
G2++ -- introduction to G2++ input/output


A G2++ record is a sequence of printable ASCII characters consisting of names and values with hierarchical relationships implied by tabs and newlines (see G2++(4C++) for a formal syntax definition with examples). Messages used for interprocess communication or records used for long-term data storage can both be structured as G2++ records.

This component provides two kinds of I/O routines for reading and writing G2++ records:

G2++ typed I/O routines - see typed_io(3C++) These routines are generated by the G2++ compiler, g2++comp(1C++). The compiler reads .g files containing G2++ record definitions. For each .g file, it produces a pair of files: a header file and a code file. The header file declares a type together with stream insertion and extraction operators for that type. By including the header file, clients can read G2++ records into program variables and write G2++ records from program variables, with type translation to and from ASCII handled automatically by the I/O routines.

G2++ untyped I/O routines - see untyped_io(3C++) These are library routines that can be used with arbitrary record types. They map between G2++ records and navigable syntax trees.

In addition, this component provides two auxiliary types used in conjunction with typed I/O:

class Vblock - see Vblock(3C++) If a G2++ record definition (see G2++(4C++) specifies an array, then the corresponding declaration generated by g2++comp(1C++) will contain a Vblock.

class G2Text - see G2Text(3C++) A user-defined type that can be "hooked in" to the typed I/O operations whenever Strings containing non-printable characters must be input or output.


G2++(4C++), g2++comp(CP), G2Text(C++), typed_io(C++), untyped_io(C++), Vblock(C++)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 01 June 2005