Customizing startup of the Graphical Environment

Running scologin with the Xservers file

You can use the /usr/lib/X11/scologin/Xservers file to configure scologin management of displays on your local system or on X servers that do not support XDMCP. You can also use this approach if you do not want to reconfigure the SCO X server, as described in ``Running scologin with XDMCP''.

To configure scologin to manage multiple displays using the Xservers file, use the following procedure. You must be logged onto the system as root.

  1. Use the scologin administration script to stop scologin, if it is currently running on your system.

    /etc/scologin stop

  2. On the host machine where you want to run scologin, add the servers you want to manage to the /usr/lib/X11/scologin/Xservers file. Use the following format when making entries in this file:

    display_name [display_classdisplay_type [startup_command]

    When you are finished, save and exit the file.

  3. To manage a remote display, you must provide access to the server. On the system where the display is to be managed, edit the /etc/Xn.hosts file, where n represents the display number you want to use on the remote machine, and add the name of the machine on which scologin will be running.

  4. When managing a remote display, you must start the X server on that display before scologin can gain control. On the actual screen you want managed by scologin, run the X server:

    /usr/bin/X11/X :display_number

    On a local system, this step is unnecessary because scologin automatically starts the X server.

  5. Returning to the scologin host machine, use the scologin administration script to restart scologin, so it reads its configuration files, including Xservers:

    /etc/scologin start

The scologin display manager should now be running on all of the displays you configured.

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005