

       RPC::XML - A set of classes for core data, message and XML handling


           use RPC::XML;

           $req = RPC::XML::request->new('fetch_prime_factors',
           $resp = RPC::XML::Parser->new()->parse(STREAM);
           if (ref($resp))
               return $resp->value->value;
               die $resp;


       The RPC::XML package is an implementation of the XML-RPC standard.

       The package provides a set of classes for creating values to pass to
       the constructors for requests and responses. These are lightweight
       objects, most of which are implemented as tied scalars so as to asso-
       ciate specific type information with the value. Classes are also pro-
       vided for requests, responses, faults (errors) and a parser based on
       the XML::Parser package from CPAN.

       This module does not actually provide any transport implementation or
       server basis. For these, see RPC::XML::Client and RPC::XML::Server,


       At present, three simple functions are available for import. They must
       be explicitly imported as part of the "use" statement, or with a direct
       call to "import":

           Convert the integer time value in $time (which defaults to calling
           the built-in "time" if not present) to a ISO 8601 string in the UTC
           time zone. This is a convenience function for occassions when the
           return value needs to be of the dateTime.iso8601 type, but the
           value on hand is the return from the "time" built-in.

           Converts the passed-in arguments to datatype objects. Any that are
           already encoded as such are passed through unchanged. The routine
           is called recursively on hash and array references. Note that this
           routine can only deduce a certain degree of detail about the values
           passed. Boolean values will be wrongly encoded as integers. Pretty
           much anything not specifically recognizable will get encoded as a
           string object. Thus, for types such as "fault", the ISO time value,
           base-64 data, etc., the program must still explicitly encode it.
           However, this routine will hopefully simplify things a little bit
           for a majority of the usage cases.

           Returns the length of the string passed in, in bytes rather than
           characters.  In Perl prior to 5.6.0 when there was little or no
           Unicode support, this has no difference from the "length" function.
           if the bytes pragme is available, then the length measured is raw
           bytes, even when faced with multi-byte characters. If no argument
           is passed in, operates on $_.

       In addition to these three, the following "helper" functions are also
       available. They may be imported explicitly, or via a tag of ":types":

           RPC_BASE64 RPC_STRING

       Each creates a data object of the appropriate type from a single value.
       They are merely short-hand for calling the constructors of the data
       classes directly.

       All of the above (helpers and the first three functions) may be
       imported via the tag ":all".


       The classes provided by this module are broken into two groups:
       datatype classes and message classes.

       Data Classes

       The following data classes are provided by this library. Each of these
       provide at least the set of methods below. Note that these classes are
       designed to create throw-away objects. There is currently no mechanism
       for changing the value stored within one of these object after the con-
       structor returns. It is assumed that a new object would be created,

       The common methods to all data classes are:

           Constructor. The value passed in is the value to be encapsulated in
           the new object.

           Returns the value kept in the object. Processes recursively for
           "array" and "struct" objects.

           Returns the value as a XML-RPC fragment, with the proper tags, etc.

           Send the stringified rendition of the data to the given file han-
           dle. This allows messages with arbitrarily-large Base-64 data
           within them to be sent without having to hold the entire message
           within process memory.

           Returns the length, in bytes, of the object when serialized into
           XML. This is used by the client and server classes to calculate
           message length.

           Returns the type of data being stored in an object. The type
           matches the XML-RPC specification, so the normalized form "date-
           time_iso8601" comes back as "dateTime.iso8601".

           All types except the fault class return false for this. This is to
           allow consistent testing of return values for fault status, without
           checking for a hash reference with specific keys defined.

       The classes themselves are:

           Creates an integer value. Constructor expects the integer value as
           an argument.

           This is like the "int" class. Note that services written in
           strictly-typed languages such as C, C++ or Java may consider the
           "i4" and "int" types as distinct and different.

           Creates a floating-point value.

           Creates an arbitrary string. No special encoding is done to the
           string (aside from XML document encoding, covered later) with the
           exception of the "<", ">" and "&" characters, which are XML-escaped
           during object creation, and then reverted when the "value" method
           is called.

           Creates a boolean value. The value returned will always be either
           of 1 or 0, for true or false, respectively. When calling the con-
           structor, the program may specify any of: 0, "no", "false", 1,
           "yes", "true".

           Creates an instance of the XML-RPC "dateTime.iso8601" type. The
           specification for ISO 8601 may be found elsewhere. No processing is
           done to the data.

           Creates an object that encapsulates a chunk of data that will be
           treated as base-64 for transport purposes. The value may be passed
           in as either a string or as a scalar reference. Additionally, a
           second (optional) parameter may be passed, that if true identifies
           the data as already base-64 encoded. If so, the data is decoded
           before storage. The "value" method returns decoded data, and the
           "as_string" method encodes it before stringification.

           Alternately, the constructor may be given an open filehandle argu-
           ment instead of direct data. When this is the case, the data is
           never read into memory in its entirety, unless the "value" or
           "as_string" methods are called. This allows the manipulation of
           arbitrarily-large Base-64-encoded data chunks. In these cases, the
           flag (optional second argument) is still relevant, but the data is
           not pre-decoded if it currently exists in an encoded form. It is
           only decoded as needed. Note that the filehandle passed must be
           open for reading, at least. It will not be written to, but it will
           be read from. The position within the file will be preserved
           between operations.

           Because of this, this class supports a special method called
           "to_file", that takes one argument. The argument may be either an
           open, writable filehandle or a string. If it is a string, "to_file"
           will attempt to open it as a file and write the decoded data to it.
           If the argument is a an open filehandle, the data will be written
           to it without any pre- or post-adjustment of the handle position
           (nor will it be closed upon completion). This differs from the
           "serialize" method in that it always writes the decoded data (where
           the other always writes encoded data), and in that the XML opening
           and closing tags are not written. The return value of "to_file" is
           the size of the data written in bytes.

           Creates an array object. The constructor takes zero or more data-
           type instances as arguments, which are inserted into the array in
           the order specified. "value" returns an array reference of native
           Perl types. If a non-null value is passed as an argument to
           "value()", then the array reference will contain datatype objects
           (a shallow rather than deep copy).

           Creates a struct object, the analogy of a hash table in Perl. The
           keys are ordinary strings, and the values must all be data-type
           objects. The "value" method returns a hash table reference, with
           native Perl types in the values.  Key order is not preserved. Key
           strings are now encoded for special XML characters, so the use of
           such ("<", ">", etc.) should be transparent to the user. If a non-
           null value is passed as an argument to "value()", then the hash
           reference will contain the datatype objects rather than native Perl
           data (a shallow vs. deep copy, as with the array type above).

           When creating RPC::XML::struct objects, there are two ways to pass
           the content in for the new object: Either an existing hash refer-
           ence may be passed, or a series of key/value pairs may be passed.
           If a reference is passed, the existing data is copied (the refer-
           ence is not re-blessed), with the values encoded into new objects
           as needed.

           A fault object is a special case of the struct object that checks
           to ensure that there are two keys, "faultCode" and "faultString".

           As a matter of convenience, since the contents of a RPC::XML::fault
           structure are specifically defined, the constructor may be called
           with exactly two arguments, the first of which will be taken as the
           code, and the second as the string. They will be converted to
           RPC::XML types automatically and stored by the pre-defined key

           Also as a matter of convenience, the fault class provides the fol-
           lowing accessor methods for directly retrieving the integer code
           and error string from a fault object:


           Both names should be self-explanatory. The values returned are Perl
           values, not RPC::XML class instances.

       Message Classes

       The message classes are used both for constructing messages for outgo-
       ing communication as well as representing the parsed contents of a
       received message. Both implement the following methods:

       new This is the constructor method for the two message classes. The
           response class may have only a single value (as a response is cur-
           rently limited to a single return value), and requests may have as
           many arguments as appropriate. In both cases, the arguments are
           passed to the exported "smart_encode" routine described earlier.

           Returns the message object expressed as an XML document. The docu-
           ment will be lacking in linebreaks and indention, as it is not tar-
           geted for human reading.

           Serialize the message to the given file-handle. This avoids creat-
           ing the entire XML message within memory, which may be relevant if
           there is especially-large Base-64 data within the message.

           Returns the total size of the message in bytes, used by the client
           and server classes to set the Content-Length header.

       The two message-object classes are:

           This creates a request object. A request object expects the first
           argument to be the name of the remote routine being called, and all
           remaining arguments are the arguments to that routine. Request
           objects have the following methods (besides "new" and "as_string"):

               The name of the remote routine that the request will call.

               Returns a list reference with the arguments that will be
               passed. No arguments will result in a reference to an empty

           The response object is much like the request object in most ways.
           It may take only one argument, as that is all the specification
           allows for in a response. Responses have the following methods (in
           addition to "new" and "as_string"):

               The value the response is returning. It will be a RPC::XML

               A boolean test whether or not the response is signalling a
               fault. This is the same as taking the "value" method return
               value and testing it, but is provided for clarity and simplic-


       All constructors (in all data classes) return "undef" upon failure,
       with the error message available in the package-global variable


       The following global variables may be changed to control certain behav-
       ior of the library. All variables listed below may be imported into the
       application namespace when you "use" RPC::XML:

           This variable controls the character-set encoding reported in out-
           going XML messages. It defaults to "us-ascii", but may be set to
           any value recognized by XML parsers.

           By default, "smart_encode" uses heuristics to determine what encod-
           ing is required for a data type. For example, 123 would be encoded
           as "int", where 3.14 would be encoded as "double". In some situa-
           tions it may be handy to turn off all these heuristics, and force
           encoding of "string" on all data types encountered during encoding.
           Setting this flag to "true" will do just that.

           Defaults to "false".


       This began as a reference implementation in which clarity of process
       and readability of the code took precedence over general efficiency. It
       is now being maintained as production code, but may still have parts
       that could be written more efficiently.


       The XML-RPC standard is Copyright (c) 1998-2001, UserLand Software,
       Inc.  See <> for more information about the XML-
       RPC specification.


       This module is licensed under the terms of the Artistic License that
       covers Perl. See <
       tic-license.php> for the license itself.


       RPC::XML::Client, RPC::XML::Server, RPC::XML::Parser, XML::Parser


       Randy J. Ray <>

perl v5.8.8                       2006-02-18                       RPC::XML(3)
See also RPC::XML::Client(3)
See also RPC::XML::Function(3)
See also RPC::XML::Method(3)
See also RPC::XML::Parser(3)
See also RPC::XML::Procedure(3)
See also RPC::XML::Server(3)
See also XML::Checker(3)
See also XML::Checker::Parser(3)
See also XML::DOM(3)
See also XML::DOM::AttDef(3)
See also XML::DOM::AttlistDecl(3)
See also XML::DOM::Attr(3)
See also XML::DOM::CDATASection(3)
See also XML::DOM::CharacterData(3)
See also XML::DOM::Comment(3)
See also XML::DOM::DOMImplementation(3)
See also XML::DOM::Document(3)
See also XML::DOM::DocumentFragment(3)
See also XML::DOM::DocumentType(3)
See also XML::DOM::Element(3)
See also XML::DOM::ElementDecl(3)
See also XML::DOM::Entity(3)
See also XML::DOM::EntityReference(3)
See also XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap(3)
See also XML::DOM::Node(3)
See also XML::DOM::NodeList(3)
See also XML::DOM::Notation(3)
See also XML::DOM::Parser(3)
See also XML::DOM::PerlSAX(3)
See also XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction(3)
See also XML::DOM::Text(3)
See also XML::DOM::ValParser(3)
See also XML::DOM::XMLDecl(3)
See also XML::DOM::XPath(3)
See also XML::Dumper(3)
See also XML::ESISParser(3)
See also XML::Encoding(3)
See also XML::Filter::BufferText(3)
See also XML::Filter::DetectWS(3)
See also XML::Filter::Reindent(3)
See also XML::Filter::SAXT(3)
See also XML::Generator(3)
See also XML::Generator::DBI(3)
See also XML::Generator::DOM(3)
See also XML::Generator::PerlData(3)
See also XML::Grove(3)
See also XML::Grove::AsCanonXML(3)
See also XML::Grove::AsString(3)
See also XML::Grove::Builder(3)
See also XML::Grove::Factory(3)
See also XML::Grove::IDs(3)
See also XML::Grove::Path(3)
See also XML::Grove::PerlSAX(3)
See also XML::Grove::Sub(3)
See also XML::Grove::Subst(3)
See also XML::Grove::XPointer(3)
See also XML::Handler::BuildDOM(3)
See also XML::Handler::CanonXMLWriter(3)
See also XML::Handler::Composer(3)
See also XML::Handler::PrintEvents(3)
See also XML::Handler::Sample(3)
See also XML::Handler::Subs(3)
See also XML::Handler::XMLWriter(3)
See also XML::Handler::YAWriter(3)
See also XML::LibXML(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Attr(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Boolean(3)
See also XML::LibXML::CDATASection(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Comment(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Common(3)
See also XML::LibXML::DOM(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Document(3)
See also XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Element(3)
See also XML::LibXML::InputCallback(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Literal(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Namespace(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Node(3)
See also XML::LibXML::NodeList(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Number(3)
See also XML::LibXML::PI(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Parser(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Reader(3)
See also XML::LibXML::RelaxNG(3)
See also XML::LibXML::SAX(3)
See also XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder(3)
See also XML::LibXML::SAX::Generator(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Schema(3)
See also XML::LibXML::Text(3)
See also XML::LibXML::XPathContext(3)
See also XML::LibXSLT(3)
See also XML::NamespaceSupport(3)
See also XML::Parser(3)
See also XML::Parser::Expat(3)
See also XML::Parser::Lite(3)
See also XML::Parser::PerlSAX(3)
See also XML::Parser::Style::Debug(3)
See also XML::Parser::Style::Objects(3)
See also XML::Parser::Style::Stream(3)
See also XML::Parser::Style::Subs(3)
See also XML::Parser::Style::Tree(3)
See also XML::PatAct::ActionTempl(3)
See also XML::PatAct::Amsterdam(3)
See also XML::PatAct::MatchName(3)
See also XML::PatAct::PatternTempl(3)
See also XML::PatAct::ToObjects(3)
See also XML::Perl2SAX(3)
See also XML::RegExp(3)
See also XML::SAX(3)
See also XML::SAX2Perl(3)
See also XML::SAX::Base(3)
See also XML::SAX::DocumentLocator(3)
See also XML::SAX::Exception(3)
See also XML::SAX::Expat(3)
See also XML::SAX::Intro(3)
See also XML::SAX::ParserFactory(3)
See also XML::SAX::PurePerl(3)
See also XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader(3)
See also XML::SAX::Writer(3)
See also XML::SAX::Writer::XML(3)
See also XML::Sablotron(3)
See also XML::Sablotron::DOM(3)
See also XML::Sablotron::DOM::DOMHandler(3)
See also XML::Sablotron::SAXBuilder(3)
See also XML::Sablotron::Situation::DOMHandlerDispatcher(3)
See also XML::Simple(3)
See also XML::Twig(3)
See also XML::UM(3)
See also XML::Writer(3)
See also XML::Writer::String(3)
See also XML::XPath(3)
See also XML::XPath::Boolean(3)
See also XML::XPath::Builder(3)
See also XML::XPath::Literal(3)
See also XML::XPath::Node(3)
See also XML::XPath::NodeSet(3)
See also XML::XPath::Number(3)
See also XML::XPath::PerlSAX(3)
See also XML::XPath::XMLParser(3)
See also XML::XPathEngine(3)
See also XML::XPathEngine::Boolean(3)
See also XML::XPathEngine::Literal(3)
See also XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet(3)
See also XML::XPathEngine::Number(3)
See also XML::XQL(3)
See also XML::XQL::DOM(3)
See also XML::XQL::Date(3)
See also XML::XQL::Query(3)
See also XML::XQL::Tutorial(3)
See also XML::XSLT(3)

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