
systemid -- Micnet system identification file




The systemid file contains the site and machine names for a system in a Micnet network. A site name identifies the network to which a system belongs and distinguishes the network from other networks in the same chain. A machine name identifies a system and distinguishes it from other systems in the same network.

The systemid file may contain a site name (site_name) and up to four different machine names (machine_name1-machine_name4).

The file must contain at least one machine name. The other machine names are optional, serving as alternate names for the same machine. The file must contain a site name if more than one machine name is given or if the network is connected to another through a UUCP link. The site name, when given, must be on the first line.

Each name can have up to eight letters and numbers but must always begin with a letter. There is never more than one name to a line. A line beginning with a number sign (#) is considered a comment line and is ignored.

The Micnet network requires one systemid file on each system in a network with each file containing a unique set of machine names. If the network is connected to another network through a UUCP link, each file in the network must contain the same site name.

The systemid file is used primarily during resolution of aliases. When aliases contain site and/or machine names, the name is compared with the names in the file and removed if there is a match. If there is no match, the alias (and associated message, file, or command) is passed on to the specified site or machine for further processing.


full pathname of systemid

See also

netutil(ADM), top(F)

Standards conformance

systemid is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005