Monitoring memory allocation
Use the od command of crash
to get information about memory allocation
on the system.
The following commands print the values of the kernel variables
that store information about memory allocation; the -d
option is used to request that decimal values are displayed:
od -d availrmem-
Number of 4KB pages of core memory
available to user-level processes.
This is equal to the total physical memory (physmem)
excluding memory allocated to the kernel.
It does not including swap space.
od -d availsmem-
Number of 4KB pages of swappable memory available for use.
For diskless clients, availsmem
and availrmem have the same value;
on other configurations,
availsmem represents
the unused portions of availrmem
and nswap.
od -d freemem-
Number of unused 4KB pages of core memory.
od -d nswap-
Size of swap space, as a number of physical 512-byte disk blocks;
divide this number by 8 to convert it to its equivalent in units
of 4KB pages.
od -d physmem-
Total number of 4KB physical memory pages
configured on the system.
This figure does not change.
For example, a 32MB system shows 8096 for physmem.
Some machines remap part of physical memory
so that the kernel cannot locate it;
on these machines, physmem will have a value lower
than the actual physical memory
configured on the system. The gap between 640KB and 1MB is an
example of this.
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Examining use of STREAMS resources
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Examining the values of kernel tunable parameters
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005