( mysql_real_connect

Info Catalog ( mysql_query ( C API functions ( mysql_real_escape_string `mysql_real_connect()'
 `MYSQL *mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host,
    const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db,
   unsigned int port, const char *unix_socket,
 unsigned long client_flag)'
 `mysql_real_connect()' attempts to establish a connection to a MySQL
 database engine running on `host'.  `mysql_real_connect()' must
 complete successfully before you can execute any of the other API
 functions, with the exception of `mysql_get_client_info()'.
 The parameters are specified as follows:
    * The first parameter should be the address of an existing `MYSQL'
      structure.  Before calling `mysql_real_connect()' you must call
      `mysql_init()' to initialize the `MYSQL' structure. You can change
      a lot of connect options with the `mysql_options()' call.  
      `mysql_options()' mysql_options.
    * The value of `host' may be either a hostname or an IP address.  If
      `host' is `NULL' or the string `"localhost"', a connection to the
      local host is assumed. If the OS supports sockets (Unix) or named
      pipes (Windows), they are used instead of TCP/IP to connect to the
    * The `user' parameter contains the user's MySQL login ID.  If
      `user' is `NULL' or the empty string `""', the current user is
      assumed.  Under Unix, this is the current login name.  Under
      Windows ODBC, the current username must be specified explicitly.
       DSN on Windows.
    * The `passwd' parameter contains the password for `user'.  If
      `passwd' is `NULL', only entries in the `user' table for the user
      that have a blank (empty) password field will be checked for a
      match. This allows the database administrator to set up the MySQL
      privilege system in such a way that users get different privileges
      depending on whether or not they have specified a password.
      Note: Do not attempt to encrypt the password before calling
      `mysql_real_connect()'; password encryption is handled
      automatically by the client API.
    * `db' is the database name.  If `db' is not `NULL', the connection
      will set the default database to this value.
    * If `port' is not 0, the value will be used as the port number for
      the TCP/IP connection.  Note that the `host' parameter determines
      the type of the connection.
    * If `unix_socket' is not `NULL', the string specifies the socket or
      named pipe that should be used.  Note that the `host' parameter
      determines the type of the connection.
    * The value of `client_flag' is usually 0, but can be set to a
      combination of the following flags in very special circumstances:
      *Flag Name*          *Flag Description*
      `CLIENT_COMPRESS'    Use compression protocol.
      `CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS'  Return the number of found (matched) rows,
                           not the number of affected rows.
      `CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE'Allow spaces after function names. Makes
                           all functions names reserved words.
      `CLIENT_INTERACTIVE' Allow `interactive_timeout' seconds
                           (instead of `wait_timeout' seconds) of
                           inactivity before closing the connection.
                           The client's session `wait_timeout'
                           variable will be set to the value of the
                           session `interactive_timeout' variable.
      `CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES' Enable `LOAD DATA LOCAL' handling.
      `CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS'Tell the server that the client may send
                           multiple statements in a single string
                           (separated by `;'). If this flag is not
                           set, multiple-statement execution is
                           disabled. New in 4.1.
      `CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS'Tell the server that the client can handle
                           multiple result sets from
                           multiple-statement executions or stored
                           procedures.  This is automatically set if
                           `CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS' is set. New in
                           syntax.  This is for ODBC. It causes the
                           parser to generate an error if you use that
                           syntax, which is useful for trapping bugs
                           in some ODBC programs.
      `CLIENT_ODBC'        The client is an ODBC client. This changes
                           `mysqld' to be more ODBC-friendly.
      `CLIENT_SSL'         Use SSL (encrypted protocol). This option
                           should not be set by application programs;
                           it is set internally in the client library.
 Return Values
 A `MYSQL*' connection handle if the connection was successful, `NULL'
 if the connection was unsuccessful.  For a successful connection, the
 return value is the same as the value of the first parameter.
      Failed to connect to the MySQL server.
      Failed to connect to the local MySQL server.
      Failed to create an IP socket.
      Out of memory.
      Failed to create a Unix socket.
      Failed to find the IP address for the hostname.
      A protocol mismatch resulted from attempting to connect to a
      server with a client library that uses a different protocol
      version.  This can happen if you use a very old client library to
      connect to a new server that wasn't started with the
      `--old-protocol' option.
      Failed to create a named pipe on Windows.
      Failed to wait for a named pipe on Windows.
      Failed to get a pipe handler on Windows.
      If `connect_timeout' > 0 and it took longer than `connect_timeout'
      seconds to connect to the server or if the server died while
      executing the `init-command'.
      MYSQL mysql;
      if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
          fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
 By using `mysql_options()' the MySQL library will read the `[client]'
 and `[your_prog_name]' sections in the `my.cnf' file which will ensure
 that your program will work, even if someone has set up MySQL in some
 non-standard way.
 Note that upon connection, `mysql_real_connect()' sets the `reconnect'
 flag (part of the `MYSQL' structure) to a value of `1' in versions of
 the API strictly older than 5.0.3, of `0' in newer versions. A value of
 `1' for this flag indicates, in the event that a query cannot be
 performed because of a lost connection, to try reconnecting to the
 server before giving up.
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