The functions real() and imag() return the real and imaginary parts of a complex number, respectively. This can, for example, be used to create differently formatted output of a complex:
complex cc = complex(3.4,5); cout << real(cc) << "+" << imag(cc) << "*i";will print 3.4+5*i.
The function polar() creates a complex given a pair of polar coordinates (magnitude, angle). The functions arg() and abs() both take a complex argument and return the angle and magnitude (modulus), respectively. For example:
complex cc = polar(SQRT_2,PI/4); // also known as complex(1,1) double magn = abs(cc); // magn = sqrt(2) double angl = arg(cc); // angl = PI/4 cout << "(m=" << magn << ", a=" << angl << ")";
If input and output functions for the polar representation of complex numbers are needed they can easily be written by the user.