
sco_pmd -- license policy manager daemon


/etc/sco_pmd [ -N nodelock ] [ -D defaults_database ] [ -k ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -l ] [ -f ]


The sco_pmd daemon implements the license policy manager. When you execute SCO software that requires a license to run, the sco_pmd daemon checks with the PMD to verify that the software is correctly licensed. If not, sco_pmd applies a ``policy decision'' to determine if the software is allowed to continue running. Certain applications make further internal policy decisions based on the decision made by the PMD. sco_pmd is started during system initialization by an entry in the /etc/inittab file, and should never be stopped. If the PMD stops running for any reason, the kernel issues warning messages at an increasingly frequent rate.

In SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7, all previous license daemons are now included in the PMD within a single daemon process. The ifor_pmd, ifor_sld, and sco_cpd daemons used in previous releases no longer exist. The sco_pmd daemon only requires that a single process be running, unlike previous SCO OpenServer releases, where the PMD also spawned a ``watcher'' process.

sco_pmd accepts the following command line options:

-N nodelock
Specifies an alternate location for the /usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock file. This option is rarely used, and usually only when instructed to by Technical Support personnel.

-D defaults_database
Specifies an alternate location for the license defaults database, /usr/lib/netls/conf/licmap.db. This file contains license attributes, and is used by the PMD and brand(ADM) when capturing licenses.

Update the in-kernel license tables. If you manually capture licenses using brand(ADM), executing sco_pmd -k informs the kernel of any new kernel-specific licenses. This option does not affect licenses for other software. The PMD updates the kernel tables automatically once a day.

Refresh the PMD-managed license tables for all applications, including kernel licenses. This option should be used if you ever manually add or remove licenses using brand(ADM).

List the internal PMD state and produce diagnostic information on the stdout file. This list can be fairly long, so piping the output through the pager is recommended. This is primarily a diagnostic tool for Technical Support personnel. However, this option lists all of the licenses currently in use, which can be useful information for system administrators to gauge license usage.

Perform an orderly shutdown of the PMD.

Run in the foreground. By default, the PMD runs in the background. Use this option to force it to remain in the foreground.

If none of the -k, -r or -l options are specified, the PMD attempts to start, either in the background (by default) or in the foreground if the -f option is specified. Only one copy of the PMD can run at the same time; a warning message displays if you attempt to run more than one copy.


The PMD is a vital system process, and should never be stopped unless your intention is to restart it immediately. Although it is possible to use the kill(C) command to stop the PMD, the preferred mechanism is to use the -s option. As soon as possible after shutting down the PMD, it should be started again. Simply run /etc/sco_pmd with no arguments to start the daemon in the background.

If the PMD is shut down and restarted, the kernel issues a warning message, and the PMD itself displays a more verbose warning message letting the system administrator know that there may be a serious system problem. If the PMD fails to start during system initialization, the system is unlicensed, and will behave unpredictably. In this situation, contact your Technical Support representative immediately.

Do not edit or tamper with the sco_pmd binary in any way. Doing so will render it useless, and the system will be unlicensed. Only official SCO patches can update the PMD.


binary for the sco_pmd daemon

default nodelock (license database) file

default license defaults database

system error log, where any problems with the PMD are reported

internal pipes for applications to communicate with the PMD. No files in this directory should ever be removed or used by anything other than licensed software and the PMD.

See also


Standards conformance

sco_pmd is not part of any standard, and is an extension to the UNIX operating system provided by SCO.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005