m4 provides three built-in macros for doing integer arithmetic. incr increments its numeric argument by 1. decr decrements by 1. To handle the common programming situation in which a variable is to be defined as ``one more than N'' you would use
define(N, 100) define(N1, `incr(N)')N1 is defined as one more than the current value of N.
The more general mechanism for arithmetic is a built-in called eval, which is capable of arbitrary arithmetic on integers. Its operators in decreasing order of precedence are
/ % +
== != < <= > >= ! ~ & | ^ && ||
Parentheses may be used to group operations where needed. All the operands of an expression given to eval must ultimately be numeric. The numeric value of a true relation (like 1 > 0) is 1, and false is 0. The precision in eval is 32 bits on the UNIX® operating system.
As a simple example, you can define
to be
define(M, `eval(2Then the sequenceN+1)')
define(N, 3) M(2)gives 9 as the result.