Getting started

Logging out

When you have finished using the computer, you should log out.

When you log out, no one can use your terminal until they correctly log in by typing a valid login name and password. Logging out protects you from other people doing potentially destructive things with your files if they are logged in as you. It is a good security practice.

The command you type to log out depends on the shell you are using. To log out using the Bourne shell, type exit and press <Enter>.

To log out using the C shell, type logout then press <Enter>.

You may also be able to log out using a quick <Ctrl>D However, this may be disabled on your system.

When you log out, the login: prompt reappears on your screen.

Try logging out now:

  1. If you are using the Bourne or the Korn shell, type exit and press <Enter>. If you are using the C shell, type logout and press <Enter>.

  2. The UNIX system should log you out and the login: prompt should reappear on your screen.

Q: What if I see a message like:

exir: not found

A: In this example, the computer is telling you it cannot find a command named exir. What you meant, however, was ``exit''. Try typing the command again and press <Enter>.

Q: What if I try to log out with <Ctrl>D and I see a message like:

Enter "exit" to logout

A: Some systems are set up so that you cannot log out with <Ctrl>D. This is so that people do not accidentally log themselves out when they are typing <Ctrl>D for another reason. Follow the instructions on the screen to log out correctly.

Q: What if I change my mind when I am typing a command, and I want to cancel the command and start again?

A: There are two ways you can cancel the command you are currently typing and start over:

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005