( C API date handling

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 22.2.10 C API Handling of Date and Time Values
 The new binary protocol available in MySQL 4.1 and above allows you to
 send and receive date and time values (`DATE', `TIME', `DATETIME', and
 `TIMESTAMP'), using the `MYSQL_TIME' structure. The members of this
 structure are described in  C API Prepared statement datatypes.
 To send temporal data values, you create a prepared statement with
 `mysql_stmt_prepare()'. Then, before calling `mysql_stmt_execute()' to
 execute the statement, use the following procedure to set up each
 temporal parameter:
   1. In the `MYSQL_BIND' structure associated with the data value, set
      the `buffer_type' member to the type that indicates what kind of
      temporal value you're sending. For `DATE', `TIME', `DATETIME', or
      `TIMESTAMP' values, set `buffer_type' to `MYSQL_TYPE_DATE',
      `MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP', respectively.
   2. Set the `buffer' member of the `MYSQL_BIND' structure to the
      address of the `MYSQL_TIME' structure in which you will pass the
      temporal value.
   3. Fill in the members of the `MYSQL_TIME' structure that are
      appropriate for the type of temporal value you're passing.
 Use `mysql_stmt_bind_param()' to bind the parameter data to the
 statement.  Then you can call `mysql_stmt_execute()'.
 To retrieve temporal values, the procedure is similar, except that you
 set the `buffer_type' member to the type of value you expect to
 receive, and the `buffer' member to the address of a `MYSQL_TIME'
 structure into which the returned value should be placed.  Use
 `mysql_bind_results()' to bind the buffers to the statement after
 calling `mysql_stmt_execute()' and before fetching the results.
 Here is a simple example that inserts `DATE', `TIME', and `TIMESTAMP'
 data.  The `mysql' variable is assumed to be a valid connection handle.
        MYSQL_TIME  ts;
        MYSQL_BIND  bind[3];
        MYSQL_STMT  *stmt;
        strmov(query, "INSERT INTO test_table(date_field, time_field,
                                              timestamp_field) VALUES(?,?,?");
        stmt = mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
        if (!stmt)
          fprintf(stderr, " mysql_stmt_init(), out of memory\n");
        if (mysql_stmt_prepare(mysql, query, strlen(query)))
          fprintf(stderr, "\n mysql_stmt_prepare(), INSERT failed");
          fprintf(stderr, "\n %s", mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
        /* set up input buffers for all 3 parameters */
        bind[0].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_DATE;
        bind[0].buffer= (char *)&ts;
        bind[0].is_null= 0;
        bind[0].length= 0;
        bind[1]= bind[2]= bind[0];
        mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
        /* supply the data to be sent in the ts structure */
        ts.year= 2002;
        ts.month= 02; 03;
        ts.hour= 10;
        ts.minute= 45;
        ts.second= 20;
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