
slot -- read the microchannel configuration registers


/etc/slot [ -a adid ] [ -fadnamesfile ] [ -s slot ]


The slot command displays the contents of the configuration POS registers on a microchannel architecture machine, and names the adapter cards currently configured in each slot.

For each of the eight adapter slots, slot shows the slot number, the unique adapter id (four digits in hexadecimal from registers 0x100 and 0x101), the contents of the remaining six POS registers (two hexadecimal digits each), followed by the adapter card name.

The default slot display looks similar to this:

Slot   AdID   Regs    0x102-0x107   Adapter Name
1      ----   -- --   -- -- -- --   Empty Slot
2      0f1f   01 3b   f7 31 ff ff   Adaptec 1640 SCSI Host Adapter
3      ----   -- --   -- -- -- --   Empty Slot
4      6bbc   81 00   00 85 ff ff   Apricot Synchronous Communications Adapter
5      6bba   81 00   00 b6 ff ff   Apricot Ethernet Controller
6      dfbf   05 02   ff ff ff ff   IBM 6157 Streaming Tape
7      ----   -- --   -- -- -- --   Empty Slot
8      ----   -- --   -- -- -- --   Empty Slot
The available slot options select a particular adapter id, a particular slot, or select an alternative names file.

-a adid
Shows only the information for those slots in which an adapter of that id is configured (no display if no such adapter). adid should be specified in hexadecimal. For example, /etc/slot -a dfbf shows only those slots which contain an IBM 6157 Streaming Tape adapter card.

-f adnamesfile
The text displayed by /etc/slot is normally read from the file /etc/default/slot. This option redirects it to read from an alternative file adnamesfile. For example, /etc/slot -f /dev/null shows only the register contents of occupied slots, without the accompanying text, which can be useful when processing the output automatically in a shell script.

-s slot
Shows only the information for that slot (no display if that slot is empty). For example, /etc/slot -s 6 shows only the information for slot 6.

Exit values

Returns 0 upon successful completion. Returns 1 if incorrectly invoked, if the machine is not a microchannel architecture machine (/dev/mcapos unreadable), if the selected adapter id is not found, or if the selected slot is empty.


If run on a machine which does not have the microchannel architecture, slot reports ``not an MCA machine'' and exits returns 1.

If an adapter id is not listed in /etc/default/slot, slot reports ``Unknown card'' for that slot. The System Administrator should add an entry for that adapter id to /etc/default/slot.


slot reports what adapter is configured in which slot. No indication is given as to whether that adapter is working, nor whether that adapter is connected to working hardware. No indication is given as to whether the current SCO OpenServer kernel supports that adapter, nor whether a driver for that adapter is available for SCO OpenServer.

slot cannot be used to change the configuration shown. To change the configuration, use the setup disk supplied with your machine. Consult the hardware documentation supplied with your machine for details concerning the use of the setup disk.


This file contains the headers, footers and adapter names shown by the slot utility. The text in this file may be translated, or extended as new adapters are announced. The display of header lines, empty slots, and footers may be suppressed by omitting their text.

The slot utility reads the 64 bytes of MCA POS register configuration information from this device.

See also


Standards conformance

slot is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005