


       registry - Manipulate the Windows registry


       package require registry 1.1

       registry option keyName ?arg arg ...?


       The  registry  package provides a general set of operations for manipu-
       lating the Windows registry.  The package implements the  registry  Tcl
       command.   This  command  is  only  supported  on the Windows platform.
       Warning: this command should be used with caution as a  corrupted  reg-
       istry can leave your system in an unusable state.

       KeyName  is  the  name of a registry key.  Registry keys must be one of
       the following forms:




       Hostname specifies the name of any valid Windows host that exports  its
       registry.   The  rootname  component must be one of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
       HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA,  or  HKEY_DYN_DATA.   The  keypath can be one or |
       more registry key names separated by backslash (\) characters.

       Option indicates what to do with the registry  key  name.   Any  unique
       abbreviation for option is acceptable.  The valid options are:          |

       registry broadcast keyName ?-timeout millisec-                          |
       onds?                      |                                            |
              Sends a broadcast message to the system and running programs  to |
              notify  them of certain updates.  This is necessary to propagate |
              changes to key registry  keys  like  Environment.   The  timeout |
              specifies  the  amount  of  time,  in  milliseconds, to wait for |
              applications to respond to the broadcast message.   It  defaults |
              to  3000.   The following example demonstrates how to add a path |
              to the global Environment and notify applications of the  change |
              without  requiring  a  logoff/logon  step  (assumes admin privi- |
              leges):                                                          |
              set regPath {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment}|
              set curPath [registry get $regPath "Path"]                       |
              registry set $regPath "Path" "$curPath;$addPath"                 |
              registry broadcast "Environment"                                 |

       registry delete keyName ?valueName?
              If the optional valueName argument  is  present,  the  specified
              value  under  keyName will be deleted from the registry.  If the
              optional valueName is omitted, the specified key and any subkeys
              or  values beneath it in the registry hierarchy will be deleted.
              If the key could not be deleted then an error is generated.   If
              the key did not exist, the command has no effect.

       registry get keyName valueName
              Returns  the  data associated with the value valueName under the
              key keyName.  If either the key or the  value  does  not  exist,
              then  an  error is generated.  For more details on the format of
              the returned data, see SUPPORTED TYPES, below.

       registry keys keyName ?pattern?
              If pattern isn't specified, returns a list of names of  all  the
              subkeys  of  keyName.  If pattern is specified, only those names
              matching pattern are returned.  Matching is determined using the
              same  rules  as for string match.  If the specified keyName does
              not exist, then an error is generated.

       registry set keyName ?valueName data ?type??
              If valueName isn't specified, creates  the  key  keyName  if  it
              doesn't  already  exist.  If valueName is specified, creates the
              key keyName and value valueName if necessary.  The  contents  of
              valueName  are  set to data with the type indicated by type.  If
              type isn't specified, the type sz is assumed.  For more  details
              on the data and type arguments, see SUPPORTED TYPES below.

       registry type keyName valueName
              Returns the type of the value valueName in the key keyName.  For
              more information on the possible  types,  see  SUPPORTED  TYPES,

       registry values keyName ?pattern?
              If  pattern  isn't specified, returns a list of names of all the
              values of keyName.  If pattern is specified,  only  those  names
              matching pattern are returned.  Matching is determined using the
              same rules as for string match.


       Each value under a key in the registry contains some data of a particu-
       lar  type in a type-specific representation.  The registry command con-
       verts between this internal representation and one that can be  manipu-
       lated  by Tcl scripts.  In most cases, the data is simply returned as a
       Tcl string.  The type indicates the intended use for the data, but does
       not  actually  change the representation.  For some types, the registry
       command returns the data in a different  form  to  make  it  easier  to
       manipulate.   The  following  types are recognized by the registry com-

       binary           The registry value  contains  arbitrary  binary  data.
                        The  data is represented exactly in Tcl, including any
                        embedded nulls.

       none             The registry value contains arbitrary binary data with
                        no  defined  type.  The data is represented exactly in
                        Tcl, including any embedded nulls.

       sz               The registry value contains a null-terminated  string.
                        The data is represented in Tcl as a string.

       expand_sz        The  registry  value contains a null-terminated string
                        that contains  unexpanded  references  to  environment
                        variables  in  the  normal Windows style (for example,
                        "%PATH%").  The  data  is  represented  in  Tcl  as  a

       dword            The  registry  value  contains  a little-endian 32-bit
                        number.  The data is represented in Tcl as  a  decimal

       dword_big_endian The  registry  value contains a big-endian 32-bit num-
                        ber.  The data is represented  in  Tcl  as  a  decimal

       link             The registry value contains a symbolic link.  The data
                        is represented exactly in Tcl, including any  embedded

       multi_sz         The  registry  value  contains an array of null-termi-
                        nated strings.  The data is represented in  Tcl  as  a
                        list of strings.

       resource_list    The  registry  value contains a device-driver resource
                        list.  The data is represented exactly in Tcl, includ-
                        ing any embedded nulls.

       In addition to the symbolically named types listed above, unknown types
       are identified using a 32-bit integer that corresponds to the type code
       returned  by  the  system interfaces.  In this case, the data is repre-
       sented exactly in Tcl, including any embedded nulls.


       The registry command is only available on Windows.


       Print out how double-clicking on a Tcl script file will  invoke  a  Tcl
              package require registry
              set ext .tcl

              # Read the type name
              set type [registry get HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\$ext {}]
              # Work out where to look for the command
              set path HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\$type\\Shell\\Open\\command
              # Read the command!
              set command [registry get $path {}]

              puts "$ext opens with $command"



registry                              1.1                          registry(n)

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