(mysql.info.gz) Row subqueries
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(mysql.info.gz) ALL subqueries
(mysql.info.gz) Subqueries
(mysql.info.gz) EXISTS and NOT EXISTS subqueries Row Subqueries
The discussion to this point has been of scalar or column subqueries,
that is, subqueries that return a single value or a column of values.
A _row subquery_ is a subquery variant that returns a single row and
can thus return more than one column value. Here are two examples:
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (1,2) = (SELECT column1, column2 FROM t2);
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE ROW(1,2) = (SELECT column1, column2 FROM t2);
The queries here are both `TRUE' if table `t2' has a row where `column1
= 1' and `column2 = 2'.
The expressions `(1,2)' and `ROW(1,2)' are sometimes called _row
constructors_. The two are equivalent. They are legal in other
contexts, too. For example, the following two statements are
semantically equivalent (although currently only the second one can be
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (column1,column2) = (1,1);
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE column1 = 1 AND column2 = 1;
The normal use of row constructors, though, is for comparisons with
subqueries that return two or more columns. For example, the following
query answers the request, "find all rows in table `t1' that also exist
in table `t2'":
SELECT column1,column2,column3
WHERE (column1,column2,column3) IN
(SELECT column1,column2,column3 FROM t2);
Info Catalog
(mysql.info.gz) ALL subqueries
(mysql.info.gz) Subqueries
(mysql.info.gz) EXISTS and NOT EXISTS subqueries
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