
float_denorm_style , float_round_style , numeric_limits - used for testing numeric type properties


   namespace std {
   enum float_denorm_style;
   enum float_round_style;
   template<class T>
       class numeric_limits;


Include the standard header <limits> to define the template class numeric_limits. Explicit specializations of this class describe many arithmetic properties of the scalar types (other than pointers).


   enum float_denorm_style {
       denorm_indeterminate = -1,
       denorm_absent = 0,
       denorm_present = 1

The enumeration describes the various methods that an implementation can choose for representing a denormalized floating-point value -- one too small to represent as a normalized value:


   enum float_round_style {
       round_indeterminate = -1,
       round_toward_zero = 0,
       round_to_nearest = 1,
       round_toward_infinity = 2,
       round_toward_neg_infinity = 3

The enumeration describes the various methods that an implementation can choose for rounding a floating-point value to an integer value:


denorm_min , digits , digits10 , epsilon , has_denorm , has_denorm_loss , has_infinity , has_quiet_NaN , has_signaling_NaN , infinity , is_bounded , is_exact , is_iec559 , is_integer , is_modulo , is_signed , is_specialized , max , max_exponent , max_exponent10 , min , min_exponent , min_exponent10 , quiet_NaN , radix , round_error , round_style , signaling_NaN , tinyness_before , traps

   template<class T>
       class numeric_limits {
       static const float_denorm_style has_denorm
           = denorm_absent;
       static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;
       static const bool has_infinity = false;
       static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;
       static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;
       static const bool is_bounded = false;
       static const bool is_exact = false;
       static const bool is_iec559 = false;
       static const bool is_integer = false;
       static const bool is_modulo = false;
       static const bool is_signed = false;
       static const bool is_specialized = false;
       static const bool tinyness_before = false;
       static const bool traps = false;
       static const float_round_style round_style =
       static const int digits = 0;
       static const int digits10 = 0;
       static const int max_exponent = 0;
       static const int max_exponent10 = 0;
       static const int min_exponent = 0;
       static const int min_exponent10 = 0;
       static const int radix = 0;
       static T denorm_min() throw();
       static T epsilon() throw();
       static T infinity() throw();
       static T max() throw();
       static T min() throw();
       static T quiet_NaN() throw();
       static T round_error() throw();
       static T signaling_NaN() throw();

The template class describes many arithmetic properties of its parameter type T. The header defines explicit specializations for the types wchar_t, bool, char, signed char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, float, double, and long double. For all these explicit specializations, the member is_specialized is true, and all relevant members have meaningful values. The program can supply additional explicit specializations.

For an arbitrary specialization, no members have meaningful values. A member object that does not have a meaningful value stores zero (or false) and a member function that does not return a meaningful value returns T(0).


   static T denorm_min() throw();

The function returns the minimum value for the type (which is the same as min() if has_denorm is not equal to denorm_present).


   static const int digits = 0;

The member stores the number of radix digits that the type can represent without change (which is the number of bits other than any sign bit for a predefined integer type, or the number of mantissa digits for a predefined floating-point type).


   static const int digits10 = 0;

The member stores the number of decimal digits that the type can represent without change.


   static T epsilon() throw();

The function returns the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 that is representable for the type (which is the value FLT_EPSILON for type float).


   static const float_denorm_style has_denorm =

The member stores denorm_present for a floating-point type that has denormalized values (effectively a variable number of exponent bits).


   static const bool has_denorm_loss = false;

The member stores true for a type that determines whether a value has lost accuracy because it is delivered as a denormalized result (too small to represent as a normalized value) or because it is inexact (not the same as a result not subject to limitations of exponent range and precision), an option with IEC 559 floating-point representations that can affect some results.


   static const bool has_infinity = false;

The member stores true for a type that has a representation for positive infinity. True if is_iec559 is true.


   static const bool has_quiet_NaN = false;

The member stores true for a type that has a representation for a quiet NaN, an encoding that is ``Not a Number'' which does not signal its presence in an expression. True if is_iec559 is true.


   static const bool has_signaling_NaN = false;

The member stores true for a type that has a representation for a signaling NaN, an encoding that is ``Not a Number'' which signals its presence in an expression by reporting an exception. True if is_iec559 is true.


   static T infinity() throw();

The function returns the representation of positive infinity for the type. The return value is meaningful only if has_infinity is true.


   static const bool is_bounded = false;

The member stores true for a type that has a bounded set of representable values (which is the case for all predefined types).


   static const bool is_exact = false;

The member stores true for a type that has exact representations for all its values (which is the case for all predefined integer types). A fixed-point or rational representation is also considered exact, but not a floating-point representation.


   static const bool is_iec559 = false;

The member stores true for a type that has a representation conforming to IEC 559, an international standard for representing floating-point values (also known as IEEE 754 in the USA).


   static const bool is_integer = false;

The member stores true for a type that has an integer representation (which is the case for all predefined integer types).


   static const bool is_modulo = false;

The member stores true for a type that has a modulo representation, where all results are reduced modulo some value (which is the case for all predefined unsigned integer types).


   static const bool is_signed = false;

The member stores true for a type that has a signed representation (which is the case for all predefined floating-point and signed integer types).


   static const bool is_specialized = false;

The member stores true for a type that has an explicit specialization defined for template class numeric_limits (which is the case for all scalar types other than pointers).


   static T max() throw();

The function returns the maximum finite value for the type (which is INT_MAX for type int and FLT_MAX for type float). The return value is meaningful if is_bounded is true.


   static const int max_exponent = 0;

The member stores the maximum positive integer such that the type can represent as a finite value radix raised to that power (which is the value FLT_MAX_EXP for type float). Meaningful only for floating-point types.


   static const int max_exponent10 = 0;

The member stores the maximum positive integer such that the type can represent as a finite value 10 raised to that power (which is the value FLT_MAX_10_EXP for type float). Meaningful only for floating-point types.


   static T min() throw();

The function returns the minimum normalized value for the type (which is INT_MIN for type int and FLT_MIN for type float). The return value is meaningful if is_bounded is true or is_bounded is false and is_signed is false.


   static const int min_exponent = 0;

The member stores the minimum negative integer such that the type can represent as a normalized value radix raised to that power (which is the value FLT_MIN_EXP for type float). Meaningful only for floating-point types.


   static const int min_exponent10 = 0;

The member stores the minimum negative integer such that the type can represent as a normalized value 10 raised to that power (which is the value FLT_MIN_10_EXP for type float). Meaningful only for floating-point types.


   static T quiet_NaN() throw();

The function returns a representation of a quiet NaN for the type. The return value is meaningful only if has_quiet_NaN is true.


   static const int radix = 0;

The member stores the base of the representation for the type (which is 2 for the predefined integer types, and the base to which the exponent is raised, or FLT_RADIX, for the predefined floating-point types).


   static T round_error() throw();

The function returns the maximum rounding error for the type.


   static const float_round_style round_style =

The member stores a value that describes the vaious methods that an implementation can choose for rounding a floating-point value to an integer value.


   static T signaling_NaN() throw();

The function returns a representation of a signaling NaN for the type. The return value is meaningful only if has_signaling_NaN is true.


   static const bool tinyness_before = false;

The member stores true for a type that determines whether a value is ``tiny'' (too small to represent as a normalized value) before rounding, an option with IEC 559 floating-point representations that can affect some results.


   static const bool traps = false;

The member stores true for a type that generates some kind of signal to report certain arithmetic exceptions.


limits(F) , signal(M)
18 February 2000
© 2000 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 1992-1996 by P.J. Plauger. Portions derived from work copyright © 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved.