These classes provide everything you need for a typical modern main
application window, like the main window itself, menu and tool bars,
a statusbar, etc.
QAction | Abstract user interface action that can appear both in menus and tool bars
QActionGroup | Groups actions together
QApplication | Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
QDockArea | Manages and lays out QDockWindows
QDockWindow | Widget which can be docked inside a QDockArea or floated as a top level window on the desktop
QEventLoop | Manages the event queue
QMainWindow | Main application window, with a menu bar, dock windows (e.g. for toolbars), and a status bar
QMenuBar | Horizontal menu bar
QPopupMenu | Popup menu widget
QSessionManager | Access to the session manager
QSizeGrip | Corner-grip for resizing a top-level window
QStatusBar | Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information
QToolBar | Movable panel containing widgets such as tool buttons
QWorkspace | Workspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDI