool);
   int    move(int, int);
   int    mvaddch(int, int, const chtype);
   int    mvaddchnstr(int, int, const chtype *, int);
   int    mvaddchstr(int, int, const chtype *);
   int    mvaddnstr(int, int, const char *, int);
   int    mvaddnwstr(int, int, const wchar_t *, int);
   int    mvaddstr(int, int, const char *);
   int    mvadd_wch(int, int, const cchar_t *);
   int    mvadd_wchnstr(int, int, const cchar_t *, int);
   int    mvadd_wchstr(int, int, const cchar_t *);
   int    mvaddwstr(int, int, const wchar_t *);
   int    mvchgat(int, int, int, attr_t, short, const void *);
   int    mvcur(int, int, int, int);
   int    mvdelch(int, int);
   int    mvderwin(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    mvgetch(int, int);
   int    mvgetnstr(int, int, char *, int);
   int    mvgetn_wstr(int, int, wint_t *, int);
   int    mvgetstr(int, int, char *);
   int    mvget_wch(int, int, wint_t *);
   int    mvget_wstr(int, int, wint_t *);
   int    mvhline(int, int, chtype, int);
   int    mvhline_set(int, int, const cchar_t *, int);
   chtype mvinch(int, int);
   int    mvinchnstr(int, int, chtype *, int);
   int    mvinchstr(int, int, chtype *);
   int    mvinnstr(int, int, char *, int);
   int    mvinnwstr(int, int, wchar_t *, int);
   int    mvinsch(int, int, chtype);
   int    mvinsnstr(int, int, const char *, int);
   int    mvins_nwstr(int, int, const wchar_t *, int);
   int    mvinsstr(int, int, const char *);
   int    mvinstr(int, int, char *);
   int    mvins_wch(int, int, const cchar_t *);
   int    mvins_wstr(int, int, const wchar_t *);
   int    mvin_wch(int, int, cchar_t *);
   int    mvin_wchnstr(int, int, cchar_t *, int);
   int    mvin_wchstr(int, int, cchar_t *);
   int    mvinwstr(int, int, wchar_t *);
   int    mvprintw(int, int, char *,  ...);
   int    mvscanw(int, int, char *, ...);
   int    mvvline(int, int, chtype, int);
   int    mvvline_set(int, int, const cchar_t *, int);
   int    mvwaddch(WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype);
   int    mvwaddchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype *, int);
   int    mvwaddchstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype *);
   int    mvwaddnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int);
   int    mvwaddnwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const wchar_t *, int);
   int    mvwaddstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *);
   int    mvwadd_wch(WINDOW *, int, int, const cchar_t *);
   int    mvwadd_wchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const cchar_t *, int);
   int    mvwadd_wchstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const cchar_t *);
   int    mvwaddwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const wchar_t *);
   int    mvwchgat(WINDOW *, int, int, int, attr_t, short, const void *);
   int    mvwdelch(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    mvwgetch(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    mvwgetnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int);
   int    mvwgetn_wstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wint_t *, int);
   int    mvwgetstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *);
   int    mvwget_wch(WINDOW *, int, int, wint_t *);
   int    mvwget_wstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wint_t *);
   int    mvwhline(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int);
   int    mvwhline_set(WINDOW *, int, int, const cchar_t *, int);
   int    mvwin(WINDOW *, int, int);
   chtype mvwinch(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    mvwinchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int);
   int    mvwinchstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *);
   int    mvwinnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int);
   int    mvwinnwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *, int);
   int    mvwinsch(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype);
   int    mvwinsnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int);
   int    mvwins_nwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const wchar_t *, int);
   int    mvwinsstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *);
   int    mvwinstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *);
   int    mvwins_wch(WINDOW *, int, int, const cchar_t *);
   int    mvwins_wstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const wchar_t *);
   int    mvwin_wch(WINDOW *, int, int, cchar_t *);
   int    mvwin_wchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, cchar_t *, int);
   int    mvwin_wchstr(WINDOW *, int, int, cchar_t *);
   int    mvwinwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *);
   int    mvwprintw(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ...);
   int    mvwscanw(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, ...);
   int    mvwvline(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int);
   int    mvwvline_set(WINDOW *, int, int, const cchar_t *, int);
   int    napms(int);
   WINDOW *newpad(int, int);
   SCREEN *newterm(char *, FILE *, FILE *);
   WINDOW *newwin(int, int, int, int);
   int    nl(void);
   int    nocbreak(void);
   int    nodelay(WINDOW *, bool);
   int    noecho(void);
   int    nonl(void);
   void   noqiflush(void);
   int    noraw(void);
   int    notimeout(WINDOW *, bool);
   int    overlay(const WINDOW *, WINDOW *);
   int    overwrite(const WINDOW *, WINDOW *);
   int    pair_content(short, short *, short *);
   int    PAIR_NUMBER(int);
   int    pechochar(WINDOW *, chtype);
   int    pecho_wchar(WINDOW *, const cchar_t*);
   int    pnoutrefresh(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
   int    prefresh(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
   int    printw(char *, ...);
   int    putp(const char *);
   int    putwin(WINDOW *, FILE *);
   void   qiflush(void);
   int    raw(void);
   int    redrawwin(WINDOW *);
   int    refresh(void);
   int    reset_prog_mode(void);
   int    reset_shell_mode(void);
   int    resetty(void);
   int    ripoffline(int, int (*)(WINDOW *, int));
   int    savetty(void);
   int    scanw(char *, ...);
   int    scr_dump(const char *);
   int    scr_init(const char *);
   int    scrl(int);
   int    scroll(WINDOW *);
   int    scrollok(WINDOW *, bool);
   int    scr_restore(const char *);
   int    scr_set(const char *);
   int    setcchar(cchar_t*, const wchar_t*, const attr_t, short,
                   const void*);
   int    setscrreg(int, int);
   SCREEN *set_term(SCREEN *);
   int    setupterm(char *, int, int *);
   int    slk_attr_off(const attr_t, void *);
   int    slk_attroff(const chtype);
   int    slk_attr_on(const attr_t, void *);
   int    slk_attron(const chtype);
   int    slk_attr_set(const attr_t, short, void *);
   int    slk_attrset(const chtype);
   int    slk_clear(void);
   int    slk_color(short);
   int    slk_init(int);
   char   *slk_label(int);
   int    slk_noutrefresh(void);
   int    slk_refresh(void);
   int    slk_restore(void);
   int    slk_set(int, const char *, int);
   int    slk_touch(void);
   int    slk_wset(int, const wchar_t *, int);
   int    standend(void);
   int    standout(void);
   int    start_color(void);
   WINDOW *subpad(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
   WINDOW *subwin(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
   int    syncok(WINDOW *, bool);
   chtype termattrs(void);
   attr_t term_attrs(void);
   char   *termname(void);
   int    tigetflag(char *);
   int    tigetnum(char *);
   char   *tigetstr(char *);
   void   timeout(int);
   int    touchline(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    touchwin(WINDOW *);
   char   *tparm(char *, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long,
   int    typeahead(int);
   int    ungetch(int);
   int    unget_wch(const wchar_t);
   int    untouchwin(WINDOW *);
   void   use_env(bool);
   int    vid_attr(attr_t, short, void *);
   int    vidattr(chtype);
   int    vid_puts(attr_t, short, void *, int (*)(int));
   int    vidputs(chtype, int (*)(int));
   int    vline(chtype, int);
   int    vline_set(const cchar_t *, int);
   int    vwprintw(WINDOW *, char *, va_list *);
   int    vw_printw(WINDOW *, char *, va_list *);
   int    vwscanw(WINDOW *, char *, va_list *);
   int    vw_scanw(WINDOW *, char *, va_list *);
   int    waddch(WINDOW *, const chtype);
   int    waddchnstr(WINDOW *, const chtype *, int);
   int    waddchstr(WINDOW *, const chtype *);
   int    waddnstr(WINDOW *, const char *, int);
   int    waddnwstr(WINDOW *, const wchar_t *, int);
   int    waddstr(WINDOW *, const char *);
   int    wadd_wch(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *);
   int    wadd_wchnstr(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *, int);
   int    wadd_wchstr(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *);
   int    waddwstr(WINDOW *, const wchar_t *);
   int    wattroff(WINDOW *, int);
   int    wattron(WINDOW *, int);
   int    wattrset(WINDOW *, int);
   int    wattr_get(WINDOW *, attr_t *, short *, void *);
   int    wattr_off(WINDOW *, attr_t, void *);
   int    wattr_on(WINDOW *, attr_t, void *);
   int    wattr_set(WINDOW *, attr_t, short, void *);
   int    wbkgd(WINDOW *, chtype);
   void   wbkgdset(WINDOW *, chtype);
   int    wbkgrnd(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *);
   void   wbkgrndset(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *);
   int    wborder(WINDOW *, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
                  chtype, chtype);
   int    wborder_set(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *,
                     const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *,
                     const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *, const cchar_t *);
   int    wchgat(WINDOW *, int, attr_t, short, const void *);
   int    wclear(WINDOW *);
   int    wclrtobot(WINDOW *);
   int    wclrtoeol(WINDOW *);
   void   wcursyncup(WINDOW *);
   int    wcolor_set(WINDOW *, short, void *);
   int    wdelch(WINDOW *);
   int    wdeleteln(WINDOW *);
   int    wechochar(WINDOW *, const chtype);
   int    wecho_wchar(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *);
   int    werase(WINDOW *);
   int    wgetbkgrnd(WINDOW *, cchar_t *);
   int    wgetch(WINDOW *);
   int    wgetnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int);
   int    wgetn_wstr(WINDOW *, wint_t *, int);
   int    wgetstr(WINDOW *, char *);
   int    wget_wch(WINDOW *, wint_t *);
   int    wget_wstr(WINDOW *, wint_t *);
   int    whline(WINDOW *, chtype, int);
   int    whline_set(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *, int);
   chtype winch(WINDOW *);
   int    winchnstr(WINDOW *, chtype *, int);
   int    winchstr(WINDOW *, chtype *);
   int    winnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int);
   int    winnwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *, int);
   int    winsch(WINDOW *, chtype);
   int    winsdelln(WINDOW *, int);
   int    winsertln(WINDOW *);
   int    winsnstr(WINDOW *, const char *, int);
   int    wins_nwstr(WINDOW *, const wchar_t *, int);
   int    winsstr(WINDOW *, const char *);
   int    winstr(WINDOW *, char *);
   int    wins_wch(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *);
   int    wins_wstr(WINDOW *, const wchar_t *);
   int    win_wch(WINDOW *, cchar_t *);
   int    win_wchnstr(WINDOW *, cchar_t *, int);
   int    win_wchstr(WINDOW *, cchar_t *);
   int    winwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *);
   int    wmove(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    wnoutrefresh(WINDOW *);
   int    wprintw(WINDOW *, char *, ...);
   int    wredrawln(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    wrefresh(WINDOW *);
   int    wscanw(WINDOW *, char *, ...);
   int    wscrl(WINDOW *, int);
   int    wsetscrreg(WINDOW *, int, int);
   int    wstandend(WINDOW *);
   int    wstandout(WINDOW *);
   void   wsyncup(WINDOW *);
   void   wsyncdown(WINDOW *);
   void   wtimeout(WINDOW *, int);
   int    wtouchln(WINDOW *, int, int, int);
   wchar_t *wunctrl(cchar_t *);
   int    wvline(WINDOW *, chtype, int);
   int    wvline_set(WINDOW *, const cchar_t *, int);


For the previous UNIX® System V Release 4 (SVR4) curses library, the curses.h header file (now in ocurses.h), included the termios.h header file (see curses(S-osr5)). The termios.h header file is now included instead in term.h, as specified in The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 standard. Applications which formerly included only curses.h may now need to include term.h as well.

Standards conformance

The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2; The Open Group.


stdio(S), term(F), termio(HW), unctrl(F), wchar(M)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005