( MyODBC Error Codes

Info Catalog ( MyODBC Data Types ( ODBC Connector ( MyODBC With VB
 23.1.18 MyODBC Error Codes
 The following tables lists the error codes returned by the driver apart
 from the server errors.
 *Native     *SQLSTATE 2*  *SQLSTATE 3*  *Error Message*
 500         01000         01000         General warning
 501         01004         01004         String data, right truncated
 502         01S02         01S02         Option value changed
 503         01S03         01S03         No rows updated/deleted
 504         01S04         01S04         More than one row updated/deleted
 505         01S06         01S06         Attempt to fetch before the result
                                         set returned the first row set
 506         07001         07002         `SQLBindParameter' not used for
                                         all parameters
 507         07005         07005         Prepared statement not a
 508         07009         07009         Invalid descriptor index
 509         08002         08002         Connection name in use
 510         08003         08003         Connection does not exist
 511         24000         24000         Invalid cursor state
 512         25000         25000         Invalid transaction state
 513         25S01         25S01         Transaction state unknown
 514         34000         34000         Invalid cursor name
 515         S1000         HY000         General driver defined error
 516         S1001         HY001         Memory allocation error
 517         S1002         HY002         Invalid column number
 518         S1003         HY003         Invalid application buffer type
 519         S1004         HY004         Invalid SQL data type
 520         S1009         HY009         Invalid use of null pointer
 521         S1010         HY010         Function sequence error
 522         S1011         HY011         Attribute can not be set now
 523         S1012         HY012         Invalid transaction operation code
 524         S1013         HY013         Memory management error
 525         S1015         HY015         No cursor name available
 526         S1024         HY024         Invalid attribute value
 527         S1090         HY090         Invalid string or buffer length
 528         S1091         HY091         Invalid descriptor field identifier
 529         S1092         HY092         Invalid attribute/option identifier
 530         S1093         HY093         Invalid parameter number
 531         S1095         HY095         Function type out of range
 532         S1106         HY106         Fetch type out of range
 533         S1117         HY117         Row value out of range
 534         S1109         HY109         Invalid cursor position
 535         S1C00         HYC00         Optional feature not implemented
 0           21S01         21S01         Column count does not match value
 0           23000         23000         Integrity constraint violation
 0           42000         42000         Syntax error or access violation
 0           42S02         42S02         Base table or view not found
 0           42S12         42S12         Index not found
 0           42S21         42S21         Column already exists
 0           42S22         42S22         Column not found
 0           08S01         08S01         Communication link failure
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