
ndstat -- display network adapter driver statistics


/usr/bin/ndstat [-sSRlcC] [device_name]


The ndstat utility displays statistics for each configured network adapter driver in several views. In addition to the driver name and address, ndstat polls the DLPI (Data Link Provider Interface) module for information on the services it provides, including:

NOTE: No statistics are displayed for MDI drivers that are being used as failover backup devices.

ndstat understands the following options:

Verify the device name only.

Display SAP information.

Display the Token-Ring source routing table.

Display media-specific statistics in long form.

Clear all statistics.

Clear the Token-Ring route table.
The argument device_name allows you to specify a single device name. If you do not specify this argument and there is more than one adapter configured, ndstat shows you the configuration for all of the devices. For MDI devices, the name is in the form netn-1, where n is the number of adapters configured in your system. For legacy DLPI and ODI drivers, the name is HSM_0.




Here is sample output from the basic ndstat command:
   Device       MAC address in use    Factory MAC Address
   ------       ------------------    -------------------
   /dev/net0    00:00:c0:cb:ca:80     00:00:c0:cb:ca:80

Multicast address table ----------------------- 01:00:5e:00:00:01

FRAMES Unicast Multicast Broadcast Error Octets Queue Length ---------- --------- --------- ------ ----------- ------------ In: 1559104 0 171752 867 497222655 0 Out: 1445668 3 16 165 536346107 0

the name of the adapter driver

MAC address in use
the MAC (Media Access Control) address currently associated with the adapter. Although this is often the same as the Factory Address, alternative MAC addresses can be configured for some adapters.

Factory Address
the built-in address assigned by the adapter manufacturer (also called ``hardware address'')

Multicast address table
gives the multicast address in the same form as the Factory Address

number of frames that have gone in and out of the board, further broken down by:

frames sent to or received from the multicast MAC address.

frames sent to or received from multihost MAC addresses other than the broadcast address.

frames sent to or received from the broadcast MAC address.

the number of frames that have gone in and out with errors

number of 8-bit ``bytes'' sent or received

Queue Length
number of STREAMS messages currently queued
ndstat -l displays the same basic information but adds information from the DLPI and MDI (MAC Driver Interface) modules, as well as media-specific statistics. Here is an example of the module display:
   DLPI Module Info: 2 SAPs open, 16 SAPs maximum
                    96687 frames received destined for an unbound SAP

MAC Driver Info: Media_type: Ethernet Min_SDU: 14, Max_SDU: 1514, Address length: 6 Interface speed: 10 Mbits/sec

Interface Versions: MDI 2

DLPI Module Info
information about this instance of the Data Link Provider Interface.

SAPs open
current number of active data link users

SAPs maximum
maximum number of active data link users allowed

frames received destined for an unbound SAP
frames discarded because they are sent to a Service Access Point (SAP) that is not bound by a DCS user.

MAC Driver Info
information about this Media Access Control (MAC) driver.

Ethernet, Token-Ring, FDDI, ISDN

minimum send data unit (packet size)

maximum send data unit (packet size)

Address length
number of bytes in the MAC address

Interface speed
maximum throughput supported on the media interface in megabits per second (usually written as ``Mbits/sec'' or ``Mbps''). If the adapter supports multiple speeds (for example, it is a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet adapter or a 4/16 Mbps Token-Ring adapter), this value is the maximum throughput of the media to which the adapter is currently attached. For example, a 10/100 Ethernet adapter that is connected to a 10 Mbps hub has an interface speed of 10 Mbits/sec

Interface Versions
MDI version number
ndstat -R displays the same basic information but adds a listing of the Token-Ring source routing table:
           Source routing table
           0/1 Source Routes in use
           Short timer = 1000 ticks
           Medium timer = 12000 ticks
           Long timer = 90000 ticks
           Garbage collector runs every 1500 ticks

No source routing table entries present

ndstat -S displays the same basic information but adds a listing of SAP information:

           Unicast XID TEST Multicast Broadcast Error   Octets   Queue Length
          -------- --- ---- --------- --------- ----- ---------- ------------

"IP" Ethernet-II type=0x0800: In: 1558996 0 0 0 123266 0 494301873 0 Out: 1445365 0 0 3 1 0 536324188 0 "ARP" Ethernet-II type=0x0806: In: 13 0 0 0 48388 0 2904256 0 Out: 236 0 0 0 15 0 14874 0

to/from individual (non-group) MAC address

exchange identification (LLC frame)

Test LLC frame

Logical Link Control


mdi(HW), nd(ADM), ndcfg(ADM), dlpid(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005