
mpstat -- multiprocessor CPU load status display


mpstat [ -x CPU ] [ -bo ]

mpstat [ -V ]


The multiprocessor load display utility, mpstat, displays system processor activity information on your screen for each of the processors serialized on your system. CPU load display information updates every second.

When you invoke mpstat, the Multiprocessor Activity window displays on your screen. For each CPU serialized on your system the following information displays:

CPU Activity Display windows

The CPU Activity Display window displays CPU activity. The percentage of kernel code running, the percentage of user code running, and the percentage of CPU idle time are indicated as follows: The amount of space within the CPU Activity Display window indicates the percentage of CPU idle time (one space equals 5%).


Each CPU is in one of three states:
The CPU load display utility displays status information for as many CPUs as possible on your screen. If you have a large number of processors serialized, it may not be possible to display status information for all processors on one screen. mpstat allows you to examine status information for all CPUs using the following key combinations:

<Ctrl>f scrolls forward one screen
<Ctrl>d scrolls forward one half screen
<Ctrl>b scrolls backward one screen
<Ctrl>u scrolls backward one half screen
<Home> or <Ctrl>h moves to the first screen
<End> or G moves to the last screen
<Up Arrow> or j scrolls forward one CPU
<Down Arrow> or k scrolls backward one CPU
<Ctrl>r or <Ctrl>l refreshes the current screen
<Space Bar> scrolls through options

 |Ctrlf           | scrolls forward one screen       |
 |Ctrld           | scrolls forward one half screen  |
 |Ctrlb           | scrolls backward one screen      |
 |Ctrlu           | scrolls backward one half screen |
 |Home or Ctrlh   | moves to the first screen        |
 |End or G        | moves to the last screen         |
 |Up Arrow or j   | scrolls forward one CPU          |
 |Down Arrow or k | scrolls backward one CPU         |
 |Ctrlr or Ctrll  | refreshes the current screen     |
 |Space Bar       | scrolls through options          |
The Help window displays the list of the key combinations above. Press ``h'' from the Multiprocessor Activity window to display the Help window. The Help window also displays Hotkey information. Hotkeys are used to move between mpstat windows. The Hotkeys are as follows:

<Esc> or q exit the current window
o display the Options window

 |Esc or q | exit the current window    |
 |o        | display the Options window |

You can select the required options, on the Options screen, using the <Up Arrow> and <Down Arrow> keys. Invoke mpstat with the -o option or type ``o'' at the Multiprocessor Activity window to display the Options window.

mpstat can be run with none or any of the following command line parameters:

use black and white for screen colors. This is useful for running mpstat in, for example, a scoterm window.

run Options window

allow mpstat to free run on any CPU. Default option.

display Corollary mpstat version number


This command numbers processors beginning with 1. The similar rtpm(ADM) command number processors beginning with 0. The two commands can both be used, but be aware of the numbering sequence difference.

Currently, the number of interrupts and number of traps in the display will both always be zero.



See also

cpu(HW), cpuonoff(ADM), cpusar(ADM), mpsar(ADM), psrinfo(ADM), rtpm(ADM)

Standards conformance

mpstat is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.


The locking capability provided by this command in previous release is no longer supported. In prior releases, the mpstat utility allowed you to lock this utility onto any one CPU (with the exception of the base CPU -- CPU1). If you locked mpstat onto a CPU, that CPU could only execute mpstat and processes currently designated to run on that CPU. The CPU displayed on the status information screen as being in a STATIC state. This functionality, the STATIC state, and the -c and -h options, are no longer supported.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005