(make) Name Index

Info Catalog (make) Concept Index (make) Top
 Index of Functions, Variables, & Directives


* $%                                    Automatic Variables. (line  37)
* $(%D)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 129)
* $(%F)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 130)
* $(*D)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 124)
* $(*F)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 125)
* $(+D)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 147)
* $(+F)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 148)
* $(<D)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 137)
* $(<F)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 138)
* $(?D)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 153)
* $(?F)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 154)
* $(@D)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 113)
* $(@F)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 119)
* $(^D)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 142)
* $(^F)                                 Automatic Variables. (line 143)
* $*                                    Automatic Variables. (line  73)
* $*, and static pattern                Static Usage.        (line  81)
* $+                                    Automatic Variables. (line  63)
* $<                                    Automatic Variables. (line  43)
* $?                                    Automatic Variables. (line  48)
* $@                                    Automatic Variables. (line  30)
* $^                                    Automatic Variables. (line  53)
* $|                                    Automatic Variables. (line  69)
* % (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  37)
* %D (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 129)
* %F (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 130)
* * (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  73)
* * (automatic variable), unsupported bizarre usage Missing. (line  44)
* *D (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 124)
* *F (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 125)
* + (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  63)
* +D (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 147)
* +F (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 148)
* .DEFAULT <1>                          Last Resort.         (line  23)
* .DEFAULT                              Special Targets.     (line  20)
* .DEFAULT, and empty commands          Empty Commands.      (line  16)
* .DEFAULT_GOAL (define default goal)   Special Variables.   (line  10)
* .DELETE_ON_ERROR <1>                  Errors.              (line  64)
* .DELETE_ON_ERROR                      Special Targets.     (line  67)
* .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES <1>             Variables/Recursion. (line  99)
* .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES                 Special Targets.     (line 129)
* .FEATURES (list of supported features) Special Variables.  (line  65)
* .IGNORE <1>                           Errors.              (line  30)
* .IGNORE                               Special Targets.     (line  74)
* .INCLUDE_DIRS (list of include directories) Special Variables.
                                                               (line  98)
* .INTERMEDIATE                         Special Targets.     (line  43)
* .LIBPATTERNS                          Libraries/Search.    (line   6)
* .LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME                  Special Targets.     (line  86)
* .NOTPARALLEL                          Special Targets.     (line 134)
* .PHONY <1>                            Special Targets.     (line   8)
* .PHONY                                Phony Targets.       (line  22)
* .POSIX                                Options/Recursion.   (line  60)
* .PRECIOUS <1>                         Interrupts.          (line  22)
* .PRECIOUS                             Special Targets.     (line  28)
* .SECONDARY                            Special Targets.     (line  48)
* .SECONDEXPANSION <1>                  Special Targets.     (line  57)
* .SECONDEXPANSION                      Secondary Expansion. (line   6)
* .SILENT <1>                           Echoing.             (line  24)
* .SILENT                               Special Targets.     (line 116)
* .SUFFIXES <1>                         Suffix Rules.        (line  61)
* .SUFFIXES                             Special Targets.     (line  15)
* .VARIABLES (list of variables)        Special Variables.   (line  56)
* /usr/gnu/include                      Include.             (line  52)
* /usr/include                          Include.             (line  52)
* /usr/local/include                    Include.             (line  52)
* < (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  43)
* <D (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 137)
* <F (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 138)
* ? (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  48)
* ?D (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 153)
* ?F (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 154)
* @ (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  30)
* @D (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 113)
* @F (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 119)
* ^ (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  53)
* ^D (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 142)
* ^F (automatic variable)               Automatic Variables. (line 143)
* abspath                               File Name Functions. (line 121)
* addprefix                             File Name Functions. (line  79)
* addsuffix                             File Name Functions. (line  68)
* and                                   Conditional Functions.
                                                               (line  45)
* AR                                    Implicit Variables.  (line  41)
* ARFLAGS                               Implicit Variables.  (line 117)
* AS                                    Implicit Variables.  (line  44)
* ASFLAGS                               Implicit Variables.  (line 120)
* basename                              File Name Functions. (line  57)
* bindir                                Directory Variables. (line  53)
* call                                  Call Function.       (line   6)
* CC                                    Implicit Variables.  (line  47)
* CFLAGS                                Implicit Variables.  (line 124)
* CO                                    Implicit Variables.  (line  50)
* COFLAGS                               Implicit Variables.  (line 130)
* COMSPEC                               Choosing the Shell.  (line  39)
* CPP                                   Implicit Variables.  (line  59)
* CPPFLAGS                              Implicit Variables.  (line 133)
* CTANGLE                               Implicit Variables.  (line 107)
* CURDIR                                Recursion.           (line  28)
* CWEAVE                                Implicit Variables.  (line 101)
* CXX                                   Implicit Variables.  (line  53)
* CXXFLAGS                              Implicit Variables.  (line 127)
* define                                Defining.            (line   6)
* dir                                   File Name Functions. (line  17)
* else                                  Conditional Syntax.  (line   6)
* endef                                 Defining.            (line   6)
* endif                                 Conditional Syntax.  (line   6)
* error                                 Make Control Functions.
                                                               (line  11)
* eval                                  Eval Function.       (line   6)
* exec_prefix                           Directory Variables. (line  35)
* export                                Variables/Recursion. (line  40)
* FC                                    Implicit Variables.  (line  63)
* FFLAGS                                Implicit Variables.  (line 137)
* filter                                Text Functions.      (line 114)
* filter-out                            Text Functions.      (line 132)
* findstring                            Text Functions.      (line 103)
* firstword                             Text Functions.      (line 184)
* flavor                                Flavor Function.     (line   6)
* foreach                               Foreach Function.    (line   6)
* GET                                   Implicit Variables.  (line  67)
* GFLAGS                                Implicit Variables.  (line 140)
* GNUmakefile                           Makefile Names.      (line   7)
* GPATH                                 Search Algorithm.    (line  48)
* if                                    Conditional Functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* ifdef                                 Conditional Syntax.  (line   6)
* ifeq                                  Conditional Syntax.  (line   6)
* ifndef                                Conditional Syntax.  (line   6)
* ifneq                                 Conditional Syntax.  (line   6)
* include                               Include.             (line   6)
* info                                  Make Control Functions.
                                                               (line  43)
* join                                  File Name Functions. (line  90)
* lastword                              Text Functions.      (line 197)
* LDFLAGS                               Implicit Variables.  (line 143)
* LEX                                   Implicit Variables.  (line  70)
* LFLAGS                                Implicit Variables.  (line 147)
* libexecdir                            Directory Variables. (line  66)
* LINT                                  Implicit Variables.  (line  78)
* LINTFLAGS                             Implicit Variables.  (line 159)
* M2C                                   Implicit Variables.  (line  81)
* MAKE <1>                              Flavors.             (line  84)
* MAKE                                  MAKE Variable.       (line   6)
* MAKE_RESTARTS (number of times make has restarted) Special Variables.
                                                               (line  49)
* MAKE_VERSION                          Features.            (line 197)
* MAKECMDGOALS                          Goals.               (line  30)
* makefile                              Makefile Names.      (line   7)
* Makefile                              Makefile Names.      (line   7)
* MAKEFILE_LIST                         MAKEFILE_LIST Variable.
                                                               (line   6)
* MAKEFILES <1>                         Variables/Recursion. (line 127)
* MAKEFILES                             MAKEFILES Variable.  (line   6)
* MAKEFLAGS                             Options/Recursion.   (line   6)
* MAKEINFO                              Implicit Variables.  (line  87)
* MAKELEVEL <1>                         Flavors.             (line  84)
* MAKELEVEL                             Variables/Recursion. (line 115)
* MAKEOVERRIDES                         Options/Recursion.   (line  49)
* MAKESHELL (MS-DOS alternative to SHELL) Choosing the Shell.
                                                               (line  25)
* MFLAGS                                Options/Recursion.   (line  65)
* notdir                                File Name Functions. (line  27)
* or                                    Conditional Functions.
                                                               (line  37)
* origin                                Origin Function.     (line   6)
* OUTPUT_OPTION                         Catalogue of Rules.  (line 202)
* override                              Override Directive.  (line   6)
* patsubst <1>                          Text Functions.      (line  18)
* patsubst                              Substitution Refs.   (line  28)
* PC                                    Implicit Variables.  (line  84)
* PFLAGS                                Implicit Variables.  (line 153)
* prefix                                Directory Variables. (line  25)
* realpath                              File Name Functions. (line 114)
* RFLAGS                                Implicit Variables.  (line 156)
* RM                                    Implicit Variables.  (line 110)
* sbindir                               Directory Variables. (line  59)
* shell                                 Shell Function.      (line   6)
* SHELL                                 Choosing the Shell.  (line   6)
* SHELL (command execution)             Execution.           (line   6)
* sort                                  Text Functions.      (line 146)
* strip                                 Text Functions.      (line  80)
* subst <1>                             Text Functions.      (line   9)
* subst                                 Multiple Targets.    (line  28)
* suffix                                File Name Functions. (line  43)
* SUFFIXES                              Suffix Rules.        (line  81)
* TANGLE                                Implicit Variables.  (line 104)
* TEX                                   Implicit Variables.  (line  91)
* TEXI2DVI                              Implicit Variables.  (line  94)
* unexport                              Variables/Recursion. (line  45)
* value                                 Value Function.      (line   6)
* vpath                                 Selective Search.    (line   6)
* VPATH                                 General Search.      (line   6)
* vpath                                 Directory Search.    (line   6)
* VPATH                                 Directory Search.    (line   6)
* warning                               Make Control Functions.
                                                               (line  35)
* WEAVE                                 Implicit Variables.  (line  98)
* wildcard <1>                          File Name Functions. (line 107)
* wildcard                              Wildcard Function.   (line   6)
* word                                  Text Functions.      (line 159)
* wordlist                              Text Functions.      (line 168)
* words                                 Text Functions.      (line 180)
* YACC                                  Implicit Variables.  (line  74)
* YFLAGS                                Implicit Variables.  (line 150)
* | (automatic variable)                Automatic Variables. (line  69)
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