
uucp, uulog, uuname -- UNIX-to-UNIX system copy


uucp [ -c | -C ] [ -d | -f ] [ -jmr ] [ -g grade ] [ -n user ] [ -s file ]
[ -x debug_level ] source-file ... destination-file

uulog [ -s system ] [ -x ]

uulog -f system [ -number ] [ -x ]

uuname [ -l ] [ -c ]


uucp copies files named by the source-file arguments to the destination-file argument. A filename may be a pathname on your machine, or may have the form:


where system-name is taken from a list of system names that uucp knows about. The system-name may also be a list of names such as the following:

system-name!system-name! ... !system-name!pathname

In this case, an attempt is made to send the file via the specified route, to the destination. See ``Limitations'' below for restrictions. Care should be taken to ensure that intermediate nodes in the route are willing to forward information.

The shell metacharacters ``?'', ``*'' and [ ... ] appearing in pathname will be expanded on the appropriate system.

Pathnames may be one of:

If the result is an erroneous pathname for the remote system, the copy will fail. If the destination-file is a directory, the last part of the source-file name is used.

If a simple ~user destination is inaccessible to uucp, data is copied to a spool directory and the user is notified by mail(C).

uucp preserves execute permissions across the transmission and gives 0666 read and write permissions (see chmod(C)).

The following options are interpreted by uucp:

Do not copy local file to the spool directory for transfer to the remote machine (default).

Force the copy of local files to the spool directory for transfer.

Make all necessary directories for the file copy (default).

Do not make intermediate directories for the file copy.

-g grade
grade is a single letter/number; lower ASCII sequence characters will cause the job to be transmitted earlier during a particular conversation.

Print the job identification ASCII string on standard output. This job identification can be used by uustat to obtain the status or terminate a job.

Send mail to the requester when the copy is completed.

The -m option will only work when sending files or receiving a single file. Receiving multiple files specified by special shell characters ``?'', ``*'', [ ... ] will not activate the -m option.

-n user
Notify user on the remote system that a file was sent.

Do not start the file transfer, just queue the job.

-s file
Report status of the transfer to file. Note that the file must be a full pathname.

-x debug_level
Produce debugging output on standard output. The debug_level is a number between 0 and 9; higher numbers give more detailed information.
uulog writes the status of uucp and uuxqt(ADM) transactions to the standard output. (It queries the transaction log files /usr/spool/uucp/.Log/uucico/system, or /usr/spool/uucp/.Log/uuxqt/system respectively.) By default, information is written about all known systems.

uulog has the following options:

-s system
Print information about file transfer operations for system only.

-f system
Continuously monitors the file transfer log for system and displays the output using tail -f. (You must press DELETE or BREAK to exit.)

Indicates that tail should show number lines at a time. Used with the -f option.

Look in the uuxqt log file for the given system, instead of the uucico log file (the default).
uuname lists the names of systems known to uucp. It takes the following options:

Returns the names of systems known to cu instead of uucp. (The two lists are the same, unless your machine is using different Systems files for cu and uucp. See sysfiles(F).)

Returns the local system name.


The domain of remotely accessible files can (and for obvious security reasons, usually should) be severely restricted. You may be unable to fetch files by pathname; ask a responsible person on the remote system to send them to you. For the same reasons, you may not be able to send files to arbitrary pathnames. As distributed, the remotely accessible files are those whose names begin /usr/spool/uucppublic (equivalent to ~/).

All files received by uucp will be owned by uucp.

Protected files and files that are in protected directories that are owned by the requester can be sent by uucp. However, if the requester is root, and the directory is not searchable by ``other'' or the file is not readable by ``other'', the request will fail.

The forwarding of files through other systems may not be compatible with older (non-HDB) versions of uucp. If forwarding is used, all systems in the route must have the same version of uucp.


spool directories

public directory for receiving and sending

other data and program files

See also

chmod(S-osr5), mail(C), sysfiles(F), uustat(C), uux(C), uuxqt(ADM)

Standards conformance

uucp, uulog, and uuname are conformant with:

ISO/IEC DIS 9945-2:1992, Information technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and Utilities (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992);
AT&T SVID Issue 2;
X/Open CAE Specification, Commands and Utilities, Issue 4, 1992.

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005