About products, components, and packages
Each SCO OpenServer product is arranged in the following units:
The unit of software that you buy.
For example, SCO OpenServer Enterprise System and NeTraverse
are products.
Each product has its own version number.
A product is composed of one or more ``components'',
``packages'', or ``parcels''.
is one or more patches distributed as a product.
The smallest unit of software that can stand alone.
A component can constitute an entire product,
or it can be one of many components in a product,
but it cannot be split into smaller units for distribution.
Each component has its own version number.
A component is organized into a hierarchical tree of ``packages''.
is applied to a component (rather than to a product or package).
The most basic unit of software that can be installed or removed.
Each package consists either of files or of other packages.
A package does not have its own version number; it inherits the
version number of its parent component.
In addition to these units, a product might be subdivided into
In a parcel, related software is grouped for convenience.
For example, a parcel might contain the documentation packages from
several components, making it easier
to install or remove all the documentation in a product.
A parcel can contain one or more components, packages, or parcels
from the product.
See also:
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Removing software
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Loading software
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005