Using a secure system

Data encryption

If you have sensitive data that requires greater protection than that provided by access permission, you can encrypt the data. The encrypted file cannot be read without a password. If somebody tries to read the encrypted file without a password, it cannot be understood.

You will only have data encryption capabilities if the crypt(C) software is installed on your system. This software is available only within the United States and must be requested from your distributor.

A brief summary of encryption commands appears in the following table:

Command Description
crypt Encode and decode files. Reads from the standard input or keyboard and writes to the standard output or terminal.
makekey Generates an encryption key.
ed -x Edits an encrypted file, or creates a new encrypted file using the ed editor.
vi -x Edits an encrypted file, or creates a new encrypted file using the vi editor.
ex -x Edits an encrypted file, or creates a new encrypted file using the ex editor.
edit -x Edits an encrypted file, or creates a new encrypted file using the edit editor.
X Encrypts a file while in the editor mode (ed, ex, or edit).

Next topic: crypt--encode/decode files
Previous topic: Listing authorizations and running authorized commands

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005