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 7.5.1 System Factors and Startup Parameter Tuning
 We start with system-level factors, because some of these decisions
 must be made very early to achieve large performance gains. In other
 cases, a quick look at this section may suffice. However, it is always
 nice to have a sense of how much can be gained by changing things at
 this level.
 The default operating system to use is very important!  To get the best
 use of multiple-CPU machines, you should use Solaris (because its
 threads implementation works really well) or Linux (because the 2.4
 kernel has really good SMP support).  Note that older Linux kernels
 have a 2GB filesize limit by default. If you have such a kernel and a
 desperate need for files larger than 2GB, you should get the Large File
 Support (LFS) patch for the ext2 filesystem.  Other filesystems such as
 ReiserFS and XFS do not have this 2GB limitation.
 Before using MySQL in production, we advise you to test it on your
 intended platform.
 Other tips:
    * If you have enough RAM, you could remove all swap devices. Some
      operating systems will use a swap device in some contexts even if
      you have free memory.
    * Use the `--skip-external-locking' MySQL option to avoid external
      locking.  This option is on by default as of MySQL 4.0.  Before
      that, it is on by default when compiling with MIT-pthreads,
      because `flock()' isn't fully supported by MIT-pthreads on all
      platforms.  It's also on by default for Linux because Linux file
      locking is not yet safe.
      Note that the `--skip-external-locking' option will not affect
      MySQL's functionality as long as you run only one server. Just
      remember to take down the server (or lock and flush the relevant
      tables) before you run `myisamchk'. On some systems this option is
      mandatory, because the external locking does not work in any case.
      The only case when you can't use `--skip-external-locking' is if
      you run multiple MySQL _servers_ (not clients) on the same data,
      or if you run `myisamchk' to check (not repair) a table without
      telling the server to flush and lock the tables first.
      You can still use `LOCK TABLES' and `UNLOCK TABLES' even if you
      are using `--skip-external-locking'.
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