Customizing startup of the Graphical Environment

About XDMCP X server options

Any X server that supports the XDMCP protocol can request a scologin session. To do this, the server must be started with the appropriate options to request the session.

The SCO X server (Xsco) uses the following options to determine how it uses XDMCP:

enables XDMCP and broadcasts BroadcastQuery packets to the network. The first responding display manager is chosen for the session.

-class display_class
sets the value of the additional XDMCP display qualifier, which is used in resource lookup for display-specific options. By default, the value is ``MIT-Unspecified''.

-cookie xdm-auth-bits
sets the value of a private key shared between the X server and the manager, which is used when testing XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1

-displayID display-id
allows the display manager to identify each display so that it can locate the shared key

-indirect host_name
enables XDMCP and sends IndirectQuery packets to the specified host

exits the X server after the first session is over. Normally, the X server keeps starting sessions, one after the other.

-port port_num
specifies an alternate port number for XDMCP packets. It must be specified before any -query, -broadcast or -indirect options.

-query host-name
enables XDMCP and sends Query packets to the specified host

See also:

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005