Clearing breakpoints
Use bc to clear breakpoints.
Use the wildcard character ``
'' to clear all breakpoints.
For data reference breakpoints,
call bc with either DRn,
(where n is 0, 1, 2, or 3)
to denote which breakpoint it is,
or the breakpoint's name.
The following two examples are equivalent,
with the above breakpoints set:
debug0:11> bc DR0
debug0:12> bc &u.u_uid
A simple method of clearing a code breakpoint immediately after it
occurs is:
debug0:13> bc %eip
This clears a breakpoint at the current eip
Other breakpoints can be cleared by giving either the
name of the breakpoint or its address. For example:
debug0:14> bc s5readi
A partial breakpoint name can be entered
to bc, bl, or bp
(for the mod option) by preceding it by a ``#'';
SCODB will prompt for verification of
the full breakpoint name before performing
the requested operation. For example:
debug0:14> bc #s5
s5readi? y
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OpenServer 6 and UnixWare (SVR5) HDK - June 2005