
uuinstall -- administer UUCP control files


/etc/uunistall [ -num ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -a -S sitename schedule type speed phone expect [ send [ ... ] ] ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -a -S line type dialer_line speed-range dialer [ token [ ... ] ] ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -d Systems n ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -d Devices n ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -l [ Systems | Devices | Inittab ] [ -v ] ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -L line [ -d ] [ enable | disable ] ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -ncx ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -N name ]
/etc/uuinstall [ -t -S sitename ]


The uuinstall program is used to manage the content of the control files used by the UUCP communications system. It allows users to change the contents of these files without using a text editor. Users need not know the detailed format of each of the control files, although they must be familiar with the function of the various fields within the files. These details are explained in the System Administration Guide.

The uuinstall program can only be executed by the super user. By default, it runs interactively and presents the user with a menu.

If uuinstall finds any of the required uucp control files missing from the system, it will create them with the correct access permissions and ownership.

The following commands may be used to operate uuinstall in non-interactive mode:

Run uuinstall in interactive mode, taking the user straight to the numbered menu item, where num is in the range 1 to 7. On finishing the menu item, uuinstall exits rather than returning to the top level menu.

-a -S sitename schedule type speed phone expect [ send [ ... ] ]
Add a new entry to the Systems file.

-a -S line type dialer_line speed-range dialer [ token [ ... ] ]
Add a new entry to the Devices file.

Check consistency of UUCP files.

-d Systems n
Delete item n from the Systems file.

-d Devices n
Delete item n from the Devices file.

-L line [ -d ] enable|disable
Enable or disable logins on line line. (If line is disabled, it can be deleted from /etc/inittab with -d.)

-l Systems [ -v ]
List the Systems file entries.

-l Devices [ -v ]
List the Devices file entries.

-l Inittab [ -v ]
List the /etc/inittab file entries with getty's on them.

Get name of system.

-N name
Set name of system.

-t -S sitename
Test connection with sitename.

(Optional) verbose flag for listings.

Convert old UUCP files to new format.


To produce a verbose listing of the current Systems file entries:

/etc/uuinstall -l Systems -v

To run uuinstall interactively:


To check the UUCP files for consistency:

/etc/uuinstall -c



See also

Devices(F), getty(M), gettydefs(F), Systems(F)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005