Working with files and directories

An example: what the system contains

When an SCO OpenServer system is installed, many directories are created automatically. The following figure shows a partial structure of a UNIX root filesystem. (A full root filesystem would be too large to show here.)

The root directory is the root of the filesystem tree. Every directory is a subdirectory of root.

/bin and /usr/bin
These directories contain most of the UNIX system commands. Generally, standard UNIX commands and applications are held in /bin, whereas group-specific commands and applications, that is, those used by a particular group of users, are held in /usr/bin.

This directory contains all the special device files. Special device files are access points to all the peripherals connected to the system.

This directory contains many of the system configuration files and system administration commands.

This file contains the UNIX kernel program. This program is loaded into memory when the operating system starts up. It is the heart of the SCO OpenServer system; for more information see ``The UNIX system kernel''.

This directory contains many application library files.

This directory is used by many commands for storing temporary files or files in a queue.

This directory contains storage sections. See ``Creating a link to a directory'' for information about symbolic links and storage sections.

Next topic: Creating a directory
Previous topic: How directories are organized

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005