( Concept index

Info Catalog ( Indices ( Macro index
 B.1 Index for many concepts


* arguments to macros                   Macro Arguments.     (line   6)
* Arguments to macros                   Arguments.           (line   6)
* arguments to macros, special          Pseudo Arguments.    (line   6)
* arguments, quoted macro               Quoting Arguments.   (line   6)
* arithmetic                            Arithmetic.          (line   6)
* arrays                                Define.              (line  52)
* builtins, indirect call of            Builtin.             (line   6)
* call of builtins, indirect            Builtin.             (line   6)
* call of macros, indirect              Indir.               (line   6)
* changing comment delimiters           Changecom.           (line   6)
* changing the quote delimiters         Changequote.         (line   6)
* characters, translating               Translit.            (line   6)
* command line, file names on the       Invoking m4.         (line 235)
* command line, macro definitions on the Invoking m4.        (line  78)
* command line, options                 Invoking m4.         (line  10)
* commands, exit status from shell      Sysval.              (line   6)
* commands, running shell               Shell commands.      (line   6)
* commands, running UNIX                Shell commands.      (line   6)
* comment delimiters, changing          Changecom.           (line   6)
* comments                              Comments.            (line   6)
* comments, copied to output            Changecom.           (line  29)
* comparing strings                     Ifelse.              (line   6)
* compatibility                         Compatibility.       (line   6)
* conditionals                          Ifdef.               (line   6)
* controlling debugging output          Debug Levels.        (line   6)
* counting loops                        Loops.               (line  50)
* debugging output, controlling         Debug Levels.        (line   6)
* debugging output, saving              Debug Output.        (line   6)
* decrement operator                    Incr.                (line   6)
* defining new macros                   Definitions.         (line   6)
* definitions, displaying macro         Dumpdef.             (line   6)
* deleting macros                       Undefine.            (line   6)
* deleting whitespace in input          Dnl.                 (line   6)
* discarding diverted text              Cleardiv.            (line   6)
* displaying macro definitions          Dumpdef.             (line   6)
* diversion numbers                     Divnum.              (line   6)
* diverted text, discarding             Cleardiv.            (line   6)
* diverting output to files             Divert.              (line   6)
* dumping into frozen file              Using frozen files.  (line   6)
* error messages, printing              Errprint.            (line   6)
* evaluation, of integer expressions    Eval.                (line   6)
* executing shell commands              Shell commands.      (line   6)
* executing UNIX commands               Shell commands.      (line   6)
* exit status from shell commands       Sysval.              (line   6)
* exiting from m4                       M4exit.              (line   6)
* expansion of macros                   Macro expansion.     (line   6)
* expansion, tracing macro              Trace.               (line   6)
* expressions, evaluation of integer    Eval.                (line   6)
* extracting substrings                 Substr.              (line   6)
* fast loading of frozen files          Using frozen files.  (line   6)
* FDL, GNU Free Documentation License   GNU Free Documentation License.
                                                               (line   6)
* file format, frozen file              Frozen file format.  (line   6)
* file inclusion <1>                    Undivert.            (line  77)
* file inclusion                        File Inclusion.      (line   6)
* file names, on the command line       Invoking m4.         (line 235)
* files, diverting output to            Divert.              (line   6)
* files, names of temporary             Maketemp.            (line   6)
* for loops                             Loops.               (line  50)
* formatted output                      Format.              (line   6)
* frozen file format                    Frozen file format.  (line   6)
* frozen files for fast loading         Using frozen files.  (line   6)
* GNU extensions <1>                    Builtin.             (line   6)
* GNU extensions <2>                    Undivert.            (line  77)
* GNU extensions <3>                    Extensions.          (line   6)
* GNU extensions <4>                    Patsubst.            (line   6)
* GNU extensions <5>                    Search Path.         (line   6)
* GNU extensions <6>                    Esyscmd.             (line   6)
* GNU extensions <7>                    Using frozen files.  (line   6)
* GNU extensions <8>                    Debug Output.        (line   6)
* GNU extensions <9>                    Regexp.              (line   6)
* GNU extensions <10>                   Arguments.           (line  32)
* GNU extensions <11>                   Format.              (line   6)
* GNU extensions <12>                   Indir.               (line   6)
* GNU extensions <13>                   Define.              (line  41)
* GNU extensions                        Debug Levels.        (line  59)
* included files, search path for       Search Path.         (line   6)
* inclusion, of files <1>               Undivert.            (line  77)
* inclusion, of files                   File Inclusion.      (line   6)
* increment operator                    Incr.                (line   6)
* indirect call of builtins             Builtin.             (line   6)
* indirect call of macros               Indir.               (line   6)
* initialization, frozen states         Using frozen files.  (line   6)
* input tokens                          Syntax.              (line   6)
* input, saving                         M4wrap.              (line   6)
* integer arithmetic                    Arithmetic.          (line   6)
* integer expression evaluation         Eval.                (line   6)
* length of strings                     Len.                 (line   6)
* lexical structure of words            Changeword.          (line   6)
* License                               Copying This Manual. (line   6)
* local variables                       Pushdef.             (line  75)
* loops                                 Loops.               (line  10)
* loops, counting                       Loops.               (line  50)
* macro definitions, on the command line Invoking m4.        (line  78)
* macro expansion, tracing              Trace.               (line   6)
* macro invocation                      Invocation.          (line   6)
* macros, arguments to <1>              Arguments.           (line   6)
* macros, arguments to                  Macro Arguments.     (line   6)
* macros, displaying definitions        Dumpdef.             (line   6)
* macros, expansion of                  Macro expansion.     (line   6)
* macros, how to define new             Definitions.         (line   6)
* macros, how to delete                 Undefine.            (line   6)
* macros, how to rename                 Defn.                (line   6)
* macros, indirect call of              Indir.               (line   6)
* macros, quoted arguments to           Quoting Arguments.   (line   6)
* macros, recursive                     Loops.               (line   6)
* macros, special arguments to          Pseudo Arguments.    (line   6)
* macros, temporary redefinition of     Pushdef.             (line   6)
* messages, printing error              Errprint.            (line   6)
* multibranches                         Ifelse.              (line  66)
* names                                 Names.               (line   6)
* options, command line                 Invoking m4.         (line  10)
* output, diverting to files            Divert.              (line   6)
* output, formatted                     Format.              (line   6)
* output, saving debugging              Debug Output.        (line   6)
* pattern substitution                  Patsubst.            (line   6)
* platform macro                        Platform macros.     (line  31)
* platform macros                       Platform macros.     (line   6)
* POSIXLY_CORRECT                       Invoking m4.         (line  10)
* printing error messages               Errprint.            (line   6)
* quote delimiters, changing the        Changequote.         (line   6)
* quoted macro arguments                Quoting Arguments.   (line   6)
* quoted string                         Quoted strings.      (line   6)
* recursive macros                      Loops.               (line   6)
* redefinition of macros, temporary     Pushdef.             (line   6)
* regular expressions <1>               Regexp.              (line   6)
* regular expressions                   Patsubst.            (line   6)
* reloading a frozen file               Using frozen files.  (line   6)
* renaming macros                       Defn.                (line   6)
* running shell commands                Shell commands.      (line   6)
* running UNIX commands                 Shell commands.      (line   6)
* saving debugging output               Debug Output.        (line   6)
* saving input                          M4wrap.              (line   6)
* search path for included files        Search Path.         (line   6)
* shell commands, exit status from      Sysval.              (line   6)
* shell commands, running               Shell commands.      (line   6)
* special arguments to macros           Pseudo Arguments.    (line   6)
* status of shell commands              Sysval.              (line   6)
* status, setting m4 exit               M4exit.              (line   6)
* strings, length of                    Len.                 (line   6)
* substitution by regular expression    Patsubst.            (line   6)
* substrings, extracting                Substr.              (line   6)
* temporary file names                  Maketemp.            (line   6)
* temporary redefinition of macros      Pushdef.             (line   6)
* tokens                                Syntax.              (line   6)
* tracing macro expansion               Trace.               (line   6)
* translating characters                Translit.            (line   6)
* undefining macros                     Undefine.            (line   6)
* UNIX commands, exit status from       Sysval.              (line   6)
* UNIX commands, running                Shell commands.      (line   6)
* variables, local                      Pushdef.             (line  75)
* words, lexical structure of           Changeword.          (line   6)
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