Manual section SLIB-osr5

build_authentication - perform ASN.1 compilation to build SNMP packet
build_pdu - perform ASN.1 compilation to make PDU
build_v1_mesg_from_pdu - build SNMPv1 packet
byteorder: htons, htonl, ntohl, ntohs - convert values between host and network byte order
close_up - close file descriptor associated with UDP socket
closelog - close log file
decode_SMUX_PDU - create SMUX PDU data structure from SNMP packet
dump_object - dump object information
dump_object_by_tree - dump information about objects in a subtree
dump_objects_by_tree - dump information about compiled objects in ccitt(0) and iso(1) subtrees
encode_SMUX_PDU - perform ASN.1 compilation to build SMUX PDU
endhostent - get network host entry
endnetent - get network entry
endprotoent - end protocol entry
endprotoent, getprotoent, getprotobynumber, getprotobyname, setprotoent - get protocol entry
endservent - end service entry
endservent, getservent, getservbyname, getservbyport, setservent - get service entry
endtosent - close the /etc/iptos file
ether: ether_ntoa, ether_aton, ether_ntohost, ether_hostton, ether_line - IEEE-address mapping operations
ether_aton - convert ASCII format back to an Ethernet address
ether_hostton - map hostname to Ethernet address
ether_line - scan a line to set hostname and Ethernet address
ether_ntoa - convert Ethernet address to ASCII format
ether_ntohost - map Ethernet address to hostname
free_authentication - free a trivial authentication header
free_octetstring - free octetstring memory allocation
free_oid - free Object Identifier memory
free_pdu - free PDU data structure
free_SMUX_ClosePDU - free SMUX_ClosePDU data structure
free_SMUX_GetPDU - free SMUX_Data_PDU data structure
free_SMUX_RReqPDU - free SMUX_RReqPDU data structure
free_SMUX_RRspPDU - free SMUX_RRspPDU data structure
free_SMUX_SimpleOpen - free SMUX_SimpleOpen data structure
free_SMUX_SOutPDU - free SMUX_SOutPDU data structure
free_SMUX_TrapPDU - free SMUX_Trap_PDU data structure
free_SNMP_SMUX_pdu - free PDU data structure
free_varbind_list - free variable binding memory
freeaddrinfo - nodename-to-address translation in protocol-independent manner
freehostent - free network host entry
ftruncate - set an ``fd'' named file to a specified length
gai_strerror - nodename-to-address translation in protocol-independent manner
get_pdu_from_v1_mesg - extract PDU
get_response - get agent response to send_request
getaddrinfo - nodename-to-address translation in protocol-independent manner
gethostbyaddr - get network host entry
gethostbyname - get network host entry
gethostent - get network host entry
gethostname - get name of current host
gethostname, sethostname - get/set name of current host
getipnodebyaddr - get network host entry
getipnodebyname - get network host entry
getnameinfo - address-to-name translation in protocol-independent manner
getnetbyaddr - get network entry
getnetbyname - get network entry
getnetent - get network entry
getprotobyname - get protocol entry by name
getprotobynumber - get protocol entry by address
getprotoent - get protocol entry
getservbyname - get service entry by name
getservbyport - get service entry by port number
getservent - get service entry
getsmuxEntrybyidentity - search for a peer in ``/snmpd.peers''
getsmuxEntrybyname - search for a peer in ``/snmpd.peers''
gettos: endtosent, gettosbyname, gettosent, parsetos, settosent - get network Type Of Service information
gettosbyname - return /etc/iptos entry
gettosent - return /etc/iptos entry
geturg - get TCP urgent data mode
herror - get network host entry
hesiod - Hesiod name server interface library
hesiod_init, hesiod_resolve, hesiod_free_list, hesiod_to_bind, hesiod_end - Hesiod library routines
htonl - convert values from host to network long byte order
htons - convert values from host to network short byte order
in_cksum - compute the Internet checksum
inaddr2oid - convert Internet address to OID representation of address
inet: inet_addr, inet_aton, inet_network, inet_ntoa, inet_lnaof, inet_makeaddr, inet_netof - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_addr - convert character string to Internet address
inet_aton - differentiate error condition from address of all ones
inet_cidr, inet_cidr_ntop, inet_cidr_pton - network translation routines
inet_lnaof - extract local address from Internet address
inet_makeaddr - convert local and network address into Internet address
inet_netof - extract network address from Internet address
inet_network - convert character string to network address
inet_ntoa - convert Internet address to ASCII format
init_trap_endpoint - monitor SNMP traps
initialize_io - open UDP socket to SNMP agent
insque - insert element from a queue
insque, remque - insert/remove element from a queue
Intro - introduction to socket library functions
link_varbind - add a VarBind entry to a PDU
link_varbind_list - append variable bindings to PDU
make_authentication - create a trivial authentication header
make_dot_from_obj_id - make dot notation character string from Object Identifier
make_obj_id_from_dot - make Object Identifier from dot notation character string
make_obj_id_from_hex - make Object Identifier from hex character string
make_octet_from_hex - create an octet string from a hex character string
make_octet_from_text - create an octet string from character text
make_octetstring - make OctetString library construct
make_oid - make Object Identifier library construct
make_pdu - create PDU data structure to start SNMP packet
make_req_id - generate time stamp for SNMP messages
make_varbind - make a VarBind entry data structure
mediaddr2oid - store length of an address and its contents in an OID
name2inst - return an instance for the object name
name2obj - return object type of an OID
next2inst - return an OI for closest object type before the OID
ns_sign, ns_sign_tcp, ns_sign_tcp_init, ns_verify, ns_verify_tcp, ns_verify_tcp_init, ns_find_tsig - TSIG routines
ntohl - convert values from network to host long byte order
ntohs - convert values from network to host short byte order
o_integer - associate INTEGER, Gauge, or Counter object type with its name
o_ipaddr - associate value of IpAddress with its name
o_longword - associate INTEGER, Gauge, or Counter object type with its name
o_number - associate TimeTicks object type with its name
o_specific - associate value of OBJECT IDENTIFIER with its name
o_string - associate value of DisplayString, OctetString, and so on with name
octet2str - convert OctetString to printable string
octetstring - operations on OctetStrings
oid - operations on Object Identifiers
oid2ode - return printable form OID
oid_cmp - compare two OIDs
oid_cpy - allocate and copy an OID
oid_extend - allocate a larger OID
oid_normalize - initialize new larger OID allocated by oid_extend
openlog - initialize system log file
openlog, syslog, closelog, setlogmask, vsyslog - control system log
os_cpy - allocate and copy an OctetString
parse_authentication - create authentication header from SNMP packet
parse_pdu - create PDU data structure from SNMP packet
parsetos - return t_tos value
print_ascii - print out octet string as an ascii string
print_octet_string_out - print out octet string received
print_packet_out - print out buffer received
print_varbind_list - print VarBind list in human readable form
rcmd - execute a command on a remote machine
rcmd, rresvport, ruserok - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
readobjects - read compiled list of peer-managed objects
remque - remove element from a queue
res_ninit, res_ourserver_p, fp_resstat, res_hostalias, res_pquery, res_nquery, res_nsearch, res_nquerydomain, res_nmkquery, res_nsend, res_nupdate, res_nmkupdate, res_nclose, res_nsendsigned, res_findzonecut, dn_comp, dn_expand, hstrerror, res_init, res_isourserver, fp_nquery, p_query, hostalias, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, res_send, res_update, res_close, herror - resolver routines
resolver, res_ninit, res_ourserver_p, fp_resstat, res_hostalias, res_pquery, res_nquery, res_nsearch, res_nquerydomain, res_nmkquery, res_nsend, res_nupdate, res_nmkupdate, res_nclose, res_nsendsigned, res_findzonecut, dn_comp, dn_expand, hstrerror, res_init, res_isourserver, fp_nquery, p_query, hostalias, res_query, res_search, res_querydomain, res_mkquery, res_send, res_update, res_close, herror - resolver routines
rexec - return stream to a remote command
rresvport - returns a socket descriptor in privileged port space
ruserok - remote user authentication
send_request - send SNMP request to agent
setegid - set group ID
seteuid - set user ID
seteuid, setegid - set user and group ID
sethostent - get network host entry
sethostname - set name of current host
setlogmask - set log file priority mask
setnetent - get network entry
setprotoent - set protocol entry
setservent - set service entry
settosent - open and rewind /etc/iptos file
smux_api - SMUX API operations
smux_close - terminate SMUX association with agent
smux_init - initiate TCP connection with local SNMP agent
smux_pdu - operations on SMUX PDUs
smux_register - export sub-tree to local SNMP agent
smux_response - send SMUX get-response PDU
smux_simple_open - initiate SMUX association with SNMP agent
smux_trap - send trap PDU to SNMP agent
smux_util - SMUX library routines
smux_wait - await arrival of SMUX PDU
snmp_authentication - SNMP authentication operations
snmp_pdu - Operations on SNMP PDUs
snmpio_api - network I/O and timestamp routines for SNMP management applications
sprintoid - return printable numeric form of an OID
syslog - control system log
text2inst - take a string and return an instance
text2obj - take a string and return an object type
text2oid - take a string and return an object name
text2syn - take a syntax name and return the associated structure
truncate - set a ``path'' named file to a specified length
truncate, ftruncate - set a file to a specified length
tsig, ns_sign, ns_sign_tcp, ns_sign_tcp_init, ns_verify, ns_verify_tcp, ns_verify_tcp_init, ns_find_tsig - TSIG system
varbind - Operations on Variable Bindings
vsyslog - control system log
xselect - simulate system call select