When a non-recoverable error occurs in SCOadmin, SCO Visual Tcl creates a file containing an error trace. The output is put into a file in the /tmp directory. While the SCO Visual Tcl output will probably not be useful to you, if the problem persists you should save the output when you call your provider for assistance.
Error filenames use the format:
where PID is the number of the process that created the file. Here is a sample output:
Uncaught error in Tcl program: hostmib: no SMUX entry for hostmib: goingDown---------------------------------------------------------------------- Error code = NONE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- no SMUX entry for hostmib: goingDown
while executing "SMUXInit hostmib /etc/sysadm.d/hostmib.defs" ("uplevel" body line 3) invoked from within "uplevel $command" ======================================================================