UnixWare 7 and SCO OpenServer


moninfo -- monitor information file


   DESCRIPTION     = "identification";
   MON_VENDOR      = "vendor name";
   MON_MODEL       = "model name";

WIDTH = monitor width in millimeters; HEIGHT = monitor height in millimeters;

TYPE = "color | mono";


moninfo files are ASCII files that contain information about specific monitors that are supported by the Xsco(X1M) server. The X server uses moninfo files to determine the physical dimensions of your screen so that fonts and other records are displayed in the correct size.

The files are located under the /usr/lib/grafinfo/moninfo directory, with a subdirectory for each vendor. The subdirectory name must match the value of the MON_VENDOR parameter in the file. The individual moninfo files are within the vendor's subdirectory and are named using lower case with the value of the MON_MODEL parameter, suffixed with .mon. If the directory and file names do not match the parameter names in the file, the Video Configuration Manager will not display your monitor during configuration.

Most monitors can be supported by the generic moninfo files. You only need to create a moninfo file if you wish to add support for a new monitor that cannot be supported by the generic files.


Parameter names and values are case-sensitive and in the form:


DESCRIPTION text that is used to represent the monitor in the supported monitor list in the Video Configuration Manager.
MON_VENDOR name of the vendor who manufactures the monitor. This string must be identical to the name of the directory in which the moninfo file resides.
MON_MODEL model of the monitor. This string must be identical to the name you used for the moninfo file, excluding the .mon extension.
WIDTH width, in millimeters, of the monitor screen.
HEIGHT height, in millimeters, of the monitor screen.
TYPE monitor type. Legal values are ``color'' and ``mono.''

 DESCRIPTION   text that is used to represent the monitor in the
               supported monitor list in the Video Configuration
 MON_VENDOR    name of the vendor who manufactures the monitor.
               This string must be identical to the name of the
               directory in which the moninfo file resides.
 MON_MODEL     model of the monitor.  This string must be
               identical to the name you used for the moninfo
               file, excluding the .mon extension.
 WIDTH         width, in millimeters, of the monitor screen.
 HEIGHT        height, in millimeters, of the monitor screen.
 TYPE          monitor type.  Legal values are ``color'' and
Future X servers may require parameter definitions other than those listed in the preceding table. Graphics adapter drivers ignore parameter definitions that they do not specifically require. This ensures that all drivers can use the same set of moninfo files.


To create a new moninfo file, copy an existing file into the appropriate directory and modify it. This file must be in a directory for the vendor under /usr/lib/grafinfo/moninfo directory. You may need to first create a new directory for the vendor; the directory must be named with the same value assigned to the MON_VENDOR parameter. The file must be named with the value of the MON_MODEL parameter with the .mon extension.

After creating the new moninfo file, run the Video Configuration Manager to add the new monitor to your current X server video configuration.


This is the /usr/lib/grafinfo/moninfo/8514.mon file for IBM 8514 monitor:
DESCRIPTION           = "IBM 8514";
MON_VENDOR            = "ibm";
MON_MODEL             = "8514";

WIDTH = 300; HEIGHT = 220;

TYPE = "color";

This is the /usr/lib/grafinfo/moninfo/sony/1304.mon file for the Sony CPD-1304 monitor.
   DESCRIPTION	= "Sony 1304 (Multi Scan HG)";
   MON_VENDOR	= "sony";
   MON_MODEL	= "1304";

WIDTH = 274; HEIGHT = 207;

TYPE = "color";

For more examples, see the files under the /usr/lib/grafinfo/moninfo directory tree.

Version applicability

moninfo files are used on SCO OpenServer, UnixWare 7, and Monterey-64 systems. Most monitors on these platforms are well supported by the generic moninfo files and do not need to have new files created.

Differences between versions

Future Xsco implementations may use additional parameter definitions. Xsco graphics adapter drivers ignore parameter definitions that they do not require, so graphics drivers can use the same set of moninfo files on all platforms.

See also

02 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005