Using windows

Using windows

You'll accomplish most of your Desktop work inside windows. For example, to edit an existing document, you might click on a text file icon named mycat. The Mycat window would open, and you could start editing the contents of mycat. Each window contains a:

Window menu
which you open by clicking on the Window menu button in the upper-left corner of the window's frame; use these menu items for such tasks as restoring, moving, resizing, minimizing, maximizing, lowering, and closing windows.

status bar
which shows the desktop or directory pathname. The status bar also indicates the number of icons shown and the number of icons hidden. If it is a directory window, it contains mini-icons representing the current and parent directories. Double-clicking on the mini-icon displaying two dots (..) moves you up the directory structure. Double-clicking on the blank icon returns you to your original directory.

scroll bar
which is used if a window contains more information than can be displayed. To view more of the window's contents, use the mouse pointer on the scroll bar. Drag the scroll bar slider to move slowly. To move in intervals, click on the arrow at the end of the scroll bar. To move to the next full window, by click on the scroll bar between the slider and one of the arrows.

refresher indicator
which appears when the window needs refreshing to show a new object, such as a file or object directory, that has just been added. The refresher indicator looks like a small red box. When you click on this box, the window is refreshed, and the new object's icon then appears.
See also:
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005